STILL at 70% for DAILY accuracy since March 24th if this year
26 hrs at 10am
Neg energy at 10:30am
90bars at 11;30
take yur pick
I really think that 1260 will remain the CEILING and we will start to deteriorate VERY SLOWLY from there and HOLD this NARROW range and current levels till MID MARCH
IT IS POSSIBLE we just might get a very serious crash wave, but NOT until the last 2 weeks of MARCH
I will follow up on this scenario in more detail as the new year begins
best wishes to ALL for 2011
I really think that 1260 will remain the CEILING and we will start to deteriorate VERY SLOWLY from there and HOLD this NARROW range and current levels till MID MARCH
IT IS POSSIBLE we just might get a very serious crash wave, but NOT until the last 2 weeks of MARCH
I will follow up on this scenario in more detail as the new year begins
best wishes to ALL for 2011
Hi Jay
I think you could be a little late for your March correction.
I believe Feb could see a serious reality check.
What the market does I have no idea as it won't freak me out to see QE3 or 4 for the hell of it just to stabilize the market.
Futures trader
If we do get a March DEBACLE, it will come at the TAIL END of a moderate slow down from about Jan 20th onward to March 28th, April1st
in other words, they always save the best for last
Ive mentioned this MANY MANY TIMES
11am-1pm & 3pm are TYPICAL high points during the day and today was a perfect score
90bars at 11:30
126bars at 2:30
were also in perfect harmony
ACCORDING to the POWER DATA, we should see the mkt now sell down some into Friday-
Energy doesnt agree with that, but we shall see which one gets it right
Jan 3rd POWER DATA shows indications for a SLUGGISH START with some recovery during the day which may not stick as the day has no redeeming values
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