but Im still having TROUBLE with the CLOSE as YOU can see.
The EKG DID show that this morning, but WHERE do I cut OFF the DATA STREAM?
Pivots today
126 bars@ 11am
156B @ 1;30
180b@ 3:30
Coy has a low today at 1:36
Activity index at 66 at 9am
LOw activity usually indicates a bearish bias for the market
and the forecast for today and tomrrow is also for low acticity
More later
still holding my /6e short from last week thru all the bs good call Jay looks like the new moon and low tides are barking
Thanks rrman
wouldn't new moon mark the peak or is it +/- 1 to 3 days around new moon? Is FOMC tomorrow screwing this up?
rrman what is 6e is euro or es ? great work and jay is doing great work and thanks for this blog
New moons MARK turns, and yes sometimes peaks unless its already been achieved
natural energy still shows a SHARP decline as per the power index, and it just might have to wait till tomrrow and the fed announcement
as you've mentioned many times
Fed day seems to hold its own until after 2;15pm
as of 12:45
Activity index rose in steps from 66 to 166 and backed off to 133 right now
Thus we see the increase in stock prices from the pivots at
126 bars @ 11am-
13 day segment @ 11:26
and spx is following the flow of the EKG as well
What is "Coy"?
Coy Morphew
one of our members who does an energy chart of his own based on something other than what I use.
I dont post it here as it seems to cause confusion for my readers
WE dont always agree
sorry, no, he has no blog
ok out of my /6e short at 1.3666
will short again tonight in afterhours when they run the euro up before the Europe Markets open figure around 1.37
Based on Jay's chart, I think a plunge is coming after 3. What do u think
a down wave but it will go back up on a spike i will short it i think around midnight
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