and he discusses this chart at his blog which you can access via red dragon on my links.
Heres MORE NOW [g]
It takes MORE than ONE
cycle hit to make it work
Nov 30/ Dec 1st
100 tr days JULY 10th - lo
108 tr days June 24th - lo
256 days from nov 20 lo = an 8day segment of 32 x 8
184 days from March 6 lo = also 8day segments
DEc1st = 256 from nov 21 = TURN
Dec 1st = 39 hours from nov 20 low @ 3pm-
nov 12 low @ 3;30 - nov 4th as 4pm
Oct 27 at 10am
39hours is quite consistent
a secondary low could occur on Dec 1st @ 3 to 3;30pm
ALSO very consistent is my 13 day JAYWIZ cycle
which I discovered on NOV 21st, 2008 at 11;05 am
HIT THIS morning at 10:12 am - Nov 24th = the exact lod
13 day cycle hits again 62% on Nov 30 AT 1:43pm
does NOT have to be the LOD, but often is.
There is astro at 2:53 pm which could extend the low to 3pm
I just posted this on my site, and I'm reposting it here as I think it is important to know...
Just in case any of you were thinking about going short tomorrow, think again...
According to Larry Presvento, the day after Thanksgiving has the highest percentage chance of closing higher. It is the "Single Most Positive Day in the History of the Stock Market", with the highest number of days closing UP that day.
74% of time the day after... which is this Friday, is UP! Do you really want to go short now?
To listen to the audio interview by click here...
Find the "Larry Pesavento 11-23-09" link. Then click on the "redirect.mp3" just below it, and it will play.
The part where he talks about it, is toward the end of the interview.
thanks REd,
thats WHY I have posted several times
BEST short opp will be Friday after the OPEN
There will be a LOT of overrun from the aspects of Today, and tomrrow which should spill over to Friday am
where at 8:30am there is a Moon 120 Sun, but its an ARIES moon indicating a DIFFERENT DIRECTION
I'll be going short on Friday, as I expect next week to be down. I'll been in cash all this week, as I expected it to chop around and be flat to up a little.
No point in getting kill on your options with the time decay while the market chops around.
As for this Friday, it's a risk going short as most Monday's lately have been bullish. But, if they take this market to that 112.30-112.50 spy area that I've posted about many times... then I'm going short regardless of the past history of "Bullish Monday's".
I'm going SHORT now. 1st position.
I will add 2 more positions sometime today.
the astro aspect you expect to support today's ramp is at 10:30PM today or thursday?
25thVenus 120 Uranus @ 10pm
26th Venus 120 Mars
26th Venus 90 Neptune
This last one is very ILLUSIONARY
but should get the bulls pumped for the open Friday
27th at 8:30am = moon 120 Sun
Enjoy TURKEY day
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