I should LEARN not to DOUBT the EKG and we can SEE from the IMPACT stream
WHY the market is holding in positive ground despite the grossly overbot situation
60bars might have already hit at close Monday, but I dont think so
I dont think that rise depicted above will have much meaning by the time tomrrow's over
Looking for a LOW Thsday at 10am and or 1pm
IHAVE NEVER EVER seen such LOW LOW Numbers for the ARMS 5 & 10
ARMS 5 = 53-- under 100 is bearish
Arms 10= 595, Under 1000 is bearish
TRIN 5 = 265, under 400 is bearish
and this is the THIRD day in a row for such low numbers
OEX pc ratio still very low near the .50 level, also outrageously bearish
FLUX activity has been WILD ALL DAY for 12 days now- NOT sure what it means
but IT Happened every day in Jan, Feb 2009 till MARCH 13th, then NOTHING till
Nov 2010
More later
great call on Monday's EKG Jay
WERE just a few minutes away from the FED announcement at 2;15, and we SHOULD get the START of a 50 to 100 pts SPX decline into a low on the 22nd.
Impact stream data has NOT shown any more strength, and the mkt really should start to follow the original graph showing a sell off late today
FED has NOTHING new to offer, and its statement should reflect
a stalemate
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