the Impact data stream shows us that energy is waning today- will it show up in reduced
stock prices today or is a further declining in energy later going to effect the open tomrrow
Jaywiz index more bearish today at .28
NOTHING has changed- Still heading for a cycle convergence on Dec 21, but there should be some evidence of the cycle influence starting either tomrrow or Monday.
more later
yep, pretty boring choppy action the next couple of days... another triangle....? correct, another X wave imho
ps: if you are right and we top on Dec 21 then expect a high of about 1256,68 SPX
thats a PIVOT LOW on DEC 21/22
Cycle converge
Last such cycle produced a high
this one should be a low
TOP not expected till Jan 7th and or 24th
Then extended turn down similar to 1st Qtr 2009, or 2000
The bond action is not looking good at all. I believe we are working on a massive, major top in the stock market. When that top finally come about, investors won't have the safety of bonds.
TIME AND price square right NOW from Previous time slots
Any minute the mkt could tank
I suspect Either Tomrrow or Monday
could shows us the way
Representative Ron Paul, Texas Republican and author of “End the Fed,” will take control of the House subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve.
should be interesting for FAZ
5 minutes to go can the ES dec close above 1235..It does troubling signs for the Bear it doesnt then the life support is still works for the bears
Life support still works for the bears...thats 3 days in a row a 1235 rejection...very bad for the bulls.
But also bad for the bears is that they cant seem to drop the market down..
The tug a war continues tomorrow.
Jay - CNBC makes it sound like it's a sure thing that China will raise rates this weekend. They seem to think it will cause a commodities & market dip too.
Monday could be very bad news.
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