156bars at 12:30
180bars at 2:30
Tomrrows read says its not a nice day
Today's pc ratios are 50% bullish
Jaywiz ratio = .66 and is near the border line, but slightly more bullish
One of these days has got to be at least a 300 pts decline,
but it might wait for the 29th on that one
Until then they are eating away at price levels and building a bullish case
Technicals can deceive going down as well as on the way up
Nov 29th still the target date
great work Jay
Hello Jay
I have been following your blog for about 10 days very interesting.
I'm curious how you got the 29th tho.
As I have the 29th and 30th as serious down days.
The government wont allow the market to fall today just before thanks giving.
While I have no respect for chartists and charting I am open and very intrigued by what your using to obtain future dates. As I do also..
great work and congrats
Hi Futures trader
thanks for your input
great to have you aboard
Nov 29th/30
is simply a fibo converge date for the most part
144May 6 & 7
89Jul 26
Its also a Bradley date +
Low energy projection
It would appear as you say, to be serious down days
BUT the 30th is scheduled for a
29th is an 8day LOW
which makes the 30th as 8 day TURN
30th reading is irritations, but a late recovery
DEC 1st calls for
REACHING agreements
DEc 2nd = Fortunate
Dec3 = disruptions, but better later
How I get this info is
but Im willing to discuss the outcomes at length
thanks Again
Honolulu Beach
I was at Waikiki beach in 1980
enjoyed it immensely
Join in anytime you have something to add.
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