NOTE the RED SLANTED lines on the VOLUME at the top of the chart
Flash gave us Martin Armstrongs date of NOV23rd and so it was
I gave you Nov 30 th LOW at at 2to 3pm. and so it will be
I gave you a TURN on DEc1st at 3pm. thus we watch & wait
As per my Natural Energy graph, the dates per the original chart are skewed
it has taken me a little while to catch the actual dates, but I have it correct now.
todays cycles are
90b @ 11am
55%/13 day segment at 11:55am
IF we take Armstrong's work and learn from it, we can extend from NOV 23rd
the NEXT partial segments of 8.6 months
8.6 months = 181 tr days
4.3 mnths = 90.5 or 91
2.15 months = 45.25 or 46
46 tr days from Nov 23 = Jan 25th or 26th - should be a high
After a review of January
LETS make an ADJUSTMENT to the above statement -
46 tr days falls on JAN 29th and is accompanied by numerous level 1 HARD ASPECTS
thus it should BE A LOW and if we look at the nat energy chart for Jan,
there is a confirmation which I will post early Jan.
Are you saying the low is Nov. 30th or Dec. 1st?
Are u sure we go lower after today?
That is one BIG giant reversal candle stick today, don't you think?
not THE low
only A low
See my NOv or dec nat energy chart
Ive posted this several times
Dec31st should test qrtly suppport
Spt 2and or oct 2nd
9800 - 9400 dow
See Flash twitter
So far I only see a wave 3 gap down at open and 4 at 11am
"wave 47 5 on Tuesday"
wave 4 & 5 perhaps?
will be up Monday, I can bet on that....
Toronto Canada
Jay - how do we figure out the dates on these Nat Energy charts ?
Which nat energy chart are you viewing
If DEc, then
the FIRST pivot LOW is DEc 1st
high on Dec 7 & 10
Mid month lo on14th
late month high on Fri 18th = options of course, and or 21st
the Last pivot Low is DEC31st
This gives Jan a HUGE boost to open
which I think Flash had also mentioned, but you can ask him at
his twitter- link on main page.
OK Jay.
I think you got the gameplan for the rest of year into early Jan.
to the permabears: Beware of all the bearishness going into this week. Don't get burned.
The central bank of the United Arab Emirates just announced that it
was going to bail out Dubia World.
There's your trigger for da rally
The news you had to know was coming just came. The central bank of the United Arab Emirates just announced that it was going to bail out Dubia World.
If you were paying any attention to the stock market last week then you know that the announcment by Dubia World, a state owned holding company with $59 billion in debt that it was looking for creditors to give it a six month free window on paying interest sent shock waves through the world markets and brought bears out everywhere.
Many people saw it as the start of a huge correction. Some CNBC talking heads were calling for a collapse.
But I actually sent out an alert to my premium members saying not to fear and used the Friday morning weakness to increase my long positions. I put my money were my mouth is.
What the bears are missing is that tops don't happen in an instant or on one news event. They are a process that takes time to unfold. And many of the things needed to be able to say we are at a stock market top simply aren't there yet.
Until they come you have to go with the trend of the market - which is up. And will probably accelerate to the upside from now until the end of the year.
Ignore the doubters! Don't get shaken out because of some worry wart on CNBC.
propens index agrees with stronger open, but astro says it gives it up later in the day
Ditto for Tuesday ??
Target in 1068.89-1070.42 area, unless we cross above 1099.06 first:
(a) 1113.69 1086.81 -26.88
(b) 1086.81 1112.38 25.57 95.1%
(c ) or a of (c ) 1112.38 1083.74 -28.64
(c ) = 1.618*(a) 1112.38 1068.89 -43.49 1.618
b of (c) 1083.74 1099.06 15.32 53.5%
c of (c )= a of (c ) 1099.06 1070.42 -28.64
Thanks Ravi
Good to see your back
we missed your data
Bottom for 20 day cycle is in Boys.
looks like end of month markup today
Coy, do you have some estimates high, low today:)
Decline into 12:07
Looking for a popup, peaking 12:37.
From there we decline into he close.
We'll just have to see if it pans out.
Long from 108.5 for a scalp. welcomeback ravi
long from 1086.5 for a scalp.
welcome back ravi
MKT: trading low coming in on 12/29/09; we passed wkly support at DOW 10.3K; 11/30 is a monthly test on the close; Flash Out !
The Flash has spoken!!
It all feels BULLISH today.
we are likely to see low on 12/31 but we will see higher high by mid december -- 1160-1198
Are we still going down into tomorrow? Any update would be appreciated.
We are NOT getting that
sell off to 1071
unless it hits in last 30 minutes
Frustrating for sure
Since full moon does NOT occur until 2;30 am on the 3rd, we might possibly see the low tomrrow at close rather than today as per the Flash
UNLESS WE GET THE sell off last 30 minutes today
From the HIGH on the 23rd
SHould be double zig zag
thus we are waiting for the LAST ZAG lower
abc X ab now waiting for c
See RAVI's count
spx 1070 should be the last lower wave "C"
TOmrrow may be last chance
Looks like positive open
Amazing if it doesnt collapse today
Activity index NOW at 33, its LOWEST VALUE with 30 minutes left to go today
Looks like it's going to mini-explode to the upside soon if not already happening.
"Amazing if it doesnt collapse today" Amazing happened.
Wow, that was a pretty weak call. Glad I did the exact opposite. My left pinky could've made a better call than that. Jay, I'm not sure what you're using to trade, but you can't possibly be making any money using it. Your losses must be huge by now. When u mentioned 9800 is in the cards for today, I knew something wasn't right...i mean really? 400 points more down after Friday? LOL Good luck. Not sure why u even bother with this blog. Last time I read this nonsense. Here's my call Tuesday, low, Wed a high, thurs another high, friday a low and let's see dec.16th a high and big crash on 21st....LOL.too funny Try getting tomorrow right b4 first b4 u predict the future
Jay - Your Jan 29 low ties in with another astro site.
It looks like the next high will be around op ex time on Dec 16 - Dec 18 time.
Dow 10,800 , SPX 1150 , FTSE 5500 ?
If we break Nov highs , this should happen.
Looking to short around Dec 21.
9800 is qtrly test
for dec 31st
DID not propose such for
Nov 30
sorry if you misread
U have a constant bearish disposition.
wake up bra
You nailed her good. In fact your calls latley have been excellent. Keep up the great work.
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