Monday is characterized as a WINNER
so , yes rrman, once the low is set tomrrow on the Bradley date,
we can then expect a solid rebound next week
And so the SEE SAW continues next week when the bulls take over again
12/20 MORE NOW
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Monday might be shaping up as a sloppy day with 2 cycle pivots converging at 3pm
60bars & 78.6%/13day both at 3pm
FROM THERE, a stronger close would set the stage for Tuesday
which has a midnite high tide to assist a rally
I'm still expecting a PEAK on WED at about 1pm, and my game plan as of now is to short it.
I pick my days when I declare myv trades. I noticed most of the Ewave blogs and trading forums went bullish yesterday. Unfrikingbelievable. It was quiet here to except for Jay's charts.
The blogoshere with a few exceptions is helping NO ONE!!! Even on "FeaerlessForecasters" they all turned bullish or flat yesterday.
You gotta do it yourself because the internet is dumb as donkeys when calling turning poiunts.
Too many people with no clue coupled with overnight market manipulation leads to traders getting slaughtered.
Watching price is getting dangerous as they jarr it to confuse at at key pivots. Then they wait fot Afterhours to initiate while the sheeple sleep.
Now more than ever you have to rely on cycles and watch momentum indicators and NOT price at CIT's or pivots. F@#king market eh?
Here is a question$answer for everyuone? How can there exist a 9-day cycle , a 10-day cycle, an 11-day cycle, a 12-day cycle,and a 13-day cycle?? Answer : They don't because theyre all the same Damn Cycle!!!!!! LOL
The key is how do you "mark" that cycle so you know it's finished. That's one of the keys to using cycles.
Like using elliotwave. How do you know a wave is done officially. Ask Caldero. He knows.
Do you have a blog y?
MKT: 3 leg upturn starts 12/31/09; may go with a 12/31 high if we get some support here into 12/21; SIMON says SANTA rally ho ho ho
the Flash
Thanks Y I went long at 1091 I think we go up today friday and Monday and maybe set new highs are you still long?
Thanks Y
we needed that [g]
The chart shows the 17th as it happened, and the 18th should start to turn higher
Its NOT clear HOW the days will progress on 21 to 23 biased UP - and keep in mind the 24th is a HALF DAY
IN other words, it could be rather choppy , BUT with an UPSIDE BIAS thru 1pm on the 23rd.
IT IS CLEAR, at least to me that a YEAR END SELL OFF is IMMINENT
from the 24th to 31st
the cycles that I follow are NOT LOW TO LOW or high to high
they represent turns intraday
and they are real
USEFUL - sometimes, and sometimes not - yes hard to know when unless it is accompanied by some other energy that has influence on the turn.
SO it takes MORE than CYCLES or ELLIOTT wave to see whats next.
For Friday, Tripple Witching -
Jay, Unless we see more volatility than I expect, I don't think we'll see negative territory, today, unless it's right at the close.
I can agree with you on one thing for sure: Elliotwave ain't a stand-alone system. I believe those that ostensibly are good at it in reality are using other methods to corroborate EW but aren't saying so. I know that's what I would do.
Cycles is a different animal and worth a long discussion but no way I'm going into it. Lot's of rules to apply, as well as some artistic license. An excellent reactionary system for those who can master using them.
I also agree that big advantage if you have astro and other sources of energy you can apply. That's why I like what you have to say. Otherwise I stay the f#$k away. LOL.
OK. We've got some volatility. It's in the dollar, of course. That puts more assurance to closing down a little harder.
Low hit 12:18
High hit 14:06
Low hit 16:00
My times have been early. So if it isn't obvious at the time, wait for it. Yesterday my call for 14:20 didn't come in till 14:39, 19 min later. My call for greater downward bias last 30 min of trade, wasn't in earnest till 15:46.
Long Faz, short this pig!!!!!!!
Looks like we're setting up for a selloff into the close once this deadcat bounce is over with. Then it'll be a good time to buy the close to get long into next week...imo
Care to elaborate on your targets for short x?
heres an example of cycles
the 258 bar cycle is at 4pm today
If the mkt closes at its lows today, that opens the door for the rally I suspect for monday
Coy thats eastern time right?
you see your 258 bar cylce equates to a 21 hour cycle.
I believe it's already hit the low today based on my work.
market just lost it's mojo...down we go!!!!
oops disclaimer.
now just because I believe bottom for cycle is in doesn't mean that the bottom can't fall out. It would just mean that the next cycle is down. This is critical juncture.
y are you long or short i just went short for this lil dip
I'm Short with stop
you could be right- my cycle seems a little off this week;
but then it sometimes surprises me and gets back in sync
Yes it is a 21 hour cycle but where did it start from
Dec 15 low in my work
Friday's low at noon was at
204 bars
258 bars actually hits at
10AM Monday
Power index is on a low 300 for Monday
Cycle convergence
78.6% /13 day cycle at 3pm
60bar at 3pm
Reading says
All the ABOVE leads me to suspect Monday as a DOWN DAY
1086 As a current floor for now
WOW, cool you used my chart!!!
Jay if you ever need me to make a special chart for you I would be more then happy to help!!
-Anonymous-"I can agree with you on one thing for sure: Elliotwave ain't a stand-alone system. I believe those that ostensibly are good at it in reality are using other methods to corroborate EW but aren't saying so. I know that's what I would do."
-I have come to use TA first, well before putting the counts on, from the size of breadth and volume, to divergences in the MACD and RSI (and many more) all give you hints on the best options to use with EW. EW is not perfect (only tradable about 65% of the time), but it does lay out a road map of the most likely options.
Thanks Michael
I will be posting the Jan GRAPH shortly.
take a look at it and see if it can assist in seeing whats next for ELLIOTT wave, and then go back to the Dec chart to fill backwards
If it works for you, then I can give you more back to June to corroborate
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