Jay, great web site. Thank you for your info. Jay have you at all been following time wave zero for 2010? Based on this theory, the middle of nov will be a chaotic time.
Mid Nov holds NOTHING for me as far as a cycle pivot, but maybe a short term HIGH - but nothing of extreme value. There is a Dec 3rd pivot low due, but it should not equal anything like whats expected next week.
there is ALSO an October 4th , but again as above, nothing really important
altho BOTH pivots will offer great short term bull runs
crazy mkt.
Jay, great web site. Thank you for your info. Jay have you at all been following time wave zero for 2010? Based on this theory, the middle of nov will be a chaotic time.
HI Goldentouch
thanks for commenting
Mid Nov holds NOTHING for me as far as a cycle pivot, but maybe a short term HIGH - but nothing of extreme value.
There is a Dec 3rd pivot low due, but it should not equal anything like whats expected next week.
there is ALSO an October 4th , but again as above, nothing really important
altho BOTH pivots will offer great short term bull runs
ONCE AGAIN, I THINK the DOWNSWEEP expected at days end today
WILL SPILL OVER to tomrrow morning
10am = 26 hours
10Am = 90 bars
from there, they can recover for the rest of the day
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