occurred this morning and should be over on the
13 day pivot low at 11;13 today, with an uptrend the rest of the day.
The last drop off might occur at OPEN Tomrrow rather than this afternoon
and as the newer chart shows, a continuation of the rebound friday after a lower open
Keep in mind that there are NO guarantees in this game and each day is its own monster
USE YOUR OWN ANALYSIS to make your trades
this blog is NOT meant as a trading guide other than for MYSELF
rode that dip out still short /dx the es could break 1070 this run
out of longs in IRA will go long at open in the morning....out of short /dx waiting for direction whether to go long now or at close
ok short /es 1073 might be a little early but will hold thru for the drop after hours
I think we go back to the bottom of the channel now it will be similar to last night
Dear Members,
This week all major markets are trading as predicted in newsletter. Any Weakness in Dollar Index should be taken as buying opportunity. Euro, BP and Yen will move down sharply. Next target for dollar index is 80.93. In newsletter we mentioned that Monday, Tuesday dollar weak trend and Wednesday sideways but later Wednesday buying time. Next target will write on Friday.
Metals have achieved predicted top target of this week and now time to sell, so any rise during today and tomorrow morning should be taken as selling opportunity in copper, gold, silver and Platinum. Current prices of gold is $1081, silver $1560 and copper $298 and these are great level to sell, as in our this week newsletter we mentioned that from Wednesday metals will start falling down.
This week best recommendation is buying grains, so add corn today and carry forward trade to next week.
Soft commodities, like sugar, coffee, cocoa and cotton to move down, but this week they may trade sideways.
Treasury bond is great sell so take sell position today around 118.30.
Buy FAZ, SMN, EDZ and sell GDX. Stock market will trade sideways or weak from late today.
Oil will remain weak, first two days it traded as planet guided us. This week higher side our target was $73.80 and one can sell around this prices. Natural gas has fulfilled our both side trading range now we recommend staying away from Natural gas.
Important Note: From tomorrow morning new prices will get effected for Newsletter and Flash News.
News flash new price will be $900 from $450.
Yearly Newsletter from $2390 to $3000
One month from $270 to $345
Three months from $750 to $950
Six months from $1250 to $1625
Yearly consultation from $21000 to $30000
We care for quality members and reader who can really plan their investment well.
Thanks & God Bless
Need not mention the name.
I'm short now!!!!
15 point profit. A lazy profit
I blew it. Missed the put cover and then getting long. Puts are March 110's so not too worried.
Thought the kids would break the ascending neckline after a bounce but price never looked back.
I now have SPY upper 110's for early next week and low 100's for end of month.
since we tried to break the higher range at 1080 on cash and only could muster 1079 we should go to the lower range now maybe 1050 or so tonight and bounce for the big up day tomorrow....
Today is the year and a half anniversary of the final high in the stock market before the collapse into October 2008 (August 11,540degrees ago, also a lunar eclipse/Puetz crash signal(we already have one now)----there have been many turns made this year on the 11th/12th days---ala May,June,July----The summer Olympics were occurring at this time----Red Dragon has mentioned some sort of Zeus esoteric ceremony I know nothing about that is performed there----we are now approaching winter Olympics).
I still don't see the stock averages exceeded prior peaks. It looks like the Nasdaq is stuck at one right now. 20day average is still dropping sharply. 10day and 20day had flattened out at the 2009Shanghai and 1987 DJIA first downmove bottoms. I don't discount that this bounce could continue into next week. Euro has a nasty looking reversal bar today and plenty of shorts to squeeze. (and a double bottom)
Mahendra thinks something big is about to happen since he's hiking his fees and supposedly cutting off access to flash reports (heard that before).....likewise BAM Investor has gone lockdown on public info releases.
I missde the buy this morn as it came it right as predicted
Now short- expect gap down open and low at 10;30 @ 120bars
rally after, but secondary low at 2;20pm with higher close
NOW this is the kind of conversations that real traders have
thanks guys & gals
That reversal bar in the euro (FXE)isn't so fearsome now. Still a reversal bar but I wouldn't place a great deal of emphasis on it. But if it doesn't blast off tomorrow out of that double bottom formation, with all the shorts in it, then something is wrong (for the bulls).
3 day taylor cycle is back on track again,tomorrow being the ss day.should have at least some upside in the morning,the 20wk ma has been a good indicator of trend and s/r so that is a likely target.(currently 1091 spx).good day today.bought at 11:13 and sold for 8pts profit.was out so closed outr on the phone.i hope tomorrows as generous to us.
HI Jay
What are you expecting to happen on Feb 16th?
I'm going to go long but waiting on the eur/usd to bottom on the 15" stoches looks liek 80.82 on the dollar may be where I go short the dollar long es I still think we break 1080 today 1090 may be on tap
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