we know theres a bear in there somewhere, we just have to keep digging out the pile of sh
Between eclipse, dec 21st and Jan 4th we should see some selling and a possible low on DEc 29th with renewed buying the first week of Jan 2011
It could be as late as Jan 24th before any extensive selling begins, but lets reserve that outlook till we see Dec29th
ENERGY levels LIFTING the market
cycles need to converge on that 55-110-165-220 day TOMRROW , along with the FULL moon Eclipse at 3am tonight.
The after math could be quite bearish
the warning for today is to PROTECT your assets
Dec 21st -Tuesday is another Bradley date
Comments on CNBC are quite bullish, many expecting higher levels in 2011
They are NOW accustomed to buying the dips again, as each time, the mkt recovers.
Oil at $150 and stocks topped in 2008, & now we have oil at $90-- is it telling us anything?
more later
stormy as the day progresses
Remember that the EKG shows direction, and just because it shows a large amplitude change, doesnt mean the market will respond as such.
Big cluster tomorrow including full moon eclipse tonight could set the stage for change
today calls for asset protection
something today could upset the applecart
Jay - we have 2 POMO today for $15 Billion. Today can be an UP day
This is really an interesting day in a "chess" sort of way. We just got finished with the first FED buying at about 11:10 and the market hit the days low immediately thereafter. ( -44 DOW pts) The next one should hit within the next 40 minutes.
Look at the VIX, as it has moved sharply lower back to levels previously consistent with trading highs in the S&P 500. Moreover, the 20-week stochastic is at oversold level further consistent with a turn higher as it eventually always does.
This market has defied our timing models, but that doesnt mean we wont see a strong pullback.
Its not a matter of IF, just a matter of WHEN
the MOST likley time period for a DRAMATIC decline is Jan 7th and or 24th to APRIL 1st.
but we do seem to be topping right at that 55 day to -220 convergence and full moon eclipse
which makes us suspect that we could see a minor sell off this week.
tomrrow's ekg does show something
might occur
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