EVERY month in the last 10, and maybe more,
I only went back about 10 months
EACH MONTH began on a LOW in the first week
the MONTH high was at or near the 18-19th
there is STILL support from
Spring equinox
Midnite high tide
Sunny Skies
today's read calls for mixed trends
Sunday's energy supports passage of the health care bill
1. enthusiasm- assertiveness- & confidence
2. be responsible to your obligations & live up to others expectations
written by interpreter RONNIE GRISHMAN
I bought some longs now.
Monday open should be higher than right now
still short target on /es is 1045/50 will get out of shorts buy long /6e at close
We will ramp up very soon!
Don't under estimate OPEX day
yeah rrman, 1145/50 is the master key support level.
NOON is 180 Bars
and should offer a short term low.
today could end where it started
Prlim for Monday shows not much change- same as today
churning ??
since March 23rd is Bradley, and they are still holding in at recent highs, then we should suspect a strong turn lower at that point.
As I pointed out many times in the past, the 23rd of the month is represented by the number "5" which in numerology does equate to CHANGE
AND as recently researched
we have seen MONTHLY lows in the first week of each month and highs toward the 19th-20th of each month.
thus we now see lows and turns around the 5th of the month, and highs & turns around the 23rd,
Fitting in with numerolgical
Monday's power index seems to be showing some weakness might creep into trading, but at this point it would be difficult to determine
how weak.
BUT as previously mentioned
the MONTH high coming in on the
19th right at open does seem somewhat toppy having researched the previous 10 months proving highs at or near that date of each month.
Charts edge seems to be a winner this week
S&P under 1150.23, then gap down Monday
out of shorts not long /6e 1.3534 will hold over the weekend ...been a good week
now long type have a good weekend guys and gals
Looks like a gap down as Jay mentioned.
what are you warning me about
ok Crissy
Good work
@jhamon MKT has a date with April 13 or so for an upward wave finish, then another shot in May, not sure which is higher; oh well
8:36 PM Mar 19th via web in reply to jhamon
Reply Retweet @jhamon SIMON has quite a big turn on 3/22 and I have 2 strong bearish reversals at SPX 1165; Long $UNG from $7.44 :-)
7:05 PM Mar 19th via web in reply to jhamon
from FLASH@jhamon @samamehta 1st SIMON peak window for April is; (4/10,4/12,4/13); we have a ttl of 5 of them; the most I have ever seen at 1 time
about 3 hours ago via web
Reply Retweet @jhamon looking for a decent low in the indexes somewhere around 28-30 March; April should go back up into the SIMON peak window
about 3 hours ago via web in reply to jhamon
I thought "simon" was dead.
Looks like a gap-up
thanks for FLASH update
Its a little too soon for April output as yet.
BUT As Ive posted several times
April-1st LOW should lead to a strong rally all the way thru late June and or Mid July
Speculating on a short term high on April 14th at this time is not productive
note I wrote April 14th
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