Update from Daneric's public charts
Its funny that I had written to Dan & Alpha Yesterday and warned them of a lower open today
but when I wrote it up on jaywiz, I had changed my thoughts somewhat
Both thoughts were actually correct as the open dip was quickly followed to a 9:45 rebound
Anyway, We got the wave {v} down to 1087.01 at 11am
NOW we see the rebound from the 1pm daily turn
DID anyone else notice themselves getting hungry after 1pm??
It happens to me frequently just as the mkt starts to turn higher
Activity index at 2pm making a run higher , now at 266 at 3pm
THE MAIN 39hr pivots CYCLE
Nov 19 @ 11am low
Nov 11 @ 11am hi
Nov 3 @ 11am
Oct29 high
oct16 @9:45lo
oct7 @11am
Spt30 @10am lo
This cycle is important to short term traders as it is the small part of the 54 & 108 day cycles
that makes the NEXT important low on NOV30th as ive posted several times
do dog biscuits count?
very cute
but hunger does include cravings
I have been in large groups when ALL at the same time got hungry, so I know its NOT just me
If you pay attention, and observe things, you will notice nature in sync with human behavior
after all we are part of nature, even tho we like to think we are above it all
The HIGh peaked at 2;30pm on Monday and the low at 11am to1 pm Friday
that near 26hours from a high to a low & minor turn
It would be expected for that TURN to last at least 6.5 hours
then the next low & turn at another 6.5 hours totaling 39hours from top to bottom
coincidentally there is a 13day segment at 10:12am on Tuesday
which could get delayed till 1pm.
THE MAIN 39hr pivots CYCLE
Nov 19 @ 11am low
Nov 11 @ 11am hi
Nov 3 @ 11am
Oct29 high
oct16 @9:45lo
oct7 @11am
Spt30 @10am lo
This cycle is important to short term traders as it is the small part of the 54 & 108 day cycles
that makes the NEXT important low on NOV30th as ive posted several times
after reading my last comment
I missed making a certain point
the TURn on FRIDAY {11am to 1pm} should extend at least 6.5 hours to Mnday at 11am- 1pm before setting back to test support at 1070
Good stuff. If the next low in 11/30, are you then expecting a move up and high in mid Dec.?
What are you looking for during Dec?
Just sell until we reach a 9 handle.
Is that your blog?
If it is.....man you've got some serious problems.
Jay .. it appears there is a change your expectations. Thanksgiving for bulls has changed to Thanksgiving for bears and Santa rally for bulls?
Rally time on Monday. Market downside is very limited if not done...should create a powerful short covering bounce monday morning.
I think Jay is saying rallying until Thanksgiving, then decline till Nov.30. for short term. Lorita
I think there's a gap down Monday and a early week low before rallying up all week next week. Too many Bulls out on the web blogosphere this weekend calling for a rally from Monday's open.
The roman catholic church is patterned after the jewish temple and it's obsolete Levitical priesthood. The people enslaved by ritualistic ordinances and man's traditions for filthy lucres sake!!!!!!
I PUT OUT a couple scenarios for MONDAY
1. open lower - high mid day, then sell off after 2pm
2. lower open, then higher midday, and sell off after 2pm
Turkey day high
Nov 30 important PIVOT low
DEc 7th high
more later
We should get a strong rebound Monday. I loaded up longs Friday near the close. Could u please clarify jay your position? Are you long now into thanksgiving? I see light holiday volume rally all week.
Hello Jay,
On a previous day you said 23rd was bad astrologically, I'm seeing every trading day next week adverse to stocks.
Venus in Scorpio gave us a good breakout to the downside, but that's nothing compared to what's immediately in front of us as Venus moves into Sagittarius, Dec 1, 17:05.
Jupiter just can't stand Venus being in the same house with the Sun. And Saturn is malefic in houses 4,5,6.
I see a 20 point gap up in the futures at open monday.
I bought 100 futures contracts at friday's close.
good for me. bad for the bears...
Every Bear next week will go to the slaughter house to be fed to the Bulls as cattle feed, brains and all.
We're going to screw the bears so violently, theyre gonna wish they owned a lemonade stand then play poker with me and the BIG BOYS!
I'll enjoy the bears screaming this week. Music to my ears.
So far so good, futures opened up strong. Long from friday
YEs Coy
23rd should end badly no matter how it opens. could be a very bullish open.
24th should end badly no matter how it opens, but it looks positive for the open;
25th SHOULD end well for bulls
Markets dont care if its thanksgiving or not, and they wont rally into or dive into based on thanksgving.
Same old same old
UP-dn -up-dn, etc
Why you you expect anything else
every day has its OWN opps
I forgot to mention I bought 50esmini futures contracts Fri. at 3:30
Nice try on the lower open tomorrow. Now it's just a question on how high we rally. Glad I went long Friday.
I went long Friday too. I bought 1000 esmini futures contracts at 1088. I should make close to 6 figures by 11:00 Monday morning.
I think I may buy another 500 contracts Long at 8:00 am Monday morning for another surge up. Feeding time on bear soup.
sorry I'm taking money from you. But you should have been long.
Breadth is diverging
the low i was looking for on november 19th slightly overshot into the morning of the 20th.now its up up and away until early to mid december.as of this morning futures are flying.we're in wave 3 of 1 of a larger pattern which nobody in elliott wave land can seem to agree on.wave 4 and 5 should complete today some time,probably before the high of last week,wave 2 down to follow to cook up the bulls again then away we go. im looking for the 1160's/70's by mid dec.
todays high should be around 10:20,and then slowly correct for the day lower.
most elliotwavers are idiots. If the majority of them agree on a count then the opposite will happen. Elliotwave is fast becoming a tool for the "tools" out there. Pt's getting a bad name now because most who use it are the morons that relegated basic TA to funny farm status. Anyway beware of any Elliotwave blog. The best players are those vfew who incorporate GANN Cycle principles in their work. Flashfusion's "Simon" is a Gann concept for example.
OH BEHAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a Low today of 2:30
Lauren Phoenix
Sharon Wild
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