Monday, April 13, 2009

Picture Worth 1000 Words

Courtesy Tim McCarthy- one of our followers

April 22nd is an important high this month
May 18/19th LOOMS LARGE as an important high for May
June 3rd looms large for an important high for June

This graph above pictures the dates that Ive been posting

Remember that May 19th to June 18th could be the BEST shorting OPP this year
and could rival Oct- Nov last year

June 18th could be the same catapult that occurred on Nov 21st, 2008
and we could see multiple 500 pts days in both directions from May 18th to late June

More Later


Anonymous said...

Love the blog still but an awful lot of flip flopping lately jay. You sound more and more like JC with each passing week. I know it's been a tough market to time lately but almost anyone could be right half the time. Might be time to go silent for a while and regain your bearings.

tg said...

Jay, now that it's clear we are closing near the highs above 862, 875 tomorrow is still out of the question? I respect you and your analysis so I'm asking one more time given the way the market is closing now. I'm thinking things might've changed. 875 is only 13 points away. It's looking like possibly a big gap up on the GS news.

tg said...

One thing that's going for Jay's call is xlf daily is way out of the bollinger bands. These spikes are rare and unsustainable, but it doesn't mean it can't spike another day b4 taking a breather. I think the majority of the market is being bought and controlled by the FED and the bankers. Lack of volume on the moves is not necessarily a sign of weakness since it's easier to manipulate.

tg said...

Anon, at least he's making calls and alot of them have been great. If you don't like his calls why don't you just go elsewhere rather than whine about it? I think most here appreciate the effort he's putting in and sharing it. And how do you know he doesn't have his bearings? Last Friday's call alone tells me his bearings are fine. He's not going to nail every single day. If we tank badly tomorrow, it would just mean he was a little early today.

tg said...

Just saying, I don't think it would benefit anyone if Jay went silent for a while.

ckp said...

as a trader jay change his mind and let us know that is good in this market you have to change when wind change so is good he is informing us is really good I appreciate his work.

Anonymous said...

To the first anonymous poster:
As a trader, one needs to adjust according to the messages of the market (bull/bear). Jay has mentioned several times that he is a day trader and on choppy days (like today), you certainly are going to have bullish and bearish moves and one needs to flip flop to make money.

I am an intermediate term trader, and I ALWAYS find Jay's timing predictions (for tops, lows, trending days etc) to be extremely useful. For each his own. If you dont like Jay's work, there is an easy thing for you to do - MOVE ON.


Jay Strauss said...

dont fight guys and girls
there is something here for everyone

Today was 377 tr days from oct 11
all time high
and fibo 1618 from the March 6th low

MY propensity index calls for bigger selloff at open than today and bigger sell off at close tomrrow

still got the 16th as the pivot low and next week as a potential high

see Tim's chart

1pm is a cycle low tomrrow
might be the day's pivot as noon was today.
but more on that later


Jay Strauss said...

1st anon
Take the long road or the short road, but you cant ride them both


tg said...

Weak response to GS earnings afterhours so that answers my dumb question about 875. I need to pay less attention to the news, since it is an excuse for market movement, not a reason for it. I agree that it could be a decent down day tomorrow now that some key indicators have shifted direction. Still holding tza. Even if tomorrow is another up day, (highly doubtful) xlf is a stretched rubber band ready to snap back. It wouldn't be surprising if tomorrow's a huge down day.

Jay Strauss said...

Today was also a BRADLEY which actually was the 12th but its effect was today

Next bradley is the 16th and is expected to bottom out at 2pm

Next HIGH is expected on April22nd
at 2;11pm


Jay Strauss said...

today hits 8113.41 and exact fibo 1618 pts off the March 6th LOW

today is 377 tr days from Oct 12th, 2007 all time high
That makes my June18th date even more important
June 18th is
49 tr days from today- Joe Granvill's favorite
233 from july 15, a low
377 from Dec 17, 2007, a low
thats in addition to
its a Bradley date
144 Nov 20th -2008 and we all know that date
60 year cycle from 1949 - ive shown that chart a few times
And now we see Tim's chart also
More later

Anonymous said...

"today hits 8113.41 and exact fibo 1618 pts off the March 6th LOW"

Wouldn't that be 6495 then? March 6th low is 6443. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Jay, I know you're calling for a down day tomorrow, but have you seen the vix chart? It already broke down and is now testing the trendline. IYR also clearly broke out of its upper trend line (Nov. to Jan. high). Both these point towards April 16th being a top. I'm just throwing it out there.

Jay Strauss said...

I CANNOT jump around and use data that Im not familiar with

To be consistent, I must use what WORKS FOR ME

THIS week is TOUGH to trade- PERIOD

ITS simply a ZAG back to the trend line at spx 820

NOT much $$ to make on the short side.

thats why I reiterate
GET READY to BUY the PIVOT low at 2pm on the 16th

TODAY's LOD should occur at either 1pm and close better after 3;30 leading to

A HIGHER open on Wed which can also be sold at possibly 11am
ditto of Thursday with 2pm offering the buy

More Later

Anonymous said...

Do you expect a big rally on the 17th?

Anonymous said...

yeaaaaaaah baby!!


Anonymous said...

sometimes all the work is in the waiting.

read that somewhere but oh so true


tg said...

Covered my shorts for nice profit...probably early, but I can always reshort from higher levels.

tg said...

"be right and sit tight" - Livermore

Anonymous said...

Do you expect the low on 16th to be a lower low? It seems a lower low after today could make it very hard for the indices to hit highs over yesterday.


ckp said...

congratulation perfect call bottom at 1.00pm.

Jay Strauss said...

I will be shorting the open - Wed April15th
they should make it up near 100 dow pts
first 5 minutes

My propensity index called today to a teee
and its pointing to a HIGHER OPEN

there should be 3 lows tomorrow
10:15 am
11am & 1pm should be matching LOD's
and 3:30
It means tomorrow could be the

Anonymous said...

Jay , So you will be buying puts Wed morning...correct then selling them at the end of the day Thanks eric

Jay Strauss said...

Since I dont like to spend the day glued to the PC & nursing my position I will most likely sell those puts at the earlier LOD
THEN its in the POOL for me

Ravi said...


Your 1:00 PM LOD call was fantastic.

As to the possible rally tomorow AM, looking at waves and retracements, 40 to 60 points on DJI look more likely on the upside than the 100 you mention. that is where I will get back on SPY short.

Ideally, 7980 ish on DJI for short entry. That is where wave 3, or more likely 1 of 3, gets 61.8% retracement with a a,b,c.


Jay Strauss said...

that make a lot of sense -40 to 60 pts at most, and as of 8:45, futures are hovering so the open could go either way

ONE big statement
IM considering BUYING The CLOSE today as tomrrows pivot low at 2pm NOW appears it might come off an open higher
in other words, it would probably be beneficial to buy today's close even with that pivot due at 2pm tomrrow

Anonymous said...

Jay, So I assume you expect another close at LOD (as you mentioned you are buying at close today)?


tg said...

Are you still shorting the open here or waiting for a pop first Jay? Thanks.

Jay Strauss said...

Damn this is tough
WE got the 80 pts runup AFTER
opening down 40 , then got to +42
Now that I bot puts, when to sell them?
3:30 is 258 bars and would be MOST likely time, UNLESS 1pm offers a decent profit

Im still buying the close and will add more if they open lower briefly tomorrow

tg said...

It looks like we're setting up for an afternoon selloff til 3:00. I think your calls are close enough. Shorted fincancials this morning. Look at DBC or XLE. Both sectors are retracing to test the morning break point. I say once they get there, they will break down leading the market down into the afternoon. It's worth waiting to see what happens there.

tg said...

XLE turning now at double resistance point and DBC just got rejected. I think home free will turn down now. jmo

Steve70 said...

Markets not turning down.

What's the point of the short side after the 20 day crosses the 50.

Your fighting gravitational pull.

Think long!

Jay Strauss said...

2:55pm is ASTRO
Sun 60 Neptune

IT MUST BE the CULPRIT holding up the works

Tomrrow's astro is negative
BUT my other working data says UP
propensity & power indexes are looking for a rally tomorrow
Still think that 2pm pivot tomrrow might be the key
Mars II Uranus
50% of 13 day

I cant see how they would rally against that until after


Jay Strauss said...

take a look right now at 1pm
the SPX is way BELOW AN EQUAL LEVEL OF THE DOW & THE nazdaq IS down


tHE activity index is flat line AT .66 - QUITE A LOW NUMBER AND HAS NOT BUDGED.

im not hungry at all AND HAVENT EATEN SINCE 8:30AM


down after 3PM INTO 2PM TOMRROW

Anonymous said...

Thursday looks bearish for stocks -
Sun/Apollon opposition, a strong negative bias.
Aid to the downside by the heliocentric Venus/Poseidon conjunction
and the Mercury/Pluto contraparallel.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention - TA Pather agrees with astro Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Jay, since we are down in to 3PM, does it indicate a turn up now?

Anonymous said...

Jay, doesn't get out of the pool until 4PM

Anonymous said...

Jay, has the movement of the tape changed your opinion about tomorrow? Seems like some Fed intervention going on

tg said...

After screwing up today on my trade, I'm long now and buying dips tomorrow. That's what the tape is telling me. The gravitational pull was strong.

Anonymous said...

april 17 high

Anonymous said...

What are the pumpers doing?

Jay Strauss said...

Negative Astro is losing the battle to positive propensity & power index
Propensity bottomed yesterday
power index still shows a potential for the 2pm dip as does astro
activity index rose from 100 to 200 and is flat for last hour
TO CLARIFY yesterday
258 bars truncated at 3pm
thus last hour & closing rally
today we still have 30b @ 11:30
60b@ 2pm with astro and 13day cycle
the mkt should, but no guarantee, be sluggish until after 2pm -3pm
FROM there, the mkt should rocket higher into tomrrow


Anonymous said...

Fed will purchase $7 billion treasuries today, hence the last hour rally. Also, no major supply coming to the market in the next 2 weeks, which means Fed can pump as they like.

The supply begins to increase starting early May.

Anonymous said...

the beginning of this thread started with charts from Tim.

However, he has since posted updates to those charts - the latest being this am.

have you seen them?

Anonymous said...

The Venus retrograde period terminates and goes direct a half hour before Friday's close. This is indicative of a trend change, rising prices during retrograde, negative bias following the direct station for the next couple weeks.
The Moon will be VOC Friday from 2:15PM till Venus goes direct.

TA Pather says Friday finishes down.

astro8 said...

I have the moon VOC at 12:42PM EST and then into Aquarius at 2:19 EST I think Venus will have a bit of a hangover and the trend continues to the New moon Here is a chart i drew up.$GOLD&p=D&b=5&g=0&i=p37955855597&a=164282628&r=816

astro8 said...

sorry wrong chart. here ya go$SPX&p=15&st=2009-04-01&i=p77595618161&a=165502489&r=723

Anonymous said...

I thought even Jay had 22/23 as the top. So are you implying the hangover extends till 25th (new moon day). Venus turns direct tomorrow and I see everybody (following astro) expecting top.

hmm.... seems government will release stress details on april 24. hmmm... wonder if they use new moon calendar as well. lol


astro8 said...

well i am just saying nothing turns on a dime Venus went retro on the 6th of March but the move started on the 10th. All the good companies are reporting here early so that should get us to that SPX area of 875 we should be able to push up there. then?

Anonymous said...

You mentioned markets dont turn on a dime (and I completely agree), but since March 23/24, we have gained 20-30points. That can be seen as distribution. If true, April 16th fits fine for turn date.
On the other hand, this can be seen as consolidation which allows for a rise to next week (but it will be exhaustive in nature or parabolic as there is no further time for churning) which fits Jay's call for 900+ to April 22/23.

I guess if we dont rocket up late today/tomm or worse yet, go down tomorrow to end up with doji's on weekly, then April 16 may be it..

Any thoughts?


tg said...

Buy any dip if we get one. We are going to close up...possibly way up.

Anonymous said...

2:00 doesn't look like a low pivot point unless we reverse quickly. It appears that the rally has already started.

Anonymous said...

You normally make great calls Jay, but 1 day early this time. Tomorrow may not be that strong an up day since we've launched almost 2 days straight now. The rocket launched yesterday at 2:00pm.

astro8 said...

well i am just saying nothing turns on a dime Venus went retro on the 6th of March but the move started on the 10th. All the good companies are reporting here early so that should get us to that SPX area of 875 we should be able to push up there. then?