Go over there if you cant read it here, using the link I provided on my main page.
I picked up on an 11day cycle recently- I dont know HOW long it is going to repeat
but here are the dates for now
July10 @ was also a turn higher on a Jaywiz cycle low @ 10;30
July31st, but the 29th was the low & turn on the Jaywiz cycle low at 11am
Aug 17 - low
Spt 2 - low
Spt18 but the high was on the 23rd& the Jaywiz cycle was on the 22nd at 10:30am
Oct 2nd - low
Oct 19th TODAY - & the Jaywiz cycle was on Oct12th at 10:30am
NEXT comes
Nov 2nd , but the Jaywiz cycle is on the 29th at @10:30am
indicating potential for a turn higher on the day,
but imo does not negate the 2nd for the pivot low
Nov 16
Nov 30
I guess we will see how those future dates work out
They are only dates that seem to indicate a turn, so we will watch them as they approach
MKT: A new SPX high today portends extending our turn day into tommorow 10/20; Simon Says extend it anyway !
14 minutes ago from web MKT: wants to go higher for now; today is a turn day; good stops at 1083 SPX now; watchin the $BKX
The Flash
Thanks Flash
I read it also
Link over to market thoughts
from the main page to get another outlook
Failure to break out should become obvious after the fact
Today marks a couple of short term cycles
Oct19= as mentioned on the main page
11 days from oct2nd
Oct19 is also an 8 day cycle HIGh
from the low on the 7th @ 2;15 = 52 hrs.
SO, if we reach a new high at 2;15 today, that might qualify , unless the cycle requires a higher close
You have a good way of looking for patterns. However, mkt is not agreeing. How about looking for upward patterns also?
One can easily learn how not to trade using your blog.
As always, shameless bragging. Why not just put your head between your legs and shut up?
power index shows a high on the 22nd
and the read for the day indicates
bad news
SO, we might see some churning or back and fill till then as tomorow AM has a 39 hr cycle at 10am
Doesnt look like a sell off till the 22nd
Amazing how often the 23rd becomes a turn date as the addition = 5 and that represents change
23rd is also a Bradley date
What the F are you talking about
Im only presenting cycles
Use them or leave
Other sites are looking at various other data also, and presenting their thoughts
Wheres YOURS ??
Your not supposed to TRADE my blog
gather your data and make your own decisions
HERES MY trading plan
BUY tomrrow at 11am
Sell 21st open @ 10am
BUY 21st at 11;30
SEll 22nd mid day
BUY 26th at noon
Market looks like it's running out of steam finally...we may have a drop now.
1:43pm might have been a high
Once We have IDENTIFIED a PIVOT low
we can then BUY into the next high
SPT2nd was one I hit
Oct2nd was another
NOV 2nd will be another
Its up to you to do something with that If your analysis agrees
AN apex might have occurred today at 1;43pm - IF SO, then we should see a low at the Jaywiz cycle tomrrow at 2pm, then a better close
I doubt that was the high...never short a dull market...we are coiling to explode even higher to start the next run. Don't miss out on this one like that last several bull runs.
activity index started the day at 66, thus the 10am low at 228bars
jumped to 166, thus the 100 pt dow run up
then back to 66 at 1pm and flat at 66 till 2pm with a one hr delay.
OK, X;
look! they're buying it up again on the back of more bull***t earnings reports,i despair i really do.i never forgot the rally of 2007,mainly because i done a shed load of cash shorting it half the way up.but i tell you now,no-one will forget this gruelingly manipulated rally either.its on borrowed time and has been for well over a month now.no more than 30pts maximum left in this and i think more like 10. short at an average of 1094 still.
Sell todays close??? oops
Wow jay you're on a roll now...in predicting the opposite of what the market does...no wonder you're ranked bottom 97% on market guru. Flipping a coin will be a better strategy
If apple's any indication, this earnings driven rally should last another week or so. Just buy dips until it doesn't work...stop relying on the stars!
Hi Anonymous folks, like I said. TA shd be used but you cant ignore curencies, OIL, media... I am long as stated due to theres no way in hell that the banks and other leading industries would project loss's this QTR. The research all points to this.
For the TSX Im looking for 11900 or max 12200. We keep bouncing into 11600, I think its been 3 times now, if we go over 11600 for 2 days in a row then Im betting my money will go to 11900 for sure. The reason why I say this is FXC and OIL seems it wants to move to $85. When I review some of my LONG Blogs they seem to support this theroy as well
What do the longs say on this blog?
Thanks as always with your feedback Jay, it does help me to balance my research and personal take on things
chk this out, I find int quite interesting, I guess if we ram thru this via this weeks action then looks like will run a tad further.
Take care
Jay, I happened to stumbled into your blog. Interesting.
Thanks for sharing your insights.
dream 75
and thanks for commenting
Hope to make it better, very shortly
Send me an email
Im curious - how did you find me?
I think I found you from Carolan's web site. One of the subscriber posted ur blog.
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