NO support at highs
I bot an additional short position at today's open Dow +89
bottom chart = NO MOMENTUM on this last rally
Please soften & ameliorate your comments
Lots of rough edges yesterday - I realize we are all under great stress, and each day
that goes by withOUT a resolution makes it worse. I am ALSO WAY UNDER WATER -60%
We are very fortunate that OE is June19th
because as posted the BIG FIBO and CYCLE resolution LOW is JUNE 17th,
which means the price levels MUST now from here to there begin to sell off.
Todays Plummet in Gold at the open -21, more to follow, including stocks
Stocks drop at 9:50, a minor 14.6%/13day cycle low
NOW at 10:15 dow - 33
150Bars @ 10:15am
180Bars @ 12;45 to 1pm
204bars @ 3pm
Sun 90 Saturn, that nasty son of a __
Saturn can lead to ruination, IF your a bull today
who do you think the PROFESSIONALS were SELLING TO this morning? Hmm.
Propensity index starts out at 2998 but finishes the day much lower at 2990
A STRONG Friday SELL OFF usually spills over into Monday
Power index starts Monday at a low level of 300, and builds to 500 later on
VHF more bearish today over the 5 level to as much as 9 so far today
258 bars is scheduled for 1pm on Monday
Monday, of course is NOT the LOW of LOWS, but it should be a good
start toward recovery for my portfolio, and Im sure yours as well
If you remember the READING for today :
$ is a touchy subject, and WOW we can vouch for that by the comments
Obstacles & aggravation - another wow
Harsh reality NOW sets in & watch your valuables
Any rally OFF Monday's LOw should be another shorting OPP, or a BUYING opp
at those lows if you want to go long, but I think its TOO later for that NOW.
Anytime I try to catch those quick moves, it doesnt work out well
Remember this also
I will be CLOSING OUT ALL my short positions on JUNE17th , andwill be BUYING Long postions
on JUNE18th looking for ONE hell of a huge rally into the 23rd and or the EOm
More Later
Thanks Jay
Great analysis Jay. I appreciate. Pl keep it up and I like the to the point and indices. I am sure your guidance is very beneficial.
But again each must analyze on its own too.
Any midday update for us
Any midday update for us
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