IT SEEMED there was a DELAY of about ONE WEEK on this chart
SPT 2nd low on the chart looked like SPT 8 or 9
it was UP all the way from 9/2 to 9/17 as published--
& also ONE WEEK LATER on the 23rd - not on the chart
That brings us to present
the LATE SPT decline as published should have happened from the 17th to 25th
QUESTION NOW becomes ~ was the LOW on the 25th as published
and are we NOW in SYNC with the CHART ???????
does that CHART show the 23rd as the high and NOW OCT 2nd as a LOW
AS IVE POSTED several times ??
WE did get STRONG RALLY right after a low on the 25th
IT now looks possible that the END of MONTH high did occur on the 28th
AND OCTOBER 2nd should set back some AS PUBLISHED
I was THINKING that OCT 7th would NOT start
the decline as the published chart, BUT NOW
I had been thinking it would be DELAYED one WEEK, to the 13th but
ASTRO this OCTOBER fits QUITE WELL with duplicating 1987 & its
AMazing that JUST LIKE 1987, OCT 5th STARTED
a MAJOR SELL OFF to the 16th/19th
THIS OCT published chart is a NEAR DUPLICATE of 1987
OCOTBER looks like:
3 legs DOWN from OCT 5th
WAVE 1 hits a LOW on the 12th in the AM with the 13day cycle at 10:30 along with Neg lunar astro
Reading calls for SUDDEN REVIVAL
WAVE 2 Rebound on 12th to AM of 14th
WAVE 3 LOW on 19th at open
Wave 4 should make it to the 23rd, but could get more complicated
wave 5 might not end till Mid Nov - Hadik's cycle date
more later
yeah, just found your earlier post
cool, thanks, victor
do you have disqus or twitter account?
a lot easier to follow
Have not closed my Big Short position purchased from 1073 - 1064. I've posted a few of my LONG SCALPS. I'm heavily bloated from shorts and have begun to release some gas.
Nice POSITIVE DIVERGENCES developing ONLY now. What I've been waiting for.
Sorry I do not have a D or T account
The Vada System I follow is not mine.
It is a trend following system,
which limits losses and lets profits
run. It catches ALL major moves after
the trend is established. It tells
you BEFORE where you get in and where the stop is. NO guessing.
can i sign up for the Vada System?
there was a CLEAN 5 waves at 11;30am
BUT it was a 1-2
then 1 to 5
Which means the low at 11;30 may only be part of a larger decline
count it as possible wave [i]
Activity index has been at 66 thru the morning
Jumped to 100, and NOW dropped back to 66 at 12;45
Power index shows LOw tomrrow AM
MACD looked like a low at 10:15, and started to rise, but now appears dangerously close to rolling over again
Employ report tomrrow combined with cycle lows at 11:29 should continue to slide Friday MORNING
Expect FRIday to end OFF the lows
Wish you could, but I get the signals from my brother (for free) who works in the hedge fund industry. It is a proprietary system
created by his firm. I post as soon as I can but I get them second hand.
You can go back and see ALL of my posts since about 9-14. Good Luck
Thanks jay, Vic, Cal. keep posting.
when you say + divg. are you thinking of going long here?
No not yet. Need confirmation for that or 100% certainty confirmation will be achieved.
dont even think about goin long today,closin near lows.
41.10 target hit.
Next target is 40.61 QQQQ
I'm looking for a possible setup for a scalp long into the close which will be the last scalp I take on this LEG down.
Long 1035.45 SPX
short 36.7.stop 1040.4
Half profit @ 1037.01. Let other half ride free or stop out at entry.
Nice trade Cal. I'm thinking SPX 1000
might be the INT term target.
This is why I never as a rule post stop positions. Try and take me out will ya. Thankfully I use mental stops and I can afford to use discretion on my trades.
Great call cal. I think we see 1044 and then down. will be good short entry.
Sounds good Victor.
Out of LONG completely @ 1039.03
I am out of long with a point +. good call cal.
look forward to your next trade. currently flat. LT IRA still short.
activity index now 133 at 3pm
Might not have enuf time to react,
126bars at 3;30 might offer a BRIEF low with a minor recover at close
HOWEVER, the DYNAMIC REAL TIME index is DIVING at 3;35pm from 370 to 330
Will watch it next 25 minutes and report anything interesting
Dynamic index reached 360, and has turned lower again
Mkt gained a little and also selling off again
with 15 minutes to go
closed short for 2pts.hoping for a bit more but you gotta take what you're given.nice trade cal.
lol,starts dropping harder as i close!
I think its going to gap up, based on unemployment report. Market will say baked in bad report. Also PPT comes to work these days.
Any thoughts.
Next target QQQQ is 40.61
or about 1019 SPX
I dont think so
Ive been posting OCT2nd as a PIVOT LOW day for weeks now
21 & 34 tr days lo to lo
216 days Nov 20 lo to lo
233 Oct27th lo to lo
JAYWIZ cycle low at 11;30
156bars at 11;30
Full moon this weekend acts as Catapult next week
Everyone and their mom is expecting a bounce tomorrow. We won't get it. Gap down and crash further for one more day and then launch on Monday.
thanks ANON
Please leave at least an initial so we know WHICH Anon this projection came from
just posted update
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