Tim's chat above shows a pivot low as potential on May21st at noon
We are getting much closer to each others projections !!
He also projects June2nd on another chart as a HIGh and Ive been quoting June3rd.
Not bad for 2 analysts using TOTALLY different methods to arrive at very similar conclusions
Tim, whats going on at your new website?
cant log in
Hi Tim,
is you service brand new or has it been around for years ?
I agree with the call for a high,
best wishes,
Mkt rally this am to spx895
I have added more puts
My activity index was at
200 for the open, and has been FLAT at 66 hour an hour.
Waiting for the fall
hit 931, now at 10am @ 917
stocks should follow
looks like 10am high + 123 so far on the dow and spx @895
Jay, the webmaster has researched the problems. There are three registered users that have not logged and may be having problems. So far we have found that compatibility view needs turned off in IE8. There is a function in Tools to add or remove sites from compatibility view. He ran compatibility tests and everything passes, except windows 2000 has problems but I'm sure there aren't any market people using that anymore. It appears that Firefox is robust and may solve some problems.
Through Support, please contact the webmaster with browser and OS details so he can figure out the problems. I really need this fixed but he also needs feedback for the individuals having trouble.
Yesterday he dissabled some items running from the backdoor that could have compatibility if you can try again. The most common item I know of to turn off compatibility view in IE8, and otherwise Firefox appears to be most robust.
His test program only ran the mac OSX 10.5, he said there was no option to run 10.4. He said when apply updates they just drop and do not support the old and anyone on 10.4 needs to get 10.5.
HI Anonymous, I have been using the system for two years, I have developing it for 5 years.
It has been remarkeable. I have made only a couple mistakes along the way, of course. The model was vastly improved this year with some program and automation changes to cover the full spectrum.
The major error of cycle methods is missing the full spetrum context of what happens in higher orders. I know of people trying to work a small 11 or 13 day cycle for a big context trade, where some very important large scale cycles are operating or a case of rare alignment in many cycles.
The most successful and important calls were down in Dec 2007, Top May 2008, NDX -175 point projection in Sep 2008, massive rally in Mar-May 2009 !
My mistakes were when trying to work too closely on the short term but are minor and rare. I have have
learned quite about it, concentrating on it for two years.
So while nothing is perfect it keeps getting better.
Jay, in context those are the shortest cycle components from the 130 minute study. Where the medium term cycles are flat and the long term is up stongly I can't say specifically the near term outcome, as we see how the long term reveal themselves. But, likely the last of the weakness should be noon the 21st and the LT up components are free to run to June 2-3.
OK Tim, thanks
will try again- I am using firefox.
WE do have to pay MORE attention to FLASHFUSION on twitter
He gave us dow 8245 & spx 901
right near or at there coming up to noon
I did mention potential rally to Noon:30- sell off due momentarily
ACTIVITY index @ 11:45am just now DROPPED to its LOWEST possible value at 33
Prop index climbed to3008 from 3001 till about noon and drops to 2990 by the close
more later
Resistance broken, up we go to the 21st-22nd
what low of day do you think for today?
thanks in advance
All with caveat, I don't claim to be a short term trader. My thought for today was a c of B wave and it does look that way, a,b,i-iv of c
in because it's overlapping, not impulsive, volume in the wrong place. Maybe one more push today for v of c of B.
For a larger A_B_C next C down should produce excellent setups in the conventional chart work for the run to 6-2. I'm going to sell some today and put covered calls on a couple stocks. For 2 to 2-1/2 days. But meanwhile with my longer cycles up strongly it's not a confident sell for me. Just a hedge.
Elliot wave only works AFTER the fact. Robert Prechter an expert
on Elliot Wave was one of the worst performing newsletters from 1998-2008. With all due respect if Elliot Waves were useful wouldn't someone be making boatloads from it??
Thanks Movado
My favorite watch brand
used to be in the Biz
Yes Elliott for MOST people is great in hindsight, BUT there are some who excell in future direction using Elliott
My favorite has been Ill with heart problems since March 9th and has not been able to offer his outlook
I wish Jerry Rubinstein all the best. Seems like he's ill more often than not now. We seem to be losing a few stock timers as of late eg. Dominick, Airedale. I think the message to all traders is you better get exercize but more importantly you better eat right and cut the fat out of your diet. Milk is a silent killer the older you get. I cut off milk and dairy products and the hair on my feet and legs started to grow back as well as on my head. Amazing. Goes to show that milk clogs up all your small capillaries and veins and arteries if you don't moderate.
Only ONE of the scientific data feeds supported an all day rally, but there it is
Supported by a jupiter 30 Uranus tomrrow AM indicating a little higher at the open then it should sell off till Noon on Wed.
internals softening at 3:30pm
Jay, wasn't May 18th and the 19th soppose to be down days? or am I wrong?
Thanks in adavance,
original post was for May 18 th to be 4 th wave high at s&p 900+ then down in wave 5 to June 18 th low 590. dont think 590 will be reached . what happens until June 18 th?
Is tomorrow a red day too jay? And are you still waiting for the fall? Thanks for all your great predictions.
My prediction is that the ultimate high will be changed again. .lol. The only prediction that sticks is the prediction that predictions will be changed and forgotten.
NO, we will NOT make it
down to spx 590 on June18th, but it will be a doozy
Looks like I was ONE DAY EARLY
see new charts back kiss
And GAP FILL at 907
POWER index turns down into Friday
Tim's chart has Thursday
both are valid, depending on what is a closing low verses or intraday low
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