+ 39 hours
Oct 2nd LOW @ 10am
+ 39 hours
Oct12th high
+39 hours
Oct20th at 10am - low
Oct20 also has a 50%/13 day cycle segment at 2pm
No way to know which will be the LOD
Overlapping cycles
Spt30 at 10am lo
OCT 8th at 10am hi
NEXT is OCT 16th at 10am
Weakness increases today, and tomrrow
Expect a HUGE drop on 15th
Minor reversal on 16th at 10am, BUT
resumption of decline on 19th & 20th as above
media and public sentiment very positive
CNBC loves to hear themselves say DOW 10,000
Today's closing PC ratios should be quite bearish
I expect a slide into the close. Probably starts after 14:50.
Tomorrow we get a 315 degree lunar phase (balsamic cusp) statistically supports down days.
We'll see.
HI Coy
Tomrrow calls for positive start
but afterward it should be non stop lower on 14-15 and Am of 16
16 has a good bounce up to 1pm=
39hrs from the 8th at 1pm
For clarity Jay, don't you mean a bounce up from 1pm on the 16th?
the 39 hr cycle can be
low to low
low to high
high to high
Aug 17th LOW at 10am + 39hrs = Aug 25th @10am was a HIGh
Spt 2nd@ 10:30 low +39 = Spt11 high @ 10am
Spt 23rd High + 39 hrs = Oct2nd low
Oct 2nd LOW @ 10am + 39hrs = Oct 12 @ 10 to 11am
HOWEVER, there are TWO cycles interwoven
SPT30 + 39 = Oct8@ 10am
Oct8 +39hrs = Oct16 @ 10am
is indicated as a low
Oct16 +39 = Oct26 @ 10am
is indicated as a low-possibly to be confirmed by power & propens later on
Venus 135 Jupiter at 1pm on the 16th looks negative, but the reading for it is indulgence which Im interpreting as positive
In addition, the POWER index ALSO shows the 16th UP after the open.
SO, putting those pieces of the puzzle together seem to point at a 1pm high on the 16th.
email me if your still confused.
Man what a great meal last weekend, humbled to live in Canada.
Tuesday sees reports from Intel at closing, if good this is great for Longs like me
Wednesday sees a report from JPMorgan Chase which I hear are great, lets see...
Thursday sees reports from Citgroup, Goldman Sachs, Google and IBM
Friday sees reports from Bank of America, General Electric and Halliburton.
OIL is running, so if the BKX this week does well from the earnings then BAM....
SPY will hit 110, OIL next level is 75
If the bulls don't goose the SPX at the close, we will have a failure on the hourly. Many indicators were turning up from the 50 level, mid-fork bounce, break above 13-EMA all being negated.
A break down in the morning would be an insta-ride to 1057.
Nothing looks bearish this week. Mild correction maybe. Otherwise it's still trending up big time.
Goodluck you permabears.
INTC just blew the quarter...shares are halted but looks like bulls win yet again for tommorow...unless JPM has some horrible news (doubt it)!
Where is Mahendra crash?? This is the third time a crash was called.
And tomorrow looks like BIG gap UP.
Sorry Jay. All trends are UP. Tomorrow we hit a new yearly high.
Perhaps you need a new system cause you're really inconsistant lately if not all the time. Some of your long term forecast workout, and I emphasize sometimes but your daily cycle calls are erratic at best.
Judging by the futures, there could be way more upside this week.
Glad I closed out my shorts this morning.
How can you have confidence in all those indicators you have if they can't see the rallys of today and tomorrow. It sure casts doubt on on their reliance. It really is not worth taking seriously anymore since the faillure rate is getting pretty high. Goodluck Jay. I wish you all the best. I just don't trust your indicators anymore. They've failed one too many times for my likiking.
Guys today was the last of the POMO, thats why the futures pumped up big time, also keep in mind last week they had the POMO and it was also used on Alcoa day to ramp it up. Hope this is the last of the POMO
one more POMO and $3.5B left
this is perfect set up for reversal. spike up in am and then down
"NO MORE UPSIDE this week"
It's ok to be wrong (none of us is perfect!), but no comment on mistakes means you're not likely to do better in the future.
If traders spent more time and energy on IDENTIFYING important tops and bottoms and not just predicting them...they would all be better off.
case in point:
you missed this very profitable rally
kiki d
As Roberto Duran would say:
"no mas" "no mas"
you're killing me with your absolute forecasts and the forecasts you do get right, you convolute with elliot wave and miss a great trade.
"no mas" "no mas"
Joe trader
Jay -- youre not the only one. It seems like all the Ewavvers on your link list like Daneric and Kenny etc are all screwed up in forecasting trends. No wonder cause tyhey all follow each other like a herd of cattle.
Hey guys,,
Someone else whose predictions leave aot to be desired is Ian(rajacar).
That guys mastercycle is a joke. His intraday trading is pretty horrific too and he charges people for that on top of it all.
You are CORRECT. I was suckered into his scam. Found out IANs only slightly better than a coin flip. Like many when he's right it looks great. But,,,,,
EW does NOT work for TRADING.
And neither do Jay's cycles.
He has so many of them that some are bound to hit some of the time.
Just like a coin flip. Trading WITH
the trend is the only way to trade.
Lets see what FXC does, XLK, OIL SPY and BKX. I think we rally till mth end and fall in NOV. I believe OIL will start to drop next week.
Beware of FLASHFUSION's Oct19/2009 date.
The COT guy's saying Nov2 but he's usually off about a week or 2.
I like to keep tabs on people who use unique methods or hidden methods to time trades. They are the out-of-the-box thinkers who don't follow the crowd hence they are always taking their money. The Ewavers are all following each other and usually on the wrong side of the trade. There are way too many of them now. Any good Elliotician uses an underlying method to direct his elliotwave.
Forget about calling FUTURE tops and bottoms. Just FOLLOW the CURRENT
TREND. Concentrate on the present.
And Mahendra is useless BTW. Another
crash call #3 and another new high.
Also, Mahendra's fees are way to high
For what Mahendra charges, that guy is bordering on commiting theft. But, people buy his nonsense nonetheless. Lot's of false advertising when it comes to success. But then again most forecasters out of sheer ego, distort their success rate. These guys don't have to trade or be good traders. They make a bice living off scamming gullible folks with subscription fees.
Well said. He is a huckster.
Tim' site has some comparison to 30, 80 and present
The best window today for Dow 10,000 is 2:00 and 3:15. Likely to fade into the close either way.
The astro calls and firm predictions on this blog are starting to look silly now lol This blog is the new xtrends fade
<--second coming of attila
The way Jay uses cycles is akin to "hurst cycle" advocates. They're too fixed and the rules to rigid. They have no sense when they start and end, except based on time. This is not how cycles should be used. Cycles get a bad name just as elliotwave does because it's adherents lack a certain fundamental philosophical understanding about price movement and how to measure it.
You will never see the truth on the internet as those with proper understanding guard their work and knowledge closely.
Jay does fairly good when he sticks to his bigger picture projections. Several months ago he called for a mid Oct hi.
Think if he ignored some of the chatter, ewave stuff and power indicators and stuck with his big picture ideas, he'd do much better.
I for one do best with my I/T positions, which right now are slanting bearish as of todays close.
Cal, yes the same cal that said Aug. would end near a hi after a mid month low.
IF you think the DOW is going to BLOW right thru 10k and keep going with everyone watching
then i want to tell you about a bridge in Brooklyn
that I OWN & can sell you for cheap.
2:30pm was the TURN on SPT 23rd
So we will see what happens after 2;30 today as COY mentioned also.
1089 is next 9 level
1095 is next Murrey math level
then 1099
DOW 9999 has numerological reference
Heres another relationship that might have significance
NOV 20 + 72 days = MARCH 9
March 9 to Oct 2nd was 144 days
was 12 Squared
March 9 + 153 days = Oct14
Nov 20 + 225 days = oct14
225 days = 15 squared
Just playing with math to see if ANY significance
HI Cal, haven't heard from you lately. Where do you stand here directionwise? thanks
trying to break out from a very obvious inv head and shoulders right now,1098 target if so.dont like the look of it myself
Chris is one very good mathematician
and please post anything else that you find of value
we are at 225 days from Nov 20
and it looks like they DONT want 10K to be seen as a failure
Today has midnite low tide- does not mean a low, but a change is possible
Venus 90 Pluto tomrrow at 1;19pm denotes An unpredictable CHANGE
reading says: watch your $$
"No More Upside This Week"
That says it all. Adios
Nice try Jay.
Hey Jay -
keep up the good work , you are as good as any.
Sure sign of a top with all the bulls on here getting giddy with euphoria.
When it comes , they will not even have time to get out.
Market rockets on INTC - yet INTC has been going down and down since open. Interesting .
well samamatha
If I'm going bearish tonight that means the direction IMO is now down.
OK ok ok maybe you didnt read my bearish slant for tonights close.
right now I have 2 points for an I/T hi. Today/tomorrow or early next week. Usually I go all in but this is one time I'm holding back a bit.
Nov. will be the big tell but I'll comment on that then.
This is interesting regarding Chris Carolan and Oct 16
Flashfusion over Chris Carolan anyday.
GAP-UP tomorrow. Get ready.
Is that bridge in brooklyn still for sale jay?
CNBC makes way better calls than this blog...lol
Might finally be time to short. Shorted the close.
Thanks Cal. I did not see your post here regarding bearish close.
are you already short? at what level?
Jay keep it up. you will soon be vindicated.
The top is finally in imo. They got the 10K to suck in the "dumb" sideline money. Time to scale short.
success anyone ! sorry for the irony ... I'm a mess
is there a score card ?
"be vindicated"?
It'll take that "vindication" to climb out of the hole creted in the first place by All the bad "nickel&dime" calls like today, yesterday, Monday, last week, etc
don't be so delusional. tough love is good.
Based on ES close and ISEE numbers, we should have a higher high tomorrow and finish lower than the peak. Don't know if we will end red for the day yet. GS and C will decide the outcome.
Bloggers here are so hilarious...vindicated?...LOL So, let's recap, jay's been short since Oct.6th as advertised by his twitter...he bought tza at $12.31...LOL...not to mention he bought bgz at the worst possible time on Sept.4th b4 the last rally. And, if u check is rank on marketguru, he's ranked in the bottom 98%...haha...my left pinky could do better. I mean c'mon now. He's making predictions weeks ahead when he can't even predict the sun rising the next day. Not to be cruel, but I'm just stating the facts. You're better off flipping a coin than following this blog. It makes me wonder how someone can be so wrong with so many years of experience...be careful who u follow.
Having said that, he might finally be right...if you make the same call every day, you're bound to be right eventually. We'll finally consolidate or drop tomorrow imo
MKT: 10/19 ahead; we made SPX 1083 easily today tested intraday then up we went some more; luv that stuff; OEX wk. still; GAMES; pop/drop ?
1 minute ago from web MKT: support for DOW is: 8650 NOV, 8450 DEC (familiar); if we get the sell-off startin 10/19 (extreme DOW support at 7600 into 11/15) :-)
3 minutes ago from web MKT: New levels to keep an eye on; resistance for DOW (10,470 in NOV, 10,200 DEC); 12/6/09 coming up as a CIT hmmm; my birthday
7 minutes ago from web MKT: 1083 SPX, Hhhhhh; I believe we called that one here too :-) Simon Says !
The Flash............hehe
I can see why Jay gets frustrated. He’ll make a projection. Within 2 days if not less he’ll get a bunch of questions as to what he’s thinking. I’ll add that at times he’s not very clear and tends to change his mind a lot. But if you take a few minutes and read through it, it’s usually clear as a bell.
Yesterday afternoon I said that at the close I was taking a bearish slant. Then I get a question asking what my directional thought was. Hello? Bearish means down!!!! GEZ
So, I generally repeat myself but say I’m not going whole hog as we might not have an I/T hi in just yet and again get asked if I’m short and at what level. Read the first post!!!
Shesh I can see why Jay gets fed up. I for one have no problem popping in once in a while helping out. But if someone can’t read my very clear posts, which it was in the first place, forget it then.
your talking bout 1 guy -- sam. Jay is very clear as you say and clearly wrong....alot.
So get a dose of reality. Jay's not taking flack for vaguery, but for making bad calls.
I know he's getting flack for his bads calls. Again, read my post, I wasn't referring to that.
Shesh forget it over and out.
hey cal,
stop whining girly man.
i still think ARAKO is the best trader in the world followed by Reddragonleo......
MKT: Let's drive the BEARS crazy ! Extreme resist. for DOW, NOV 2009 is...... 12,300; don't laugh; only in play if DOW is +10K for 1 NOV.
about 10 hours ago from web
The Flash...in yo face
Now we have name calling from tic? That shows ones IQ
Bye bye
....and no sense of humor from sensitive George.
bye bye Georgie
when you say from web mkt minute ago from web MKT: support for DOW is: 8650 NOV, 8450 DEC (familiar); if we get the sell-off startin 10/19 (extreme DOW support at 7600 into 11/15) :-)
3 minutes ago from web MKT: New levels to keep an eye on; resistance for DOW (10,470 in NOV, 10,200 DEC); 12/6/09 coming up as a CIT hmmm; my birthday
what is the web adress can you post that site?
The Flash
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