46/67= 68.6%
and the power data graph from last week was only a partial also,
now its record stands at 50%. after 4weeks
Maybe I should wait before publishing a preliminary picture just as I do for the EKG
and that will make it more reliable as I have more updated & concrete data to work with
13day/ 23.6% pivot low at 11:26am
High from 3:30 to 4pm
156bars at 4pm appear will hit at open tomrrow
according to PRELIM data from the EKG
and NOT tomrrow, with a final high on the 8th at the 13hr high at 10am
more later
this may be premature, BUT its important to have an IDEA
as to WHERE this mkt is currently heading
from my daily spread sheet data log
August 10th = 360 trade days from March 6th
360/8 = 45 repetitions- 8 cycle convergence
360 / 5 days per week = 72 weeks= exactly half of 144 weeks
August 10th appears to be a very important date
Dow Jones futures hourly chart trading in a raising channel
23.65 = 1040
38.2% = 1058
GAP level 1058 to 1072
I doubt there is enuf juice to close the gap at the top @ 1072
so 1040 to 1058 is probably where its at this week, and INTRADAY on Thsday at 10am is STILL the most likely time for it.
This new format is LOSING
Fibo retracements
23.6% = 1040
38.25 = 1058
GAP 1058 to 1072
In bear trends like this one until
Aug 10th, the usual retrace is 38.2%
STILL got the HIGH TURN on Thsday at 10am
Interesting how 1040 S&P is very sticky today. Where are all the bloggers?
1040 is strong resistance on the daily chart hannah.today should have marked a short term low though.once this bounce is over its time to sell sell sell and run for the hills i reckon.
I still feel we may retest the overnight lows at spx 1002 ...
yep AS Helge says down all day then rally half way back tonight in ah
small turn lined up for around 2:35.see if it produces a low for the day or if it sells off into close helge could be onto a winner.
thanks jay. a high on thursday July 11th is solar eclipse. This could turn market direction. All bets are off July 21st Saturn will move back into Libra things should start to pick up to the downside to at least mid august
If this market goes red.. it's going to get ugly tomorrow on the downside. But I still tend to think they're going to do their best to keep it green and try and suck some more hopefuls into this mess.
small short at 1025.6 2pt stop.
taking profit here at 1018.8
or they could put the rocket boosters on and get us back over 100.
My yen put is toast. Here we have a 20+ pt rally on the s&p and the yen goes up?? Does the yen know the market is going to tank later. Perhaps a sign of stock weakness.
Rman - based on Helge's chart - it looks like down this whole week into Friday close - is that right ?
SPX support/resistance: 1022.5/1028.5/1035/1042.5
On the main screen was shown zero (0) comments so I assumed no one posted. Just for kicks tried comments and here they are.
It is the main screen comment count that is the problem.
thats right AS
ONE MORE Shot at 1040 tomrrow and or Thsday at 10am
Then its DOWN
the MAIN PRESSURE this week is BIASED LOWER into the 9th at 11am
11am on friday converges neg energy with 60bars
We'll see what the EKG shows us later this week
Ignore when it says 0 comments
open it anyway
i think today was the high of 4 of 1 of Minor 3... so now back down, we need a new low. maybe ES will test 1,000 - don't think it will go much lower then that.
Jay - black candle, MACD-H in the S/P & DOW got a higher bar. A black candle is mostly associated with bottoms or tops.
Dont sell the rebound short just yet
thee should at least 2 attempts at 1040 or above, na dwe only got one so far.
the above fits in with tomorrows read for a nice day, rewarding with $ benefits
BUT they should open lower at 156bars and rebound into into mid day
power data shows the day pretty much in FLOAT mode similar to today.
the BIAS is DOWN till FRIDAY
Make NO mistake about that
How low is low?
Ive seen projections from
1009- mine
to 980 also mine
to as low as 925, but i doubt we can get there this week
anything sub 1000 is a gift to the bears.
The energy and bars seem to converge on Friday at 11am
9th is also a Bradley turn date
50%/13 day cycle hits at 2pm
the new moon is an eclipse on Saturday - keep in Mind that Princess Diana died on such a Saturday eclipse
Reminder -Friday calls for
& controversy in the AM
Jay - if we are down into Friday, then does it shift the move down from the 15th ... my understanding was that July 26th or so was supposed to be a high from your past comments - but your July graph shows down from 19th ...
Can u share ?
We completed minor wave 2 and now in Minor Wave 3 down. I believe we have completed minute Wave # 1 and will have a corrective wave minute 2 to around 1070 level before we resume our move down as you suggested or as low as 925.
I am looking for a day trade long tomorrow that is right in line with Jay's thinking.
The below fractal implies get long on a pull back to the 1023 area and be ready to unload near 1033. Maybe higher but 10 points is a good trade.
not sure where your getting some OLD projections from OR possible PRELIM data
Keep up with the FLOW
July graph should be quite accurate
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