it shows I am NOT alone about seeing a decline coming in the next 30days
Remember I posted a drop to 770 area would NOT be out of the question
and the above chart clearly presents those parameters.
ITS really simple FIBO math
Heres something else to soak up
July 14, 2006 was a LOW at DOW 10,739
July 19, 2007 was a HIGh at DOW 14,000
July15, 2008 was a LOW at dow 10,900
NOW what should we expect on July17th, 2009
This years Astro is leading toward a LOW on r about july15
the timing above represents approx 250 tr days between each annual date
248 trade days / 8 = 31
we've seen this b4, and are tracking it now
JULY 15 th is 89 fibo trade days from March 9th
Astro has a double negative on the 15th as well as a qtr moon -90*
The end of the month could end up LOWER, but for now lets concentrate on
shorter term such as next week
I dont think from what ive got so far, that the 29th will be very deep,
so it does leave the DOOR OPEN for another run up on 30th with EOM
window dressing to help lift prices back to or even above spx922.
the reading calls for an OPEN high on JULY 1st and thats the
END of the HIGHS
for July which might THEN end on LOWS as above
more later
MY thanks to those who registered as followers
Welcome to my world, in case I didnt say it before
Is it possible that Jul 7th can mark a peak and Jul 22nd a bottom?
Anything is possible. The question is what is likly and where do you have best risk reward entris and exits.
Would like to hear what Jay has to say likelihood related to those dates.
That's my POINT. You're not the ONLY one who sees a decline to wherever. There are many if you're honest, not just many but many pied pipers with BIG subscriber bases like McHugh for example. We ain't got much time before the top in late-July. It's coming fast and the bottom 888 is in. You watch and learn from the master.
Mr heckler
What is LIKELY ??
Astro says
High July1st
Low July9th
High with some minor bumps along the way to July22
Remember I mentioned the number 23
2+3 = 5 = CHANGE
After the 22nd we get a CHANGE that the stock market WILL NOT enjoy, but the bears will thru the EOM.
All of the above will be confirmed as we move thru the month using the power & propens indexes as the month progresses.
the Eclipse of July7th calls for
HARD WORK & discipline + UNSTABLE emotions
The ECLIPSE day does NOT sound like a catapult is possible as I previously described it might be.
I really see the HIGH of the MONTh possible on JULY1st.
I will be shorting that peak 110%.
July 8th & 9th
8th is 55 tr days April20th closing LOW at dow 7841 -spx 832
July9th is 55 tr days from Arpil21 at 10:45 low @ 258 bars
at spx 826, then closed higher on the day
Apr 8th & 9th are 8day lows & turns
You guys are keeping my at my desk when i would like to play more golf, and enjoy the pool[ggg]
BUT you must know I love this stuff and will take it to the end, but hopefully thats a LONG LONG TIME from now.
Alziemers is not for people like us.
Mr heckler
PROOF will suddenly appear
on JULY6th= potentially a very serious day
comment about celeb deaths
Dramatic Human events usually occur the week prior to an eclipse
Princess Diana death was RIGHT ON the day prior to AN ECLIPSE.
Iran could come apart on this eclipse
more later
thanks Jay. will wait for july 1 high to add shorts
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