Thursday, September 24, 2009

new thread

cant post anything right now - gotta run out


samamehta said...

cal, do I get it right. if it gaps up you will short.

Anonymous said...


I'm BUYING any opening decline, especially if it's a gap-down. Like Jay said, it's only for the day, perhaps less, we'll see. This is a case where you can take advantage of the volatility hopefully early morning and make big money. Take the day off and go to the firing range for target practise.
If it gaps up, then you have to chase and surprises are to the downside now. Do you feel lucky? So I daytrade and look for first sign of a break and load up on shorts until Monday.


Jay Strauss said...

Your very nimble and tomorrow
has earmarks of quick reversals

THE power index shows potential for small UP open which GOES against my CYCLE data, AND both PROPENS AND POWER show a continuation of the sell off.

Under 1039.47 by one analyst spells BEAR cycle

Hadik needs a cLOSE under 1037, and He might just get it

That WOULD mean MONDAY SHOULD open HIGHER with a BANG, but the POWER index shows another sell off

SO what weve GOT NOW iS

Just the OPPOSITE of what weve seen since MARCH 9, April20, July10, and Spt 2nd lows

IF they open DOWn, then we can get a brief rally, and reverse to close LOWER

IF they OPEn higher tomrrow, we can plan to short that open

180 bars was SUPPOSED to hit Yesterday at 3;30 - there was a MINOR blip at 3;30, so I guess the timing was thrown OFF by the FED rally.

A LOW actually DID occur at 204bars @ 10:45, 15 min early so the BAR count got back into SYNC AND 228 bars got hit at 1:45 = 15 min late

NOW we are expecting 258bars SUPPOSED to hit at close today, but the close was NO where near qualified, so we could see it occur at 10am
IT gets CONFUSING, especailly when out of sync, but it will show up within the first hour

more later

Given the POWER & PROPENS index readings for tomrrow, I cannot agree with Danerics wave count looking for 1060 tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

We will not gap up. It will be a large gap down and crash, surprising everyone.


reddragonleo said...

I'm looking for 1040 tomorrow. Whether it closes there is anybodies guess. It might shoot right through it a few points, but either way I'm closing out shorts around 1040 any going long.

If it goes lower I will still hold until next week. Those Bulls won't give up until they get that 1108 gap fill from 2008.

I think it will hit that mark, or a little higher, by October 5th-7th. In between now and then will be a rough ride...

Anonymous said...

Real crash happens tomorrow, Dow will be down 200+ points.

Anonymous said...

If you stayed short into tomorrow, you'll be greatly rewarded. We should get a large gap down...if not, short the gap up heavily because it will collapse in the first 15 minutes.


Jay Strauss said...

Finally ANON's with REAL
constructive comments

TODAY is 28days from August 17th
you remember that day? I'll illuminate

On Aug 17th the DOW opened DOWN 199, and lingered all day closing down 186

Could today be a DUPLICATE??
at lest on close.

Lets SEE
SPX futures are DOWN 5.00 at 9am, thus 1039.47 looks like a dead issue= NO SUPPORT
SPX 1050 - 25 pts = dow 200 =1025
1080 - 1025 = 55 FIBO points

WHY NOW ?Iran secret exposed = PLUTO DIRECT & waning Sun Square
from 23rd.

Wed = 2.32
Ths = 2.04
Cumlative so far DID NOT produce a buy signal
PC ratios YESTERDAY ARE more bullish than bearish, BUT the WAVE has to RUN ITS COURSE

REMEMBER I had posted SEVERAL TIMES to BUY the CLOSE of the 25th
and a drop today of 200 dow points SHOULD LEAD TO A VERY STRONG OPEN MONDAY= Yom Kippur

Consider TODAY as WAVE [A]
Monday to WED morning = WAVE [B}
Oct2nd WAVE {C}

IF you do buy the close today, then be prepared to sell that position

more later
during the day monday

Ravi said...

SPY including extended hours gives a clearer count. Yesterday's wiggles from 1045 bottom along with early up pre-market was all iv after all. Any new low made this AM will complete v.

So,the wave count is aligning well with Jay's cycle/astro call for bottom early Friday AM around 10, then a rally. That should be an a,b,c rally towards 1062 + -.

reddragonleo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Reza said...


In other words close shorts today and reshort again at Monday's high


reddragonleo said...

200 points down would be awesome Jay! Love to see 1025 on spx, then go long next week.

I think it's going to be pretty choppy, but I think it will be most up until that October 5th-7th turn window.

Whatever high they reach, it should be at least enough to close that gap from 2008 at about 1108.

Are you going to try and play the swings (5 waves to high), or just hold till the turn date?

P.S. I hate it when I type too fast and miss spell a word. It bugs me to the point that I have to go back and edit it, or delete it and re-post.

Sorry, my mother was a school teacher!

Anonymous said...

Long SPX 1045


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Одним из таких деятелей, является БУСАРЕВ ВЯЧЕСЛАВ ВАЛЕНТИНОВИЧ - председатель налоговой службы АР Крым. Личность, которую можно поставить в пример многим политикам, ведь Вячеслав Бусарев получил старт в карьере государственного служащего когда у власти была Партия Регионов, однако, остался при должности и до настоящего времени, когда Партия Регионов находится в оппозиции, а все почему?! Все очень просто, В.Бусарев работает на свой карман, а не для бюджета Украины, «кормит» вышестоящее руководство ГНА Украины и остается «своим» при любой власти в стране. Перейду к конкретике, подтверждающей все выше изложенное.
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Почему то, при якобы тотальном контроле со стороны налоговой, указанные выше субъекты без проведения проверок перестают работать, а на их месте создаются в один день от трех до пяти подобных предприятий, при чем регистрируются в один день, на одних и тех же лиц, также в один день выдается свидетельство плательщика НДС, при отсутствии расчетных счетов в банках.
Все вышеуказанные предприятия «помогли» своим контрагентам скрыть от налогообложения сотни миллионов гривен, а это бюджетные деньги страны. Соответственно, за «спасибо», т.е. бесплатно, указанные предприятия не существовали бы. Поэтому предприимчивый В.Бусарев обложил данную деятельность «налогом в свой карман», а именно, ставка этого «налога» составила 0,8% от валового оборота деятельности каждого из указанных предприятий, а это в итоге миллионы гривен. Но, как Вы понимаете, без поддержки сверху, такая «деятельность» не существовала бы. Поэтому В.Бусарев должен отдавать некоторую часть денег заместителю ГНА Украины В.Кайзерману, который взамен, за это поддерживает В.Бусарева и ежемесячно либо снижает планы поступления налоговой Крыма в бюджет, либо при угрозе его невыполнения корректирует в сторону уменьшения.
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