NOTE the RED SLANTED lines on the VOLUME at the top of the chart
Flash gave us Martin Armstrongs date of NOV23rd and so it was
I gave you Nov 30 th LOW at at 2to 3pm. and so it will be
I gave you a TURN on DEc1st at 3pm. thus we watch & wait
As per my Natural Energy graph, the dates per the original chart are skewed
it has taken me a little while to catch the actual dates, but I have it correct now.
todays cycles are
90b @ 11am
55%/13 day segment at 11:55am
IF we take Armstrong's work and learn from it, we can extend from NOV 23rd
the NEXT partial segments of 8.6 months
8.6 months = 181 tr days
4.3 mnths = 90.5 or 91
2.15 months = 45.25 or 46
46 tr days from Nov 23 = Jan 25th or 26th - should be a high
After a review of January
LETS make an ADJUSTMENT to the above statement -
46 tr days falls on JAN 29th and is accompanied by numerous level 1 HARD ASPECTS
thus it should BE A LOW and if we look at the nat energy chart for Jan,
there is a confirmation which I will post early Jan.