It was FLAT at 66 ALL NIGHT, and NEVER got above 100 all day
Cycles suggest pivot at
156bars at 10:30 - WE actually GOT 150bars at 10am
13 day cycle at 11am = 29 rotations of 13 day cycles from NOV 21st, 2009
11am did provide a pivot to the 1pm HIGH and turn of the day
Energy suggests high at 2;30
there was a mild uptick at 2;30, but meaningless
EKG suggests high wont hold, also confirmed by the power index graph
but Tuesday's power index also indicates another higher attempt which
should also fail, but we dont have the EKG for that yet.
EKG told the story today FOR SURE
Friday is 144 tr days from Oct 30,2009 & Dow was at 9713
EKG shows mkt turning UP similar to Last Friday.
June 2nd is a Bradley TURN data & 377 tr days from Dec 1, 2009 which gave up 700 dow pts
but led to a higher month of December
28th is ALSO an 8day low & turn
more later
I still think that the way the market can rape the most victims is to go higher today, so I think they end the day with a green tint. The open could be sloppy, but given some time I think we go positive.
Sounds OK,
But any rally is NOT going to HOLD when the WAVE structure is in MINOR 3 which is HEAVILY biased LOWER
The WAVE structure RIGHT NOW suggests We should NOT close much higher IF at all.
Activity INDEX was FLAT ALL NIGHT AT LOW 66, and at 9:45 is STILL FLAT at 66
indicating market WEAKNESS
SPX math model
minute wave 3 of minor 3
1174 - 1056 = 118pts
Minute wave 4 potential
118 x 38.2 = 45 =spx @ 1101
50% = 59 =spx @ 1115
118x 62% = 73 = spx @ 1129
typically, we would expect 38.2% given the short time period today & tomrrow
Tuesday's LATE day reading calls for an UNCOMFORTABLE power shift
As we can see NOW, the EARLIER LOWER FUTURES values would NOT be denied
I think they want to touch 1110. Then down
150bars at 10am
IS THAT ALL there is, my friend
then lets keep dancing,----
Mood for today is somewhat positive
and peaks tomrrow after 2pm
I tried to short VXX but none is availabe. Neither put/calls also.
Brutal day for options players. SPY basically flat and BOTH June OPEX week puts and calls are down about 10-25%. Yup, VIX dropping pretty fast killing the premium.
I guess you've seen that I now have trolls on my site. It seems that Sundancer figured out their game, and they didn't like him teaching us. He will be missed, as I never did fully understand everything.
You seem to have a better understanding of the cycles then I do, but the ritual side was something that I still don't know. Maybe in time I'll figure it out?
I'm with you on a little higher move tomorrow, and then some more selling after that. We'll see I guess.
Sorry to hear that they are bothering you
My persistence has paid off with my DAILY EKG
Its not perfect but does identify the up& downs for the day, for the most part.
still hard to pick off the end of day at times as it can vary .
The data stream is continuous, and picking the EOD is NOT an easy taks
BY using a combo of
Monthly ENERGY graph
Weekly POWER index
DAILY EKG, I seem to be able to stay on track, again, for the most part.
NO ONe can get it right all the time, the mkts WILL NOT allow that
Right NOW we are IN a MINUTE wave 3
of MINOR 3 which should be relentlessly low until complete on Thsday or Friday, which should be simlar to last Fri.
Once Minor 3 is complete, then we should see quite a bounce into Mide June as pictured on the monthly graph.
looks like gap up
gap call cancelled
Seems like you will get out 1020 tomorrow/Wed
That sell off into the close sure doesn't help the bulls out much. Don't know if we will get much higher tomorrow or not now?
The bulls need a gap up open to get any traction to go higher. I'm beginning to think that this is all they are going to get.
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