SLOW start on 16th higher late afternoon
with drop off late day
And the rest of the week follows my POWER INDEX graph
It shows a lower open as many of us suspected and a a hihgh potential at late afternoon
where coincidentally there is also at Moon 30 Sun @ 3;42pm
WE cant tell at this point in time if the day finishes DOWN or IF tehre will be Another LIFT
after that last DIP
However, I can tell YOU that tonight at 6pm,the ACTIVITY is FLYING HIGH AT 433,
the highest I have seen it in months. I did not show it for fear of confusion, but the above chart,
prior to what is shown is also QUITE high, but drops off as you see into today.
Lets see what charts edge has to show.
LOOK ABOVE to see the weeks graph from CE.
This is MORE than we could hope for
HELGE, Jaywiz, Charts edge, FLASH, ALL IN SYNC
more in the AM
I am already on Twitter
Do you mean you logged into MY twitter account? or do you have one of your own?
Log in as follower on my account and I will Ditto yours
this is like holding hands on the
Love it
I am already a follower
id: reza002
Jay - sent a request up to your twitter account :)
Based on the pre-opens chart ... it seems like Feb 15 was a deep low .. so how does it work when that day is a holiday .. does that happen the next day ...
Rman / Reza would appreciate your thoughts :)
Based on this Jay - it seems that the morning is the best time to get out of short positions - is that inference right ?
Can you share how you use your fib levels to determine the exits ...
I was looking at Fujisian's chart at SOH, she is rarely wrong on her calls. She seems to call for 1094
I'm long still will hold until 6am or open and then go massively short I think tomorrow is going to be a huge down day
As it will play out even if it is a holiday in the futures
just a small word of warning,i've kept an eye on chartsedge's weekly charts for a couple of years now,and while they are another good tool to have in the arsenal,this is options expiry my experience,chartsedge very rarely,if ever get oe week right.just a note of caution,oe week can seriously damage your wealth!
futures just spiking as i type,europes waking up i see...
ok out of longs and now fully short /6e 1.3648 same as /es 1083.75 level my plan is to hold all day unless Jays spike at midday looks promising but bottom line we will be down all day and make a low in afterhours early tomorrow morning
ok out of longs and now fully short /6e 1.3648 same as /es 1083.75 level my plan is to hold all day unless Jays spike at midday looks promising but bottom line we will be down all day and make a low in afterhours early tomorrow morning
also have an extended hour order working for faz in my ira
rrman, what is your stoploss for long? today's BH high?
I mean for your short position rrman
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