HOWEVER, direction is UP off of the major low scored in April that year, thus March 9th this year
Note the strong 1st wave rally off the LOY
then an ABC setback which currently SHOULD begin Monday , and END on June18th, IMO.
From there, as mentioned B4
I AM BULLISH till at least early August for now, following astro
events as a guide up to the Aug 6th full moon
Yes Bobby Ricky - Follow your own system- thats what I do-
Despite others good intentions -I cannot allow other systems to corrupt my work,
but I DO ADD MORE AND MORE things such as the indexes to the right,
and I do peruse whats out there by other technicians and analysts
FOR EXAMPLE___________________________________________
Go to Kenny's website and he explains the OVERBOT at 85% bulls
this is HIS comment.
Well, with SPX futures bulls now at 85% according to the DSI and SPX 116 points off its 50 day moving average, I'd say this thing is getting way out of hand. Even the 20 day is well below the market at 872. The wave structure for wave 5 of (C) now counts almost complete unless wave 5 extends. I don't believe it will.
I don't know how deep a correction after this would be, but there is going to be a fight at the 870-875 area if it ever falls back to there. Of this I am quite certain.
End of QUOTE
Ok Back to NOW
May8th FULL MOON = potential TOP
May 24th NEW MOOn = Potential low
June8-9th =FULL Moon = potential high
June 22 = new moon = potential low
Welcome follower # 62, and when commenting, please identify yourself with at least a single letter
btw, I dont understand how Xtrends got 690 followers- last month they had 550 -
and the info they put out like many other similar sites is what I call OVERLOAD
I do appologize for being off the mark, as my indexes of late have not been
giving me the kind of direction that I have grown accustomed to getting from them.
Hopefully thats just a temp setback, AND I am making some adjustments.
being in the BEAR CAMP has not done will since April28th, but that is about to change
on the WRONG BANDWAGON, and of course most important read the signs correctly
& That goes for BOTH directions.
IF I READ one sign correctly is the GUSHING bullishness from CNBC on Friday
and it fits well with Kenney's statement above
AFTER this next corrective phase from Now till Mid June, we must THEN REFOCUS
our THINKING toward a VERY BULLISH JULY into EARLY August.
We cannot allow perenial bears to inlfuence us when we are supposed to be bulls.
More Later
Party will get over after Full-moon, Financial astrology - Step fall or correction day is today in... Friday, May 08, 2009
Hi Friends,
Here is Fridays is small news article came in Economic times newspaper in India: I was talking about stock market and you will find out the reason that why stock market would start falling down from next week.
Dear Members,
As I mentioned in this weeks newsletter, I an not sure about my predictions for this week as too many astrological changes are taking place during this week. Today 12:50 New York time in Afternoon, planets are start changing, will start giving opposite results and that can bring the worst news for all major marketsin coming days.
These changes will have effects on:
All major Stock markets will start moving down from today. A very strong recommendation of selling Dow, Asian and European markets by Friday. Major volatility is on the way so sell these markets on each rise and I am sure the planets will pay you handsomely.
Oil will start moving down from here, we expect $32.80 in a few weeks.
Grains will have a major crash from here so take short position. Sell Soy bean $1114, Bean oil at $38.90 and Soy Meal at $34.50.
Soft commodities will also fall sharply. Sell cotton at $57.50, coffee at $124.5 and Sugar at $15.00.
Sell gold at around $914 and silver at $13.80 and copper $2.1500. Don't buy metals thinking that stock market fall could support metals.
Dollar should be on your accumulation list. Keep buying dollar index.
Those who doesn't want to trade many commodities but still want to sell commodity then they should sell June CRB index, Very high leverage, each point move is $500 so be careful.
Thanks & God Bless
Mahendra Sharma, Wednesday
As I have been saying SINCE March low, the market will run into 1,050-1,150 by August/September before the final countdown begins which will culminate in a number on Dow which not many would like before 2010 is over.
Not sure about US$ going up for the next 2-3 years. DXY can be charted to see a rising wedge or H&S. I don't think it has more than a couple of months life left in it to reach top before the downslide begins.
Failed Treasury auction sometime in Fall 2009, and a run on US$ sometime in 2010-2011 - that would be my best guess.
And just in case you were still cheerful, here's something to read.
A few years ago, I would have discounted the article. I don't find it that far-fetched anymore.
The Worst Case Scenario (Someone Has to Say It)
An elliotwave service I'd like to recommend is run by Mat Fraily and Steve Nelson. They were well ahead of the curve calling this bear market rally correction and are looking for the end of this rally in July although that is still only conjecture at this point in time. They are very humble guys and their work and opinions reflect it. They have put together some crazy MA(moving average) systems that yield crazy yearly high % results that are worth checking out. Easy to duplicate and/or customize and guaranteed success as long as you can remain disciplined in following the systems. Really good site. Try a 2 week free membership with no money down. This is not a paid advertisement. I've sampled a lot of Ellioticians work but these guys are as good as you are going to get. They also have a great watchlist of stocks that are agin yielding great % gains. That Kenny guy on Jay's links is good too with comparable charts minus the systems and watchlists ofcourse.
I'm seeing Monday as an up day before another drop in prices for a day on Tuesady, maybe a little more and then another assault higher before reaching a top or truncated top on the week of May 18-20.
My indicators seem to be in sync heading lower today as indicated on Friday
power index drops from 400 to 300 by days end and stays there thru Wed
Astro negative today & tomrrow, but lightens up on Wed and goes positive for ths/fri
Propensity index hanging around under 2996 and was as low as 2984
It also agrees with lows thru at least Today for now as it updates hourly
BEWARE, however, there is the POTENTIAL for a very strgon OPEN tomrrow before setting back, thus IF today closes on its lows to at least under spx900 area, then that MIGHT be the low of Tuesday also
There is some conflict for Wed if it will continue lower or just set up a flat to go Up on Ths/fri
But lets take it one day at a time
mars 150 saturn is the main astro influence today
60bars@ 11;30
90b 2 2pm
11am time slot as usual a high is bringing in a rebound as I write this to -100 dow from the 9:45 low of -152
More later
Looks like an interesting blog Jay. Thanks.
new reader, Jay. great stuff. pls keep it up
My work says we'll finish down Tuesday. We'll see.
Notice all the comment frenzy on Friday when the market was topping contra now, everybody quiet.
SO FAR TODAY and its now 11;15am
WE got the open rally I mentioned yesterday;
126 bars hit low at 10:30
11am hourly HIGh as usual
I still have today at 3pm as a potential LOW of day and low of the week
3pm hourly
3pm moon 0 pluto
3pm 180bars
If the above convergence is correct, we should see a high at 1pm, then the big drop to 3pm
Propensity index shows the above is likely, but it closes with a recovery rally into tomrrows open and it should be considerably higher than today's open.
Cant tell if it will setback to a lower low as of yet, but I dont think it will
Expecting friday to make another high , maybe to Murrey Math @spx 940.
great work Jay !
Thank you very much.
Triple Conjunction coming up May 23& May 27 (Neptune and Chiron don't get exact, within 15 minutes) -
•May 23, 2009: Jupiter exactly conjunct Chiron, 26Aquarius 12. Neptune 26Aquarius28.
•May 27, 2009: Jupiter exactly conjunct Neptune, 26Aquarius29. Chiron 26Aquarius14.
•May 29, 2009: Neptune stationary retrograde 26Aquarius29. Jupiter 26Aquarius33, Chiron 26Aquarius14.
•May 30, 2009: Chiron stationary retrograde 26Aquarius14. Jupiter 26Aquarius37, Neptune 26Aquarius29.
•June 15, 2009: Jupiter stationary retrograde 27Aquarius01. Chiron 26Aquarius06, Neptune 26Aquarius24.
•July 10, 2009: Jupiter exactly conjunct Neptune, 26Aquarius02. Chiron 25Aquarius25.
•July 22, 2009: Jupiter exactly conjunct Chiron, 24Aquarius55. Neptune 25Aquarius46.
Jay, or others into astro type market timing, i'm not requesting that you disclose your methods, but can refer those of us learning to any books or online sources that you used to tune or ramp up on your methods? am looking to start similar timing strategy myself but don't know where to start. i have typical TA down but am interested in your techniques. Thank you! great stuff!
Sign up to this free yahoo group:
next "combust" signup possibility is May 17th with mercury conjunct sun.
People spend years developing profitable astro systems, so don't expect anyone to hand out anything for free.
I dont know How some one removes their own comment??
Another option resides here today
IF, and thats big IF 3pm turns in a rebound high like 11am, then it should sell off into close
as far as learning astro, I think Coy can direct you to a site that
would be helpful, but its the INTERPRETATION of the aspect that becomes important as to when it occurs in the cosmos.
but check out astro wall street weather - she gives a daily synopsis ,but dont bet $4 on her outlook- its only one persons opinion.
Arch Crawford is the most renowned
letter writer who combines Elliott
-cycles, and aastro
just google his name
there are lots of others- just google astro finance
Or you can follow along here on a daily basis
What Coy printed is great info, but we will need to update it when each day approaches
I dont like to get too far ahead. one week is enuf, but I do log onto my daily workbook at least 10days in advance with potential outcomes
on each aspect.
ITS NOW 2:29and we just passed by the 2:25 Merc 45 mars which as we can see seems to have provided a little rebound OFF the 12:30 -1pm LOW
whats the game plan
IM looking to dump my puts and find a spot to get long-
Its not neccessary to do it all at once- take it in steps
Tomrrow will offer another buy opp for a high this Friday
If you are ready to BUY and 3pm does drop below the 1pm low of
896.46, then that "SHOULD" be the LOD.
and of course you can nibble rather than take the whole slice at one bite.
no guarantees, of course, but it looks like the convergence I mentioned in the previous comment
More later
Yes A2
merc 0 Sun is a great driver, usually to the upside and of course we need to be aware of what follows
also as previously mentioned
Sun 90 Jupiter this wkend
Couldn't have said it better, Jay.
I favor Merriman, but you have to buy it.
excellent! thank you guys for the references. will be watching the blog regularly
Merriman is the best, imho.
"If the above convergence is correct, we should see a high at 1pm, then the big drop to 3pm" Wow, think you read it upside down again. I'm glad you did though. Unless a blog offers something consistent, it's more of a detriment than help imo. I'm done looking at trading blogs. I'm way better trading w/out the noise. I did learn a few things though so thanks for that. Good luck!
Did someone say Astro?
Bob Pulford
You learn from me and RUN away
but thats OK, your welcome to come back anytime
Now you see that INTERPRETING aspects can be very difficult
NOw, it becomes POSSIBLE to see a huge drop at the open till 10:30 instead of the previous proposal
MY POWER INDEX is also diffucult to read , but we STILL must attempt to do so.
IT showed a BIG RUN UP, right on the dividing line between today and tomorrow- I was putting the pieces of a puzzle together and coming up with a picture that seemed to show a low today and BIG open rally but NOW it means tomrrow as a huge gap down open.
Given the FACT that the SPX is at ZERO gain while the dow is up 60, then we would suspect that to come into balance tomrrow which also means the dow could open dow 50, the exact reverse of today
You ALSO NOW see how FLUID we MUST be to changing circumstances
we cannot get Bushed or Cheney'd into a corner {GG}
STILL EXPECT FRIDAY to run it up to 940- that hasnt changed
Reporting during a flowing corrective phase is most difficult
You cannot take everything I write as GOSPEL and dont be afraid to challenge me. BUT please dont come back and tell me goodby just because I suggested ONE WRONG timing intraday.
I did say you to look for an open rally today and lower at on 150bars @ 12:30 for one time slot LOW and it was IN ADVANCE which WE GOT
Tomrrow we have
204 bars @ 10:30
228bars at 12:30
both are potential low points
its now 4pm and the dow is dropping off its 3;30 high & spx is off 2pts
more later
Maybe I should just present the data and let YOU make the interpretation- Hmmm
Don't let one goofball change your pattern and style for the rest of us. We appreciate what you do. NOBODY can blame anyone but themselves for lack of trading success...PERIOD!
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