Theres the Standing JOKE- How many ______ does it take to ______________
in this case= how many waves does it take to make a high??
WE can ALL SEE 5 waves DOWN from the mid day high on June11th, to June17th
but we area All having trouble with locating the next high
Lets see if we can find some clarity BEFORE the fact,
and keep in mind no matter what
IT NEVER works out exactly the way we think it should.
There is NOW 6 waves off the LOW on June17th at 11am
WHY 11am ? answer = SUN 90 Uranus
WHAT ? You dont believe in astro -thats OK because
No one is asking for believes - just observers
And at the SAME time we had a 78.6% segment of the 13 day cycle - double whammy.
what does ALL this say about the FUTURE ??
Lets Return to this question- HOW many waves make the next high?
Were at 6 waves NOW
Ravi - can we see 7 waves or 9waves ??
IMO, I think it will be 9 waves and heres why
Natural energy SEEMS to have 3 more waves thru JUNE 30th.
and those waves should probably get TIGHTER as we reach the pinacle
OK , heres how it breaks down
I hope this is NOT TOO MUCH to absorb.
Natural energy has Mars 120 Saturn high on Monday at 11am
BUT its QUICKLY followed by
1. A 13day cycle low
2. NEw Moon
3. Venus 135 Pluto
4 Sun 180 pluto
Those are the reasons for my projections for Monday
And the reading again calls for shake ups & insecurity.
THIS MIGHT BE PART OF THE 6th WAVE down ,and not a 7th wave
all depends on making a lower low than SPX904 on Monday's close - 899/900 would do it???
or Tuesday's open
Maybe we should not have closed out those shorts at a loss,
but I WILL BE USING the proceeds to buy the same shorts
back at CHEAPER PRICES at 11am
Moving ON - skip over to JUNE30th
JUNE30th has
JUPITER 30 Uranus - this is a very powerful event
reads = RESOLVE conflicts , Harmony & expect a GOOD MONEY DAY
That is the POINT where its MOST LIKELY to get the PINNACLE of THE 7 of 9 waves
AND This move might still ONLY be a WAVE "a"
WHY?? , you ask, Ok you forced my hand [g]
July 8th - hard aspects
SPX to 850 as the 38% retracement
Natural energy SHOWS
A HIGH on June30th
A LOW on July8th
& THERE IS A VERY STRONG POTENTIAL for a HIGHER high on July 20 and or July 22nd
This mght be the high of 3 legs completing the MAIN counter trend wave from March 9th
more later
Pattern repeats
2006 Aug 4th high
2007 Aug 8 high
oct 10 high
2008 Aug 15high
oct 1 high
And 2009 looks like
Aug 4th high
Oct 10th high
THEN a long DOWNTREND to April 2010
thanks Jay. I too am hoping that Monday it gaps open and goes to 930+ as Ravi has projected that will give us cheaper shorts.
pre market on Monday should reveal the secret. and the path to follow
I did not project that "Monday it gaps open and goes to 930+"
What I said was that there are two scenarios
EITHER, it gaps down near or before open, and starts the journey towards 875 area, without going over the late Friday afternoon hi of 923.87
OR, it first goes up beyond 927.09 Friday AM hi towards 930-936 area, before starting 5 waves below last week's low.( I said 930-935,but should have been 930-936). But I must add that anything over 927.09 will do.
EWwise, I think first scenario is more likely. But because of Jay's cycle/astro work, I gave a bit more likelihood to second scenario to a 50/50 chance. I stepped out of my short in the after hours because I do not like 50/50.
More on Jay's wave comment later.
Prelim indexes for monday
Power index starts out UP from 300 to 400, then drops back to 300 by days end
Propens has moved higher off friday's low of 2972 now at 2990
but we will have a more complete pic with the AM report
to see where it goes from there, but for now it looks like a higher open
Jun 30th is qtr ending and is very likely to fixed to a round number such as SPX 850, 900 or 950. The likelihood of 950 seems a whole lot harder than say 900 at this point. But then a whole lot of stranger things have happened.
Heres an interesting chart for you all.
Perhaps the Euro reaching the bottom part of the channel will give us an indication of when the market will turn.
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