Either we have already seen the last gasp attempt to get to 1121,
OR there will be one more shot on the 25th and or OPEN of the 27th.
Either way, the next bigger move is lower and according to the FLASH- 10,200 is support
which was the LOW close of NOV12th.
the 39 HOUR cycle moves from
Nov 12 @ 3:30pm
Nov 20 @ 3pm
Dec 1st at 3 or 3;30pm
Some divergences are noted on yesterday's new Dow high
spx, ndx, transpts did not make new highs, not yet anyway,
but might roll up next 2 days ??
PC ratios are much more negative
New highs were 190 verses 318 on the 16th
more later
i have a high between 10:30 and 11 today jay,the same as you.after a pullback any breach of that high should see us sail into the early 20's. i see 5 of 1 as having kicked off in globex this morning,maybe a marginal new high for spx before wave 2 down somewhere around 1096. 20 week cycle low due sometime around the end of this week,if it shows up at all.pretty soon wave 3 up should rocket us on up to the late 1100's.all speculation of course.
20 week low?
20 week low IMO was already made on Nov 2.
Time to move on.
Looks like today is a day that puts everyone to sleep as we drift sideways to up nearing EOD.
could be right phil,i dont see this week ending anything apart from up.like i said a wave 2 pullback should occur from somewhere today,but thats about it for me.
I'm Long now
Coy, Jay,
Does anyone have a Low this early morning?
Nevermind. The intraday bottom is in.
Could be wrong, but I'm looking at:
High 12:13
Low 13:59
looks like resolving to the downside today now,no crash scenario though.bears are holding resistance of the 30 min trendline at 1104.5 still.if it starts to roll over,1096 by days end.
give her a little more time. Oftentimes, the bulls lose patience and price moves higher into the close. Typical script. Although positioning short anytime today will pay off next week I think.
As far as 20 weeks is concerned
Nov 30 to 100 tr days from July10= 20 weeks
today had a 13 day cycle segment
at 10:12 and it hit exactly along with 180 bars at 10am
Tomrow Am at 10am is 258 bars which means the rest of the day can head north supported by the
venus 120 uranus late day.
Coy, are you following my bar cycle or a 21 hr cycle to get a low at 2pm today, I have 228 bars
3:08pm has a little positive support from moon 60 pluto, but the close is under scrutiny of moon 90 sun @4:39 pm causing confusion
My probable low 13:59 is premature. We'll just have to wait for it.
I'm looking at 15:32.
Thanks. That's explains a lot.
I was expressing some of my own work.
"Tomrow Am at 10am is 258 bars which means the rest of the day can head north supported by the
venus 120 uranus late day."
Does that mean today goes up from 10am low or do you mean tomorrow?
that 2pm low turned into a pivot
probably to the 3:08 high
Without a lower close today, they are still capable of 1121 tomrrow
there is a 50%/13day cycle tomrrow at 2pm, and from there, the close can by quite strong
YES, I was referring to the 25th
258 bars at 10am
13 day segment 50% at 2pm
Propens index does seem to point toward a lower close today
shows more strength tomrrow- 25th
in a dn, up, dn, up type day
and the Venus 120 Uranus showing its support.
Since Nov 30= 100 tr days and = 20wks exactly from JULY10th, the sell off on the 27th and 30th should be substantial
IT looks like the BEST shorting Opp will come right AFTER the OPEN on Friday, Nov27th.
its a half day
20 week cycle is not a fixed measurement of time nor is any opther cycle. Cycles are nominal, dynamic approximations and can expand or contract. This is one of the keys to cycle analysis.
Cycle analysts get in a lot of trouble when they adhere to "FIXED" units of measurement as it pertains to cycles. That's why the "hurst" brand of cycle interpration is flawed.
I have a system that "Marks" the end/start of any cycle regardless of it's exact length.
It did so for Nov. 20.
just my opinion
I meant Nov. 2
YES Phil
It take MORE than ONE
cycle hit to make it work
108 tr days june 24th
256 days from nov 20 = an 8day segment of 32 x 8
184 days from March 6
DEc1st = 256 from nov 21
39 hours from nov 20 low @ 3pm-
nov 12 low @ 3;30 - nov 4th as 4pm
Oct 27 at 10am
39hours is quite consistent
ALSO very consistent is my 13 day JAYWIZ cycle which I discovered on NOV 21st, 2008 at 11;05 am
WHICH HIT THIS morning at 10:12 am
the exact lod
What's your take on where we might be headed next?
Nov 2nd was my call for a LOW
233 days Dec 1st, 2008 lo
81 july8 lo
54 aug 17 lo
110 jan 2 hi
full moon @ 2;14 was exact lod
Ive discussed cycles many times on this blog such as the above
wow jay ... 3:08 it was ... now that is accurate as hell
What are you calling for tomorrow's opening? lower or gap up?
I stand by the bar cycle@ 10am and
13 day cycle at 2pm
The propens index shows a high
probably about 1pm, and drops off after, then goes flat at close
BUt still most important looks like a FAILURE attempt friday OPEN with strong sell off into Nov 30.
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