Matches my graph also TO SOME DEGREE
As it shows the mkt rolling over int he DEC 21st to 22nd time frame,
then heading for a YEAR END SELL OFF as the other graph has shown
SINCE I first published it earlier this month
I waited till 8:30 and the employ report finally meets with energy waning
Today, similar to Nov 20 should end lower, but the open at 9:45 to 10am might just be the lod
102bars at 10am
61.8%/13 day cycle at 1;43pm could be the pivot to a better close,
but again compare to Nov 20
Another lower open tomrrow could also offer a fair buy opp, but the energy IS WANING
that doesnt mean the bulls wont keep trying to prop up the averages next week
However, as the chart above shows and my graph also shows, along with astro events
we should see a strong sell off on the 24th & 28th
repeating again - the Dec graph makes the case for another dip on the 31st
making it a great place to buy for a very strong open rally on JAN 4th and part of the 5th
more later
Gambler of the year: Terrance Watanabe..$127 million gone.
Your first Dec Nat engergy chart says 22nd Dec is a higher high,
Now your outlook has changed to downhill from here?
Buy Dips!!!!!!!!!!!!
Irish bishop resigns over sex abuse scandal: Vatican
thanks for your observation
Use your intelligence to see how there are variances within the CHARTS I present for FYI
These charts AS you have seen ARE NOT CUT IN STONE
the latest chart is from one of my associates at one of my Yahoo groups, and it is HIS work that publishes the chart
I found it quite similar to my chart and thus I offered it for an FYI
as I stated- the bulls will NOT GIVE UP until the last minute
IMO< the last minute high is still expected to be DEC23rd
it could be a LOWER HIGH
I CANT TELL YOU IF IT WILL BE A HIGHER HIGH OR NOT Just because it is pictured that way
And if it is, it might only be INTRADAY
Remember HOW DEC4th was the HOY at 1119, but then headed lower to the 8th - IT WAS NOT SHOWN THAT WAY ON THE GRAPH
I cant put every nuance on these charts so you do have to use your market knowledge to interpret
and again on the 31st
TODAY started off as SHOWN on the last publication of MY graph
and could also start tomrrow off on a weak start, but that should clear the way to the TURN down on the 24th next week.
January is being worked on and should be ready for the weekend
Irish bishop resigns over sex abuse scandal: Vatican
Is he on the list of the anything of the year
You would have more credibility
if you logged in as a follower
so we could track your calls
We are all very grateful for short
and quick analysis such as buy the dip, but we need a little more than that
spx 1100 appears solid, but if it breaks, then 1080 might be next for later today
No he's not. But the roman catholic church should get:
"religion of the year" or for the "millenium"
Never have I seen so many children abused, so much money being extorted, so many people being controlled, and so many wars being condoned by this most ridiculous mens club of narcissistic meglomaniacs who think they are God.
News takes precedence over the technical, darn it.
High hits: 13:00, 14:20
Greatest downside bias, last 30 minutes of trade.
Thanks for speaking up, Peter.
I hope Y got stopped out on his last long call...
Well said
Any thoughts about tomorrow
Interesting Chart from Cobra says all big pullback days in NOV/DEC happened on thurs Reversal Friday
and Magic Green Monday on tap.[2].png
Since tomrrow is a Bradley date and
they are headed DOWN, it would then
be prudent to suspect a LOW tomrrow
180 bars @ 10am
250 bars @ 4pm
that would be a truncated 258bars
There is a Venus 180 Uranus often found at or near lows, but it occurs Sat nite and I did not expect it to have such a draw down effect
Mars Retro in LEO on Sunday might add to the confusion on monday and cause many to rethink & regroup
however, once they get down to 1070 as some of us have been calling for since Monday, they can then mount that rebound
on Dec 22& 23 which to answer Linton would then top out at a LOWER HIGH .
the whole setup fromt he 14th would then look like wave 1 down and wave 2 up, thus setting up wave 3DOWN on 24 & 28
wave 4 up on 29/30
and wave 5 thump on Dec31
all the above fits in well with
MY graph and the one from ROTROT
I dont know if anyone noticed, the BKX has been in near freefall
And it is NOW effecting the other equities also
Thanks for the outlook jay, appreciate it
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