but obviously NO DECLINE - end of day
possible lows @
258bar at OPEN and or 10am
204bar at NOON
60bars at 2;30
and 3:45 pm is expected
Tomrrow ""SHOULD"" open lower as the EKG indicates
AND there are 2 cycles at 10;20 - 10:30
90bars & 14.6% of 13 day
From there, we should see a strong rebound later in the day as per the power index
with some follow thru WEd AM @ 10am to 11am
The EKG for tomrrow appears to agree with the above ,
but it wont be complete for until later tonight, and published at 8:30am
Looks like the Armstrong date & Hadik infamy date both hit on the 16th
As I mentioned before, Goldman Sachs might have been JUST THE ICE BREAKER
and theres lots more heads to chop SOON.
Todays OPEN LOW did FOLLOW right in line with the 258bar CYCLE
Next important bar cycle is 90bars Tomrrrow @ 10:30 PLus the 13 day segment
as indicated above
More later
thanks Jay
I would concurr with your outlook today.
I went short on Friday in my daytrading account. Looking to buy Long today.
This is fun!
Would you say that Wed morning is the best time to go short! I refuse to go long this market...was looking for Wed morning to go short!
The higher this thing goes today the better. But I will say the shorters have their price targets in their gunsights and will be "position" trading all the way up.
The higher she goes the more maximum profit the shorts will make a week-2weeks from now.
I'll be going short end of today and again tomorrow morning.
helge shows at top for the day around 10/11 central then big down into the close but since the down trend started he has been off several hours on his timing looks like the 1hr chart stoch is working for timing though...
Helge shows a big up wave monday night topping around midnight so a short around then or open on tuesday looks good
Thank you, rrman, very helpful info
Shorting Wed at 10am to 11am sounds like a plan
1.3465 short on /6e we should go down the rest of the day into the close
1.3464 added more shorts /6e
I haven't gone long yet. maybe soon
too early to go long watch the 1 hrs stoch on /dx its just starting to reverse and turn back up we go down the rest of the day now go long around the close when the 1" stoch gets to the top
I didn't say go long. I said "maybe". I won't go long until my indicators tell me.
Didn't you go long last night?
yeah i did i was early looking for the pop that started at 7am messed that up ....didn't mean to sound critical ....wish someone would have said something to me last night lol
I wasn't critical.
all in fun.
I appreciate your input very much.
long now.
any thoughts now
short again and will short very much more tomorrow.
Great long today. Made some good money on that call.
did anybody else go long?
What makes you want to be so short? Thanks
gap up or down
good call ricky with you on the short Helge says tonight and tomorrow will be WICKED HUGE WAVE DOWN
It appears since we started the down channel Helge timing has changed on the waves...they are coming early the big up that he said to happen at close started at 7am central last fridays down wave did the same thing so if thats the case the big down wave scheduled for after midnight should start anytime
ok flat now will reshort the retrace of this nice wave down then the fun wave shows up
thanks for pointing out helge'schart.
Well I figure we're in a downtrend now for at least a week so I'm not holding anything overnight that is countertrend even if my charts and cycles indicate otherwise.
All surprises are to the downside now.
When the mice are away the cat will play....
1.3489 short /6e
Stan Harley mentioned a 162 tr cycle DUE April27th
But that cycle can shrink or stretch
from 160 days to 172 days
9/2/2010 + 160 days = Apr23
9/2/2010 + 172 tr days = May 11th
In between, May 4th = 167 tr days
could be any of the above, BUT Im still focused on May4th
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