30bars at 12;30
60bars @ 3pm
That early low at 10am could be delayed to 10:42 am @ the 13 day cycle segment
That 13 day segment MIGHT need adjusting to 11:42 due to DAYLIGHT savings time
Charts edge has been quite good this week,
and shows a lower day tomrrow with a large sell off FRiday
the NEXT Bradley date is March 23rd should the mkt does start down today and or tomrrow
March 23rd should offer a MINOR pivot low, with a rally to the 26th
and or 29th turn to the next Bradley date on the 31st
allowing one day gets us to my projected low of APRIL 1st.
That makes a SIMPLE ABC correction leading to the NEXT 3 month RALLY thru JUNE
Nice move up so far this morning as per my prediction. I haven't sold yet!!
But when she turns....I will. That might be soon.
She has to make a low sometime before OPEx before she ramps into opex.
I took profits on %50 of my calls at 117.01. Letting the rest ride
from 115.9
GREAT work folks
thanks for your updates
Greatly appreciated by those who day trade
Going up accordingly to Jay's comments in the upcoming months! Hummmmm...I wonder if its time to finally short?!
Bullish after April 1st --
Ive been projecting April 1st as a PIVOT low for weeks
and June 30 as the NEXT potential
HIGH point
My charts and writings have reflected that outlook MANY TIMES
Still Long.
Okay I started selling half my longs and soon all my longs.
Thanks RICK
sounds like a PLAN
Will get rid of remaing April SPY calls under 116.90
Bought yesterday at 115.92
added to /6e shorts at 1.3755
Selling 2nd half here and buying some putsy.
Nice little blow-off move here to sell into.
yep should get a big down wave here in a bit for several hours
Sold rest of my calls %50 at 117.36
Never got under 116.90 to hit my
stop, lucky for me.
Sold half at 117.01 and half 117.36
covered all shorts for profit of 4 points
If tomorrow is not down, then Bradley
date on 23rd could be a HIGH not a low. Bradley dates only predict change in trend, NOT highs or lows.
I have tracked Bradleys for years and frankly, they are unreliable.
Case in point was the Major, not Minor, March 1 turn date. We are now over 2 weeks past the date and it would appear the prior trend has yet to change. Some day but not yet.
out of short /6e and now long 1.37.22 we should go up into the open and looks like up until midday then down but still close up then up until Europe open then HUGE down into Open and ALL DAY looks like a huge down wave friday
KC, I agree, they are as reliable as Elliot Waves, Tidal
waves, New moons, etc.... Big decline this week???
Running out of time.
Thanks Reza. Did Jay throw in the towel???
looking for one more wave up to 1071/1079 ES... i truly hope we get it today
long ES 1059
target 1071
Jay is on late shift at Mcdonalds today, he will be back later.
His wife threw out his charts and told him to stop wasting time on tide and astro and EW guff
another Jay
the original Jay -gg
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