the LOD was at 2;27pm on March 9th
676.53 was the MARCH 9th CLOSING LOW
at 1068.29 the gain = 391.76
391.76/909.31 = 43.1%
38.2% + 5.0% = 43.2%
the recent MAIN cycle LOWS were
Nov 20 - 2008
March 9th -2009
Days apart = 72 / 8 = 9 segments
Some use A 71 day cycle and that was one of them
But more important is the CURRENT cycle
March 9 to first high = 43 days = May 8th
From March 9 = 133 tr days or 44 X 3 =132 as of yesterday
THE NEXT LOW was May27th = 12 days from high to low
and 55 tr days frm March 6th
Which brings us to the current cycle
March 6 + 55 = May27th low to low + 71 to Spt 2nd
May 27th + 89 = October 1st low to low
October 1st/2nd = the next BRADLEY change DATE
MARCH 6th & 9th + 144 = October 1st & 2nd
other cycles ALSO CONVERGING at the SAME TIME
NOV 20 /21 -2008 + 216 days = OCTOBER 1st / 2nd = 4 segments of 54 days
Spt 2nd + 21 days = Oct 2nd = 34 days from Aug 17th & 89 May27
233 tr days OCT 27th , 2008 - which was followed a by a near 1000 pt next day rally
We are NOW 13 days prior to October 1st/2nd where the
NEXT major converging cycle LOWS reside
THIS IS A REVISION to the CYCLE low of SPT 25th
March 9th +