45/65 = 69%
it seems that 258bars did NOT hit on the close and did not repeat the performance
of yesterday's 180 bar close, but the POWER index DID show strength late day
which I may have mistaken earlier in the week as strength at open today and or tomrrow
Cycles ,Wave structure & fibo SEEM to indicate tomrrow is an important
day to make a CYCLE PIVOT LOW at 3;29PM - JULY 2nd
Which would mean that ANY rebound today should be shorted as well as any higher open tomrrow
ISM # comes out at 10am, and IF the 13 hour cycle finds us at a low,
there might be a strong reversal at that time or even later by 10:30 to 11am.
180 bars seems to have hit yesterday at 3:50pm, unless it occurs at open today
204bars @ noon
228b @ 2pm
258B @ 4pm which COULD take us DOWN again in the last 30 minutes
More later
comment to follow comments ;)
I am in the DXD, I filled at 31.57. I will give it a 35 cent stop
are u sure Abdullah,
tomorrow is last day before july 4
FWIW the SPY has bounced off of the 38.2% (101.10) from the 2009 lows this years high on a daily chart.
That should set up at least a test of the neckline in the low 104's and potentially to the 108's in the next 2-3 weeks.
Reza - I put in a stop loss. worth the risk IMO. Will see what happens.
This is a very interesting time with horrid economic reports hitting just days ahead of the big earnings season. A substantial dip ahead of the earnings reports does make a lot of sense. I am being cautious, this is a very dangerous market.
according to my wave count the decline is not over, but wouldn't bet on it... i short tops and it take profits on the way down, i only have a small short position left. and my target would be 982SPX IF we have another leg down tomorrow
I'm guessing they are going to try and manufacture a good jobs number, but I still think we could fade. The most serious technical indicator, was the 50 DMA falling under the 200 day on the S&P. They will do their best to get that back and maybe they can. But in the longer term? I think it fails.
JULY 2nd -Tomrrow is an 8day LOW
off a very important previous low
on Oct 27th, 2008
424 tr days / 8 day cycles
power index shows tomorrow low
Solid rebound Monday & Tuesday
and part of WEd next week
should come off spx at 1009 or lower Tomrrow
More trouble occurs on 8th & 9th as shown on the JULY graph
SPX 982 - thanks
I just pointed out that tomrow
is an 8day CYCLE LOW in a series of 8day cycles going back to Oct 27th, 2009 - its 424 / 8 = 53 repeats
We also should expect a strong OPEN tomrrow as the reading that was expected for today just might flip over to tomrrow- ti Happened Monday & Tues this week, and looks like it will do it again
BUT more important was the DAY after oct 28th MKT had its biggest one day rally ever near 900 pts
Not saying it would happen like that on Tuesday, next week, but SHOULD get a very strong rebound
topping early on the 7th according
to the daily readings for now
Jay the 5th markets are closed so rebound would be short lived. We fizzeled out pretty fast. don't see your july graph past the 2nd unless you just posted
Jay - Mon market is close.
I have three pivot dates. 7/15 is now 7/16 and major ones at 8/17 and 9/1 of which neither has anything to do with cycles, New Moons, nor any astro.
Still looking like 7/16 should be some kind of reaction high but it could invert.
Up to 7/16, down to 8/17, and then up to 9/1 setting up a thumping down into mid October would be perfect but who knows. Market never seems to do what it is supposed to do but clearly the trend is down into mid-October regardless of any rallies.
\just scroll odwn
I reposted all the graphs
for reference
lets keep to July for now
any further out gets lost in limbo land
Tomrow SHOULD get the WASH OUT low as the 8day CYCLE
converges with 329 bars at 3;30
An Occasional overthrow after 258bars
I mentioned Tuesday which
acknowledges the 5th as a holiday
MATH model
1220 to FLASH CRASH @ 1066 = 154pt
WAVE equality
SPX1131 - 154 = 977 to 980
Should happen tomrrow
Rebound right now into near 32pm is reaching 14.6% fibo from
1131 to 1010 = 120
120X 14.6% = 18
1010 + 18 = 1028 unless they blow thru that on VOlume
next level is 23.6%
or 28 pts to 1038
which would puts in the PLUS column.
Im watching carefully at the 2pm slot
ANYONE think they can RUn this UP into the close at least till 3;30?
1028 got to IT at 1:30
next would be 1038 at 3;30??
Do you think we gap up tomorrow by a good amount and then retrace into a final mini crash low? Is that what you are seeing?
Much appreciated!
3rd attempt to break above
1028 seems to have stalled
or failed
Any sharp drop from here will be telltale
the ACTIVITY INDEX was at 400 , and has JUST taken a sudden DROp to 300 now aFTER 2pm
IF we DO get that WASH to FIBO projections of 980 area, then I will be BUYING tomrrow's CLOSE
Thats WHAT i was looking for as
of yesterday, but Im beginning to change my mind about tomorow
Any Employ report this week would have to be a DRAMATIC change to have any rebound occur
Ive been reading over the daily outlooks, and I think tomrrow will NOT respond as I have been projecting
IT may actually be a GAP OPEN DOWN
especially if we get a STRONGER CLOSE Today near spx 1038
Energy at midnite tonight calls for CHAOS, and that could create some problems for Europe, thus effect our open
Either way, SPX 980 should be the 8day CYCLE target
I bot some shorts at 2:15, and will add more if we make it above 1028
sure hearing a lot of talk about a bounce to 1080 the way the euro rallied straight up today makes me think they could do it with the market too
agreed rrman..remember I told you at 122 to buy eur/usd as 60 min put in 2 fantastic hammers with a higher low..I think Jay's chart inverted and 7/1 is THE low..the whole week has been off as 7/1 and 7/2 should be higher than 6/28
no offense,we are here to bob and weeve,but I think the jobs # is priced in,and with census figured in and the unemployment rate will drop due to lack of unemplyment extensions (for now) the rate may frop below 9%... the ppt knows what they are doing,but I WILL tell you the 60 minute "hammer' on tna at 10:30 is powerful...daily candle yet to close, but as of right now,ALSO a hammer on S+P...
the adx is SCREAMING a buy on s+p 60 min,so I think they GAP UP friday on it's way to 1060-1080 next week
Flash ALSO had 11am today
which was right in line with an energy pivot at 10:52 which did hit first, and 11am pivoting on the 13 hr cycle
which works very well as a 329BAR CYCLE LOW
next week
CYCLES trump internals
thats why internals can stay oversold
for days until the CYCLE release
human thinking
Index P/C has been low 2.00's most of the day implying the kids are long and hedging with puts.
Doesn't always work but works enough to be a serious consideration.
some come back ...eh.
Triple top at 1028
258bars hits OPEN
14.6%13 day at 10:20
329bars at 3;30
Flash says 3:29
We'll give him that minute
gold/slv taking a hit.
Should gap up tomorrow tuesday will be a big up day also monday is a holiday
I am not getting shook out of my tna/fas as the market is trying to do....
the Euro followed Helge and rocketed up today making up all the down since
the 21st .....HUGE.MOVE....the S&P was down 3 I think it is lagging and tomorrow
and tuesday it will make the big move.....if it makes the same move the
Euro did today tna should go back to 50 it closed at 35.65 and fas back to
25 it closed at 18.73 today.....
Jay good calls
Flash: do you mean flash fusion?
have not seen his twitter updates lately
any new from mr. Big M?
Flash Fusion
private emails
A possible down move early in the AM on jobs data and rally the rest of the day.
rrman - I will sell my last position in FAZ and jump into FAS.
My e-mail is nealinnagoya@hotmail.com regarding Flash Fusion.
Jay, if you are able to share Flash emails , as you deem appropraite, I will appreciate. I am not able to log into your site as our IT department blocks it.
my email is
Rman - where do you Helge's Euro predictions - is there a separate link for that ?
Jay - I would be interested in Flash's updates too :)
no i use his regular charts they work better with the euro than they do with the Dow that he charts...I mean look at the big rally on the Euro today it was plain as day on his charts but the Dow hasnt rallied...."yet"
Thanks Rman :)
Jay - no EKG ?
I Have been reporting FLASH Fusion
right here as I get it.
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