Obviously the BEAR is NOT here TODAY
I had to ask myself why
Astro had the answer - contacts with Neptune are often bullish- Why? you ask
ITS because Neptune is the planet of ILLUSION - its icy blue dreamy state of being.
heres a reading from the aspect.
logical analysis is misguided- confusion confounds fact & truth
Ok, that was then
THE BEAR should bounce from his CAVE tomrrow AM
at the open & MAKE a low @ 204bars at 10am
The aspect of importance is Mercury is 180 Uranus at 7:47 am
it translates as : poor focus- irrationality- disruptions-
moon # Uranus at 10;30am = restless impatience
the day also reads ::: ADAPT TO FAST PACED CHANGES
In conjunction with the above, the PROPENSITY index confirms
a LOWER start, and much higher close
todays close was only at 2992, opens tomorrow at 2987, then closes the day at 2998
I CAN NO LONGER project a DOWN DAY TOMRROW, except as already noted.
the WEEKEND has 2 very positive trines (120),
and the read for the day as previously posted says: today SOARS
the LOW of the 17th at 9:45 am + 26 hrs = Tuesday AM at 9:45
I am making that as a LOW to HIGH
Hey -PG dont leave us NOW, we value your comments
more later
Preferred (that is likely)count has now turned to 778.51 being the end of correction from 1018. (B if 1018 was A top, (iv) if 1018 was (iii) of A. Under this count, today at the end we started the final move up, of which the 1008 ish may be the end or just the first small wave. If the latter, we may go far enogh to fill the second gap at 1013.50 tomorrow, having filled 1005.75 earlier today.
Once i is over, a ii down can begin either right away tomorrow or likely after filling 1013.50 or going a bit beyond that first to just under 1018. Then a ii correction can take us to mid 990s and that is where I will get out of my undisciplined short position.
It is still possible that this move from 978.51 is x or (b)(has the same effect)and we may go to 960s. Given the chance that we have started five waves towards 1030-1044 or so, I would not bet on that.
Jay, the only way you can get a 10 am low is that we open up with the third of the last wave within i and then sell off in fourth to 10 am before making a high 11ish and start a correction that may even be sharp and get to 995 ish Friday itself (or Monday). that will fit into volatile expiration day and a closing towards maximum pain point for option buyers.
Here something to consider: why will tomorrow be in red. FROM:cobra
08/20/2009 After Bell Quick Summary
Well, wrong 2 days in a row, hopefully I could get the 3rd time charm: I expect a red close tomorrow because CPCE closed at 0.51 which is way too bullish, by counting the dashed vertical lines below, 11 out of 13 times recently when CPCE closed bellow 0.56, a red close next day.
big up day on monday stands as well? wow ... looks like SPX 1018 is going to get blown to bits by Monday.
did you mean 978.51? I would have killed for 778 ;-)
yes, i meant 978..51 not 778.51
are you trading from India or the US? Based on your name, looks like you are from the south. TN or Kerala?
Hi Arak,
Who is your avatar?
whattttt? you don't know who Rocky is? my avatar is da famous JDR
Ravi you mentioned that u wouldnt expect us to go down to 960s soon
as compared to us going up to 1033-44, is it because the 5 waves up isnt complete?
Isn't the general trend downwards from now to late sept?
I'm all in short at the close today through tza. I posted this buy at trading perspective today, but eventually the site wasn't working so I'm back to posting here for anyone that cares. It'd be nice if more traders posted real time so we can see who knows what they're doing.
What I said is that it is LIKELY, we go up 1032-1044 are first, because the move from 978 can be counted as a five wave impulse, indicating correction from 1018 was over at 978 in a single a, b, c. The move up from 978 can alternatively (less likley) be still an x wave indicating possibiity of another a, b, c down.
If we go above 1018 before correcting, rather than being wave i of move up, this can even be all of the move up. This is possibility can not be neglected because 1018 can be counted as top of (iii) of A rather than all of A and 978 the elusive (iv), in which case we are in (v) of A and the MINIMUM requirement for that is five ways up.
In EW, you have to be aware of alternatives, and be preapared to treat them as preferred based on unfolding waves. That is why risk management is important. A very clearly preferred count is not always there, specially in corrective move and we have been in corrective move since March.
I am US citizen and work in New York. I was in India only for three weeks recently. Ethinically, I am from Maharashtra, but the family has been based in Delhi for four decades.
I noticed you posted your short position right before the Futures did a rope-a-dope to the upside.
Are you still short with the big Gap-Up portending this morning?
Look at SPX, all sessions not just cash, we complete the Head of a reverse H&S just 2 points above where we are right now in pre-market. If this H&S operates, we finish i there, and make right shoulder in a ii down in the area of Left shoulder low of August 11 at 992.4.
The head is about 1016-778=38 points. The target on a breakout after ii to 992-993 area would be say 1015+38= 1053. Wow.
Not all H&S work out, and this one is only on all sessions chart.
this cant be anything else other than the final push up in 5 of c now.lousy action the last week,tough tough trading.im staying out until next week where unless we plummett straight off the bat all day into tuesday from here.the final top should be coming.
Guys. Is there any particular time during OPEX day that they like to sell it off or does anytime from open to close qualify?
we should finish i today around 1013-17 and then go down to 992-995 are today through early next week. then iii to blast through 1018 and iv and v to 1050ish. That can be as late as early September.
i dont know ravi,i think the final push will be short and sharp.wave 3 extended way beyond the realms of normality in comparison to 1.im looking for a top somewhere up in the 1060's or slightly higher and if this is gonna be a "blow off top" it can easily reach those levels in 3-4 days if it decides to go on a tear.i think i posted at the back end of last month,delta wise i was looking for a top either the first or third week of this month.next week would fit nicely into the zone still.a top next week would sort out the delta structure for me finally too.havent got a good handle on it since the inversion window which has been too costly to be educational this time lol.
After 8
We are both talking of similar trget 1052 or 1060 is pretty much the same from here.
If it is a quick blow off top, more likely to be the top of P2.
Where the real issue is right entry point to switch from short to long. That matters a lot more. 993? Monday?
After 8
in P2 of 1930, the last wave up, C of third zigzag was not very sharp and took its time. Of corse P2 then lasted 122 days, which is where we got to 1018 this time. With trillions thrown to pave its way this P2 should be stronger.
By the way, when comparing P2 with 1930, most forget that P1 that preceded it was much faster than 18 months affair this time. So as % of time of P2 to P1 basis we have a long way to go this time.
I hope I was clear that I no longer see 960 before 1050 as a strong possibility, 978 may have been bottom of B with a simple a,b, c.
GOLD has lift-off. Has anyone noticed?
the itd,mtd and ltd delta cycles have all converged around this point in time,its not impossible for this 5th to drag on a while,but unlikely imo. the only other thing that could change this is if we're still in big A with the coming down move being B with C up to come into the new year sometime.you never know.all i know is the next down move should bottom sometime in november if everything goes smoothly.either way we should be going down in the medium term within 2 weeks max and more likely next week imho.
we may be completing wave i pretty near the opening or even in premarket....Around 1016???
where is the bear? it is a big surprise that bears like you are still alive. but sooner or later, your account will be burned.
Today's picture -
The low bias comes after the open and much more so at end-of-day.
Everything being 'normal' -
10:22 Morning Low
A period of little higher price, narrowly ranged 10:50 - 12:35.
A high hit about 13:10
Starting to get into lower bias 14:00
The low hit around 14:50
I'm not ready to negate the downtrend of the last 2 weeks, Elliott-wise.
It would seem as Jay mentioned as i also noticed that Jupiter Neptune conjunction is still in play. I thought since it was waning the Saturn Uranus Opposition would soon weigh on the market. What i didnt' see was Chiron sandwiched between the two as the 3 of them are holding hands creating an illusion of fixing and all things are better. Also with traders gone and GS saying 1050 target for the year fit with RAVI GS likes to be right I am sure Mr. Bernanke will paint a picture less then bleak as well today. the over night low on the ES was 996 and it does like to take out both sides that would be nice I don't think we break 1K on the SPX the Bull just won't allow it. Any big move down most likely will not take place till after Sept. 5th when Jupiter Neptune conjunction has completely pass though I believe chiron will still have them linked. I am short from around 960 and stopped adding around 990. i have started hedging to the long side. We are so far up in the clouds we could be here for a bit till ALL the Bears are Bulls then
Astro 8
Ok I was wrong to go short yesterday. I had alot of indicators telling me we would tank afterhours and at least gap down, but no dice. Now it's time for position management. If we don't reverse quickly, it'll be time to be nimble.
no big deal. Just wanted to know what you were thinking.
Trading is the easy part. It's what you do with the trade that makes money.
im going to sell immediately at the open with a stop at 1019.
I got out of tza at 14.60 and switched to tna 39.25...although i don't recommend this. I think we go higher at least for a while.
Nevermind...back in cash and wait to see if we pop to short from there...not worth it...thought I was seeing a burst for at least first hour
Thanks Guys
You are ALL offering good stuff except (anon) the heckler who refuses to Id him or her self.
Merc 180 uranus NON event at 8am, but we could see THE 26 HOUR CYCLE HIT AT 9:45 FOR the hod.
Aug 17 at 9:45 LOw to HIGh right now at 9:45
Note Coy's timing and compare
Activity is at 300
GOLD is UP $13
1013 - 1018 high target??
propens rises and falls later
power index slips lower during the day
After Higher OPEN - per Coy & Ravi, they should sell off to low 990's by 2 to 3 pm as per bars and Coy
204b at 10am
228b @ noon
258b @ 2;30
could extend to 270 bars at 3;30
The read calls for Fast paced changes
Day should close off the lows
wkend has strong pos trines
39 hours from Aug17 at 9:45 = 9:45 on the 25th. = low to high
astro matches
25th calls for CHANGE to NEGATIVe
26th follow thru lower
27th LOW at 10:43 am & TURN
FITS well with FLASH's 28th date for another BIG run to a new 2009 high on Spt 4th FULL MOON.
spx to 1050-1060 - VERY LIKELY
GOLD peaked at open 958 and pulling back
I will be LONG at 3 pm to close
there now PG, Im do post my trades.
PG, tradingperspectives not in operation- Please comment here more often-
We are truly interested in SHORTER
term trading - thanks -
more later
The market can explode now that I sold my longs
that should be a good trade, fro 1016 to as low as 993 if it works to the ideal scenario.
Best of luck. I would have joined you, if my emphasis was not on getting out of shorts in a, b, c down from here.
we need one more hi slightly above 1015.60
I knew it...was too weak to hold on and trust my gut. We probably shoot up a bit now. Probably could've scalped 2-5% on this move
I cannot see SPX coreecting to 990's and soar on Monday. It's cyclically almost impossible.
shoot, are we already in (iii) of C
at least I'm in cash and not getting screwed more by stubbornly adding to my shorts...i will not chase or short prematurely...there's always another better opportunity around the corner. I wonder how high they will push this now that alot of shorts are caught w/ their pants down. At this point, shorts will probably add more at different points letting the boys fuel this higher. I'm becoming a great contrarian indicator today, go long the minute i sell my longs...luv it
This is how it looks so far. We are in the process of completing (i) of C and may not go below 1000 on (ii)
i 978.51 991.2 12.69
ii 991.20 980.62 -10.58 83%
iii 980.62 1006.03 25.41 2.00
iv 1006.03 1003.59 -2.44 10%
v 1003.59 1023.2 19.61 77%
(i) so far 978.51 1023.20 44.69
1006.13 17.07 38.20%
1000.86 22.35 50%
995.58 27.62 61.80%
u were on quite a tear playing the market like a fiddle daytrading.
It's easy to get steaky wins and losses daytrading cause you get caught with your head down and overconfident.
Had to remind myself to look up once in a while a see the next larger phases to know where I was.
what a disaster.looks like wave 3 already.
previous highs didnt even offer a flicker of resistance tut tut.
Yes, Billy
I wrote that before running to spx 1025 at 10:20am
keep in mind the cycle is 27.5 hours and has a spread of 26 to 28 with an aver of 27.5
IF it drops back to open prices or lower later today,
that should be a buy for MONDAY
DONT write off a MONDAY SOAR
just because----
midnite high tide day
Wkend aspects call for expansion
including very powerful venus trine Uranus
today's close might be a LOW
NEXT sphere of Influence=
has multiple hard lunar aspects
tonight and tomrrow
thanks cal...i think my instincts are fine so I can get on a roll at times. But I definitely need more experience after that pathetic, weak backing out of a great reversal move I could've made this morning. Anyways, here we go...next let up hence why i say not to short prematurely on days like this.
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