And for those newcomers, Ive often written, the DATA stream is CONSTANT, thus ITS up to ME to CHOOSE what the end of the day might look like.
Contrary to the EKG, MY outlook did CALL FOR AN MID DAY SURGE and I had encouraged
my Yahoo group to WAIT FOR 4pm to go SHORT- which as of the moment looks like a GOOD BET for a sell off on Monday
However, that does NOT immediately translate to lower stock prices
Today's mid day surge appears to wane by days end.
The SIZE of the above directional movement might be misleading
Today promises to be somewhat frustrating, but expect a mid day surge
and that late sell off might NOT occur, or if it does, then it might be like yesterday
with only a moderately lower level than mid day.
Fibo Price levels are still the same as yesterday
1210 potential, and if we see that today b4 4pm, I will be shorting it.
more later
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Overnight, Bernake was/is speaking in Germany and he's really blasting China as being a currency manipulator and possibly ruining the global recovery. He's defending his QE2, and placing the blame everywhere but in his own banking system. I personally might take a different tact when dealing with our biggest creditor. It's pretty ironically funny when the worlds largest debtor, the US, broke beyond any normal means of broke.. is trying to beat up the worlds biggest creditor, which has trillions in cash laying around. Amazing.
Benji's speech has the market in pause mode, and frankly, yesterday was baloney anyway. It almost looked to us like they saved up their POMO money on Monday, Tuesday and Wed, so they could "unleash" it all for the GM IPO. Now that it's over.. now what?
I tend to think today's going to be a pretty flat day. I think that we'll get back to the "green" line at some point, but I'd be hard pressed to give a reason for the market to actually move higher again. Sure it might... but I don't think it will. I tend to thing we'll see some big swings during the session. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw 50 point swings several times.
Jaywiz index at .24 VERY BEARISH
PC ratios = 100% BEARISH
was expecting a SELL off MONDAY anyway
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