Heres March 1st for better or worse
11am became the TYPICAL hourly turn within 15 minutes
1pm became a TYPICAL almost on the button
**ADJUSTMENT at 3pm Same graph actually - just started earlier in the day
ONCE MORE TIME - ITS REALLY difficult to determine
EXACTLY when the day begins and or ends
Match up the graph against Charts edge and Helge = minor differences
each one derived from different sources
There is a 39 hours cycle high due at 10am- 10:30, so the graph showing a somewhat positive
start could offer such, but the read is for a tough start.
of course we could get both, if they bounce around in the first hour
Futures are holding doggedly at +3.20, but that could run and then disappear in minutes
as I believe that level is more in line with Europe holding at moderately higher levels
bar pivots today & follow up
126b @ 11am = minor dip & pivot to a high at 11;15am
156b @ 1:30 =
150 bars pivoted at 1pm - it can strike at either point,
but makes a stronger pivot when combined with the 1pm hourly turn.
180b @ 3:30pm = looks like it occurred at 3;15pm
Astro events at
12;36 pm - had minor dip
7:14pm -
Both events seem to have somewhat negative connotations
Since March 1st & 2nd are Bradley dates,
It would seem logical it would be a high, or offer a TURN lower
to the March 31st -April 1st Bradley date that Ive shown as a
LOW OF the month, and the LOW of the wave
note that March has offered a LOW and or PIVOT each year for the past 9 out of 10 years
updates in red
nice uptrend day, today.
HI Reza
Very possible
Activity index has 5 min updates
Was at 200 earlier
dropped to 100
Now back to 200
charts edge
all have similar graphs for today
Power index trends down next 3 days
500 Mon
450 Tues
400 Wed
350 Ths
450 Fri
Dear Flashnews Members,
I haven’t sent any update in the last ten days because we hold same predictions about all major markets what we mentioned previous 18 Feb flash.
Once again our short term outlook:
Planetary movement indicating worst time for metals during this week, sell gold as it will move down big. Our weekly planetary combinations says that gold may reach $1073.20 and if it breaks $1073 and trade below three hours will confirm that gold will break $1000 (this can happen even during this week).
In this week newsletter we mentioned that Chine Earth Quake may bring copper and silver prices sharply up for a day but they won’t able to hold trend so take a opportunity of selling. Platinum will also move down sharply during this week.
Oil will start trading weak from late Monday, heating oil and RB gas will also move down sharply.
Stock market are ready to fall big so get ready, FAZ, ZSL, SMN, GDX, DTO and EDZ will be great trade.
Grains will trade sideways but acquire Corn without fear.
Best trade of life time will be US Dollar, just buy without thinking twice. Please follow nature’s indication and I am sure you will always remember value of “Wave of nature”. Dollar Index toward 84.00, 86.00 then 90.00 and this will happen in short term.
I wish you great Holi “A festival of colors”, this festival may bring many beautiful colors in your life.
Need not mention name
It is a great day to be long.
I knew it.
hello Reza
The "forecast advisory" from this PROPHET is not at all near reality.
I can not believe he is so emphatic on some of the suggestions.
His reading may be for long term perhaps or may be cos I dont know what date it was written or for which weeks it is intended.
One sure thing we all must know is that we must absorb and digest all input from all yet decision to trade must be refined and rethought many times by us.
I am just focusing on today for now but I have been given an idea as to study individual commodities and stocks that we could play besides the wide covering indices etc.
Long term plays can only be sustained by well off and well healed and for traders with budget we should be focusing on one day at a time and max a week to come of course it does not hurt to project a month to have clarity.
The idea is to make some gains if we can not do that all talk is just nice talk.
Dear Jay
You should not be too concerned with complainers:) It is part of life.
Further I posted on other blog:
We can not change the realities of anyone but we try to follow the course of nature. Believe or not many people position themselves based on their rigid biases and they search for confirmation. When that is not confirmed as per their vision, there is bound to be some anger and frustration.
We should understand them all and that is precisely you are doing by helping them clear so much. You are doing such a good job by creating your projections.
We can not make everyone happy as you can see.
We should keep being positive, nimble and very fast because these markets are running at a different velocity than they used to. We must adjust to the times and frequencies of the market and as you know market does not dance as per our dictate.. Do you agree?
Thanks Astral
Small short @ close.
Short any pop tomorrow morning from open.
It was a nice day for the bullys!
For those who the graph was all wrong
What the ????
Its ALWAYS THE SAME POOPLE no matter what
It matters NOT what graph I post, YOU WONT LIKE IT
I REALLY think EVERYONE ELSE can JUDGE for themselves without YOUR HELP
I'd love to see the whiners post their projections, before the fact.
ok since you ask
roguewave said...
1106ish may be all for am...then slackoff for dullsville...then pm ramp...this week trendline hi was far next week 1105
2/26/2010 10:47:00 AM
posted before the fact but held up as moderator screens before posting...anyway...just pull up a 3-5 min...1106 held in am...we dropped to 1099 for lunch and we ramped all afternoon back to a high of only 1106.50
on to today...boobex lo 4.25 which sat dn rt at last week's 1104 and this week's 1105 hi trendline listed marker area for week going forward
bye bye everyone.
I won't be coming back.
Stay clear away from the traders talk forum as well.
It seems that there has been a war waged by seemingly permabear wallstreet shills whose primary purpose is to keep traders in doubt by making bearish calls during Bullish junctions.
Observe who these people are and avoid them like the plague.
1150+ ? Sure, but 1000 comes first
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