was tied up this AM- out of the office
Not much new to add today
chop at higher levels today
180 bar pivot at 4pm today and or open Friday
Still got potential for high on Friday about 100 dow pts higher than today
13 day cycle on Friday at 11am pivot low allows the end of day to rebound
Next week enters a whole new directional force till May6th. - not the 15th- rrman
5.905 tza bought in ira
still long euro
looks like 11 central will be the top of this up wave that started at 4am will look to go short then
long faz and tza
BAC, C all failed after breaking out
Looks like Helge is off today Rman.
short /6e 1.3566 we have a big wave down coming this afternoon and I don't want to miss it might be a tad more up but not much
yeah his waves are late the down wave last night extended
GOOG after hours
short /6e 1.3566
Where Abdullah at, his FAZ is moving today
UYG, URE, SRS had a reverse split
Shorted with SPY May 120's looking for a bottom about 1 hour after the open. Pretty crumby trade but looks fairly high odds for the 120.40-120.60 area and then up higher into the close, ..., of course!!!!
If you missed Mahendra's PDF, its online
Hi Reza - I was on-travel.
Added more FAZ today. Long FAZ, TYP. And added TZA at 5.32 :-)
I am looking for FAZ mid 50
TYP to 21ish
TZA to 30ish
before May ends :-) (I HOPE)
WAMUQ should be close to deal with JPM.
As you mentioned rebound around 11. Looks like no down until GS & AAPL earnings on Apr 20
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