Just as this chart shows, they pushed it HIGHER to 1080 today
55 tr days July7th from LOW TO HIGH- not low to low
Looks LIKE today is the PINNACLE HIGH
OCT 2nd is
216tr days Nov 20
233 oct 27th
144 March 9th
Cal, your signal still leaning towards shorts?
looks like W5 is over and start of five wave down may be to 1040
Its 3;30 and is that 5 waves I see
from the high at 2;30??
Wow Jay good job who would have thunk it except those of us watching your calls...
Beat the beast down! Beat the beastgs down! 1min $TRIN.
no one believes this move down bull or bears. it will keep going down just like it had kept going up. here comes 1040 for the jay's friday call to buy.
Ofcourse bro. Fed was a yawner. Signal still short and moreso now. I'm in the green now with all the shorts I took at the 1073 level. All the Fed pump did was create a bigger divergence. Trend is down. Just confirmed.
Thanks cal. we may have doji day with a shooting star. tomorrow with big gap down so no one will be able enter the short except few folks here. .
Given the circumstances of TODAY
I will NOW consider the REAL correction STARTING as of NOW
That means
Spt 28th = wave [a] - 5 waves
spt30 = wave [b] - 3 waves
oct2nd =wave [c]- 5 waves
the NATURAL energy graph that I use showed the SPT 2dn LOW on the 7th
it also shows a LOW on spt 25 which I MUST NOW ADVANCE to Ocotber 2nd
Spx 1040, IF hit on friday - yes would be a good place to cover
reading calls for
more later
where are all our anon bulls and their taunts today?
FWIW VC system stopped out 42.55
from long 42.32 for.23 profit.
Equal to 6.00 es profit in 3 days.
Now flat.
Look at the ES volume !!!!!
all are exiting at the same time. AH will be riots
Unbelievable. I just saw someone buy 15,000 shares of GS at 186.5172 thru THRD at 16:17:03. That's $2,797,758.
Indexes are down 1% and all you bears (rrman) are stroking each other. How much was your drawdown on the melt-up and how many nights did you sleep? LOL! Post your trades for me to believe that you werent squeezed out/bankrupted in this rally. I went all cash today and will let the bears play this counter-trend pullback.
LOL, Peter you are right we bears got our fist laugh after a long time. Bulls have been brutal and still could be so. We have a long way to go but looking at the speed of the decline, it may not take us that long.
we will not know the exact trend change until MACD breaks the trend line ( see Deneric's chart WlSH http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_TwUS3GyHKsQ/SrqEPJbuzNI/AAAAAAAAB9M/M02IzNFJOds/s1600-h/wlsh.png) and it may be 50-100 spx points away for the trend to change. but then watch out. the chart speakes for itself. That is the true SHoRT signal. Until then it is noise. with that signal you can blindly short--20-50% drop assured.
Baltic Dry Index ($BDI) is falling off a cliff.
This is a good clean UNMANUPILATED leading indicator on the Global economy.
It is basically saying there is no growth - or the opposite to what the markets are pricing in.
Should get interesting in October/November.
Short ES 1075, closed ES 1057. Looks like we will get a gap up open instead of a gap down, given how ES went real bullish into the close. I think they are shooting for SPX 1100 for Sep 30.
Check JNK and HYG ... both closed up and those represent risk appetite. I don't buy this sell off. Something stinks. For that matter check pigs like AIG that are flying. And the rats did not desert mothership GS either.
Peter I have a problem with people coming on here and talking with disdain about Jay ....they should go to another board if they don't like his projections....
And here we have one Mr. ARAK, who mysteriously comes and posts "Shorted at 1075, closed at 1057" after looking at day's range. Grow some balls and post REAL TIME, if at all you want to prove your trading prowess (not after the fact crap). Of course, if you are paper trading, you can keep shorting and you will eventually short the top.
Here is my trade for the day - Bot at 1062, sold at 1075, shorted at 1075.50, closed at 1055.5. If we gap up tomorrow, I am long from 1055.5. If we gap down, then I am short from 1061. Get a life.
rrman, I havent commented anything about Jay's posts. In fact I really appreciate him sharing his system. What I feel crap is like the post like ARAK's who comes and says "shorted at top, closed at bottom" after-the-fact. Either a) post real time to add value to everyone here or b) dont post real time trades and call your expectation like Jay does.
I was long - but I am not going to say where I bot and where I sold, coz its of no use to anybody here. All I can add value to this forum is that this is a counter-trend pullback, may be for a week or two. I am not trading it.
Alex's ES Projection Chart says we melt up starting monday down until Friday he's been right on so far match mostly with Jay's stuff
Peter you sign your name the anons that come on here and get hateful with Jay are the ones I was talking about.. your the one that brought my name up!
you do have a point regarding ARAK...but not with rrman. There are others here posting their trades in advance. I hope you're not lumping everyone together. If you don't believe me then read all the previous threads.
Not at all. My initial response for rrman was for
rrman said...
where are all our anon bulls and their taunts today?
As an anon bull, i responded. But when I saw the "shorted at top and closed at bottom" comment, I wanted to call that guy out. Anyways, this is Jay's blog and I respect his input.
If we break below 1056-1055 then expext a move to 1050 or 1040, otherwise we move up from 1056
We may Gap up this morning but the futures on the hourly charts are setting up for a peak close to open .
My posts are realtime mostly on Twitter or sometimes on Disqus. Usually Twitter. I don't have the time to go to each and every blog I visit to post while I'm busy trading wondering whether shorting this market is even right. As for how I arrived at ES 1075, that is easy given ES R2 was 1075 and SPX 1080 -4.5 (ES premium) = 1075.5. And the last time ES made it to 1071.5, I used the same trick as program trading takes place at these levels. Do I know for sure? No, but the probability is very high. Why did I close at 1057? because the order imbalance on ES got so high, where I was seeing 5K+ orders line up on the bid with <1K on the ask. 1055 was also ES S1 for the day.
Unlike Jay, my system is simple. Short or go long on extensions based supply & demand.
Looks like we might get a head fake up today. Probably end in the day with a doji, and down tomorrow as many won't want to hold over the weekend.
Any readings update
Cal, you still long here?
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