DID HIT at OPEN on the 11th
EKG STILL performing at 70% accuracy since March 24th
and the LOD was at the 39hours mark at 10am
BUT, I cannot vouch for such price action related to stock prices as a surety
Today's reading is quite harsh as previously posted
39 hours at 10am could be the hod
120bars yesterday was due at 4pm but did seem to hit at 3:50pm, darn close
leaves the door open for that 10am high
Tomrrow- Veterans day with banks closed should be low volume
Prechter says P3 Down has started. Really??
i have another count then Bob. since the 2000 high an ABC down to 666. from the march low an abc up for wave X. when this move is finished (i assume somewhere mid 2011) there will be a multi year ABC down.
I rest my case. More Pomo money announced today
And up we go. Just follow the money and the 13 day ma.
Fed will be pumping money in on Friday and ALL next
Week according to latest schedule.
POMO thru early Dec.
Gin, yes almost everyday. Billions more coming into
The market.
I am giving Benji aoyt 6 months to get FIRED. This low life, scum of the earth has done nothing but to benefits BIG BANKS with his QEs.
He's engaging in QE 2 to help housing prices and business investment are a HUGE lie. He's simply trying to funnel more money to bailout the large banks.
This A-hole knows he is gone, and that BANKS will hire him for even larger $$$.
When gas hits $4 a gallon benji will be fired.
As fast as the $ is falling that shouldn't take too long.
loks like the move to 11700 should be taken first before any minor pull down. UNLESS the G20 meeting suprise us ... but we know the $US is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED
So Jay - is the low done today ... based on your power graph ... or you see any further lows ...
so the SCUM closed us 10 points higher...another FLAT DAY.
Jay, the gap down happened after hours ;-)
well... i think that a top of some sort has been put in yesterday, but i don't expect a huge decline. we could chop around for several weeks to work off the overbought conditions before the rally resumes?
Tuesday, November 9, 2:11 PM Goldman Sachs (GS -0.4%) reaped more than $75M in trading revenue on 31 separate days in Q3 and tallied just two down days, totaling $3.77B in revenue - impressive, but not perfect. Bank of America (BAC -1.7%) and JPMorgan Chase (JPM -1.1%) racked up perfect trading records for the second time this year, making money every day last quarter
BAC and JPM had perfect trading records, making money every single day. Goldman missed on just two days. Let me ask you something folks... is anyone that good? Absolutely not. There is absolutely no way what so ever to win at this game every day, yet these guys did. How is that??? Because they are privy to information that we are not privy to.
So, the world is in a funk over what Bernanke is doing and rightfully so. This man is a criminal, low life, scum in my eyes. Keeping interest rates at "0" has killed the "saver" and what did it do for the economy? Frankly not much. Now every country is upset with us, and yet we traipse around the globe telling everyone else how great we are, and how they should live.
Amazing time we are living in.
Here is something for you all to wonder ... What if.. Just what if, all this political pressure from not only the global leaders (G-20), but our new members of Congress that were recently elected...causes Bernanke to back off a bit? What if he suggests that he doesn't need to do that 600 billion worth of purchases, and instead will do half that? It is possible folks, and I have a feeling that the market would take it very badly taking down Stocks, Gold, Silver, etc.
p.s. insiders selling at a ratio of 3777 to 1
The Fed is directly intervening in the stock market, the market rises and people think "hey it must not be too bad". Well they're wrong. It's very bad. Only an idiot of the highest level of the idiot kingdom could suggest we are "strong" when a group of private bankers ( the Fed) has to print 2.5 trillion dollars to keep us afloat. We are not strong, we're on Fed money life support and as I've shown you the world is hating us for it. You can almost smell that "something" has to break. Another war maybe? Possibly. Trade barriers? Probably. Rampant inflation? Definitely. I can go on and on.
Great commentary-thanks
Actually the JAYWIZ ratio says it ALL
Monday was .58 = borderline
Tues was 1.37 = bullish
Today is .69 = just over the border
OEX pc ratio is setting up for a KILL when it happens and according to some GANN & Elliott folks, it will be the latter part of the month, which Ive already pegged from the 22nd to 30th.
SO, bears will only get a little nibble, and the real MEAL will come as above
Only issue with those dates is that it seems to say we will tank into Thanksgiving - you can bet that will not happen .... specially going into the holiday - now what happens from 29th nov is anyone's guess for 7-10 days ... then again the ramp job will start ...
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