Despite SNIPPY remarks from certain so called friends on twitter
WAVE "C" is NOW in progress
SPX 956- 886 = 70
70 x 1618 = 113
SPX 931- 70 = 861
SPX 931-110= 820
WAVE 1 UNFOLDED today at the LOW at 10:45 right on the MARS 90 Neptune
WAVE 2 might have finished at 4pm
They have a VERY LIMITED time to get to the objective above
LOW is STILL UNCHANGED at 4pm on the 9th
Remember I HAD mentioned 26 hrs at 4pm TODAY
NOW we only have19.5 hrs to go
How will it break down?
I know - lets ask FLASH
Hey FLAsh, let us in to SIMON
WHATS NEXT ?? , please
I don't get SIMON. Flash, says investors are going to get melvined soon, but then says SIMON shows today as reversal day. Has anyone followed SIMON timeline projection? Some help will be appreciated.
Jaywiz - I have made mucho $$$ since reading your site. Thanks. I especially appreciate your clear calls and honest post-mortems.
As goes $GS goes the S&P IMHO, FWIW, yada yada yada; $150 is the first warning; I will not become stubborn here; must remain flexible
about 1 hour ago from web
@jaywiz10534 does your system allow for a delay of game until 7/8,7/9 for the big turn down ?; we need to be open/watch to our canary $GS
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to jaywiz10534
What happens if TIME expires at 4pm on 7/9? Do you go long at that point to the 22nd?
Simon sends out confusing messages, but so be it- thats his way of hedging.
as has been said MANY TIMES
the hardest thing a treader has to LEARN is WAITING
Activity index starts out at 66, quite bearish, as also seen by the open futures, but JUMPS to 200
within an hour-
the 26 HOUR count is ACTUALLY at
10am to 11am TODAY from the high at spx 930.01 at 10am on the 30th.
WAVE 2 may NOT have finished at 4pm yesterday and this has a little more work this AM as above
26hr cycle
What ever happens by 10to 11 am will be upended by a LOWER close according to the PROPENS indec which plunges from 3005 to 2995 by tomrrow am
the 8th closes the day at 126bars
the 9th closes the day converging with multiple cycle lows including a
204bars cycle low.
the NEXT 26+13 = 39hrs = 10AM on the 9TH for a Lower open coinciding with some hard lunar aspects
They are also reporting initial claims at 8:30am
If there is any upside on that open, it wont last very long
More later
He writes:
I threw out a turn today late morning for 7/6.
Next one is 7/8,7/9, hopefully a swing back up. Looking for 7/22,7/24,7/25 as lower (much) than 6/23 now.
But I could be wrong. SIMON gets turns but I have to decide direction still most of the time.
Looks LIKE FLASH TURN for 7/6
hit also at 4pm
1. 26 hours ended at yesterday's CLOSE
2. Activity index jump to 200 does NOT look dangerous to the DOWNTREND
and may only show a small rebound off the opening low
3. PROPENSITY indx is MARKEDLY LOWER into tomorrow AM
NOW that makes 39 HOURS at the close of the 8th = A LOW
AND 126bars
That gives tHE 9th to OPEN higher, and after 2 days of LOWER opens, it has a better than 50% chance of doing so.
Power index does show that, but it also shows a LOWER CLOSE
Great work Jay. You are humming right along now. I love your constnt , vigilant, real-time, up-to-minute, analysis. It's like you won't allow anything to get by you by remaining studious and flexible enuf to get the job done. You are an animal.
Jeff P
Hi Jay,
I agree with Jeff. I have to add your non confrontational attitude toward what you call snippy remarks adds to a professional approach.
I want a rebound soon so I can ADD more short puts. Please give me a rebound please.
Caster Troy
From chartsedge comment
"There is a substantial 2-day shift in the one week chart of the S&P 500 and Nasdaq.
The Daily Market Map charts will show a low today (Monday), a high for the week late on Thursday, and a selloff on Friday.
This change was significant enough to send out a mid-week note."
Simon's TURN for 7/6 is/was CORRECT on a smaller time frame. I could elaborate but I can't. Some people will know what I'm talking about. But again, SIMON was CORRECT re: 7/6 turn.
Good work Simon aka Flash.
thanks guys
I do try to keep this a professional business like site
NOON has 78.6% of 13 day cycle
and 258bars TODAY In aboiut 15 minutes and the MARKET is DIVING into a LOW
Im going to CLOSE OUT my put positions at NOOn
says UNDER 8259 = possible 7900,,
but I think we would have to close under 8259 first
Jay, Are we still shooting for the low on the 9th. Then go long Keep up the good work !!!! Thanks Eric
I sold my puts too jay. especially july are tricky as less than 7 trading days remain. profit could evaporate fast. it has happened to me many times. this time lock the profit and relax.
you help has benn tremondous. thanks everyone.
May be your predicition to short on Jul 22 makes sense.
Someone posted this comment on of the blogs
"I have being saying this for a while, but if SPX is forming a H&S pattern, it took 2 left shoulders and 15 trading days to form the left side and we should expect the same for the right side if we are looking at a right side/left side match although in reality it's not perfect. We are still on a 10th trading day on the right side formation and I'm expecting a narrow trading range for at least another week or so."
Symmetry in time between L and R is possible and often likely, but not necessary.
Your work shows a rally to 1 pm Wednesday, followed by a very sharp drop into Thursday close.
We did a 5, 3, 5 from Monday close to Tuesday just before close. It can be an a,b,c that get followed by a sharper a, b, c up above Monday close to say 905 area to complete an extended correction to the initial five waves down from 956. This is what Dan Eric is showing. It case to be considered preferred count get added support from a likelihood of bounce from 880 neck.
However, it is not likely to fit into your time study. For that the likely count is that we did some kind of 1,2, i, down on Tuesday. For that scenario to survive (and for mkt doing a sharp down after 1 pm into Thursday close), Wednesday AM would have to be nothing more than a correction of i which was from 892.3 to 879.9 on SPX and 8256 to 8154 on Dow. Interestingly a 61.8% retrace for Dow is in 8218 area close to the 8220 neck that it broke.
So if we get an a, b, c up to 8220 area, we can get nicely set for your scenario. A move above 8256 negates the wave count favoring your scenario.
We made 8819+ top at 10ish. tHis 61.8% retrace of the second wave yesterday that i talked about yesterday
I dont not expect a higher hi at 1 pm or 2 pm today, if we ar going down hard tomorrow
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