Looks like the wave is heading lower
Wave i down to noon
wave ii up to 12;45
wave [i] to 1047.24 at 2;30
Now in wave [ii] so far to 1050.59 at 2;45pm
wave [iii] should be next on the schedule
1080-1020 =60
60 x 62% = 37 + 1023 @ 3;45pm low on Friday =1060
i dont think I counted that right
SIMPLE terms
1 down to 1056 @noon
2 up to 1058 @12;45
3 down to 1047 @ 2;30
4 now in progress to 3;15??
5 to close ?
OFf the 1060 high at 11;15
did they finish wave 4 from 2;30 lo and start wave 5?
Dollar re affirmed for OIL trading
Should have an effect tomrrow
dollar up stocks & gold down
why now Your posts are dedicated only to ew????
Elliott Wave analysis is akin to driving by looking in the rear view mirror
you should stick to what you do best. Since yu do Ewave, you been screwing up your predictions. I'm trying to follow but you make some errors and change your mind many times.
Ewave ok but no way I use it for trading unless you use something else with it. I think this last week is good example how many Ewavers get screwed by wrong count. I see lots of charts but nothing to substantiate the counts. No way I follow their counts. No more.
Cal, where do you stand here? thanks. waiting for your signal.
I think you do best with astro timing. If I look at your predictions, the original ones always work best. When you change predictions based on EW, your success rate goes down. Not picking holes, just my observation. In fact I have done well following just your astro, and market internals to figure short levels.
oh and for the anon that likes to needle my trading .... short ES 1051 into the close today. Low confidence short, but pattern says gap down possibility. That is why I took it.
Thanks Arjun
Atilla's bullish now...expecting 1070-1090. He and Sol have been on a roll lately. I agree that this is another rally leg brewing. Not sure why so many are expecting a retrace. We didn't get one in early September. I've been bullish since Friday and am still long this market.
thats FUnny how you guys picked that up just as I did
Elliottiers on Friday & MONDAY were BEARISH looking for lower than 1020
GOT ME OFF TRACK as LAST WEEK -I did CALL for OCT 2nd LOW followed by a 2 day rally to 1063
Bingo we got just that
NOW, they are in UNISON pushing the spx to 1120
what do I think--NO WAY JOSE--
WE are NOW the CUSP of the BEST SHORTNG OPP since LAST Spt
Friday, the bear will show his claws and the cascade will continue to the 16th-19th
thanks for pointing out the FLAWS
I will get back to what works.
Arak -
I put up a LINK to your twitter
on the main page
HI Carlos
good to know your still here
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