With Merc 90 Uranus yesterday right at the 3pm low, we might have seen the lows
with the next highs on Dec7th & 9th as above
Todays High looks good for 9:53am when Venus is 60 Neptune
Money illusions??
the next buying opp should come on Thursday which has some difficult readings
But the strongest day should come on Monday, Dec7th as the above graph shows
you did mention that the dec 7 high is a lower high compared to the nov 23 high?
am i right to say that?
Helge has Dec.5. So you noth are pretty close.
Hi Linton
I did NOT write that DEc 7th is higher than NOV 23rd, but I cant rule it out as of this moment
We have to see what dec 3rd has in store for price levels,
but according to the graph, IF we have seen the 20 wk lows, then
we could get a higher high
Some one at my Yahoo group sees Dec 22nd higher also, and that is pictured on the graph- another higher High ???
No way to tell from here
ok thanks for the outlook jay
it looks like 12/2 is going to be a top and 12/7 a bottom in my opinion.
Interesting article .
Looks like we are following the path of the Nikkei bear market.
UIK trader
nice call....NOT
try again if you can.
I was looking for an entry point for UCO Proshares Ultra Oil. Bought on my low 11:49. Indices didn't seem to notice. I have a low at 12:44.
No guarantees.
As mentioned
Dec3rd and even the 4th should back off Full moon highs, but 7th still has power to recover and POSSIBLY make a higher high
Arms at 1pm = .92
and we have 180 new highs,
nearly matching the 23rd at 190
Today has positive influences.
Tomrrow calls for optimism, and as mentioned it changes to disruptions on the 3rd.
High today should occur at 2;31pm
Getting close to it now
SPX not making new highs - non confirming
Dow - just barely
transpts non confirming
Jay looks like we hit the high today now down at least until the 4th then maybe a rebound for a few days....what do you think about that?
RRMAN, Good to see u back
Hey guys. We got a blast higher coming soon. I wouldn't short just yet. You don't see what see perhaps. Anyway be careful with the shorts right now.
Sounds about right
low on 4th
tough open on 7th but recovers and head for high on the day
but 8th and 9th are stressful days
and could back off again
tomrrow says optimistic, but nothing there to keep it afloat
Dec has benefit from Jan effect, but other effects are not in sync with that- so it makes for sloppy activity
Jay I am guessing that the Dubai thing thurs nite screwed up the MM's plans.. we were supposed to run up until yesterday for high then back down to get gas for a run and I guess they decided to use the unexpected drop for gas and it wasn't enough....so we had the fakeout and now we get another run for the hill..
Hey Reza back from Mexico last week but have had the flu since just been sleeping glad to be back...
Goldman came today and mentioned to expect a rally during Dec. Any thoughts Jay and others on this
Sounds contrarian
they want to keep the PUBLIc
In stocks so they can dump and
rake in profits
Fridays sell off was an astro result of those 2 TRINES i wrote about on the 23rd which took place on the 25th & 26th
They were the PROPS for the XMAS rally
Remarkably, I see a very similar situation for day after XMAS, but this time it will continue to a LOW on the ECLIPSE full moon on 31st.
Actually the 24th should have a rather dramatic sell off
See my timing graph which now show the dates
they could be OFF by a day or 2, but the direction should be accurate.
If we get a real LOW on the 4th, then I will have to consider adjusting the graph dates to fit.
I really do have to proof read more often
that was PROPS for the TURKEY DAY RALLy - Nov 25th.
I know it's been repeated time and time again, but we topped folks. Today was the best day to get short since it's all down from here.
I'm short to the max here...looks like this market is done. Massive lopsided breadth selloff last week happened for a reason folks. Good luck!
MKT: DOW tests 11/30 10.3K & pass' monthly test; SPX bearish revs. at 1137, 1151; bulls can accumulate as low as 12/1 open gap
The Flash
Simon knows better than anonymous.
anonymous hides behind no-name cause he scared chitless.
If, and when we go higher, then that is what "wavers" call the "alternative count".
Or, the five in the five turns in to the five in the five of the NEW five, and this goes on, and on, and someday things reverse.
I have long advised that wavers have two trading accounts, one for the "preferred" count and one for the "alternate" count.
The little known secret to successful wave trading is to know, from vast experience, which count will turn out to be the count
that results in a trade being profitable. That way, the preferred never becomes the alternate, and the waver can claim
continuous expertise.
By the wave, e wave IS crap. And the 1111 SP resistance was known to everyone on the planet well in advance of today.
thanks for your input
You really would have more credability if you ID your self in some manner
Flahs was dead wrong about a LOW close Monday- the MERC 90 Uranus
saw the LOW and BOUNCE higher into the close
Full moon advanced 21/1
Now past the FULL moon, we have a some mild negatives ahead
Propens index was at 3012 yesterday has dropped to 2994 for today -
more later
Will be out of the office till noon
FLASH was not wrong. How dare you?
.....and if he is wrong, it's not really wrong - just off a bit. He is THE BEST and waaaay better than the part-timers here.
Bob P.
Do you think I'm going to listen to Red or rrman or Arak or Uktrader or EWaver's. These guys are all farts compared to FLASH.
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