Futures powered higher at 8:30, but have since backed off following Europe lower
the late day sell down on this graph may be more exagerated than what we actually get.
HOWEVER, take a LOOK at Tuesday - very similar effect
This graph SHOWS the overall trend of the day and tomrrow IS UP
It also shows a late day drop off, but rally continues tomrrow -12th
The graph agrees with my power index next 2 days
The latter part of the 12th will be available later today
The second graph shows Exagerated INTRADAY movement
Today we have
30bars at open- 9:45
60 bars @ noon
62% /13 day segment @ 11:13
90bars @ 2;30
IF you have a different analysis - lets see it
If you have a similar one - lets see it
DONT BLOW SMOKE at me and try to blame me if you trade poorly
NO TIMES on these graphs
I am trying to teach you somethings about daily market interaction
by giving you hourly turns
at 11-1 & 3pm
BUT some of you are soooo stupid
you took those times as an ABSOLUTE MUST-- WRONG !!
you cant use the data that way.
This is a GENERAL rule of thumb
Not an absolute
These turns do occur more often than NOT
Bar cycles do occur more often than not
None of the above is an ABSOLUTE
there is NOTHING about the mkt that is an absolute
USE you OWn analysis and make some comparisons which we CAN DISCUSS like real people who have a COMMON GOAL
opening on lower support here,tempted to fade the gap but best to hold fire.1055 could arrive in quick time if she decides to break cleanly.
After 8
Im thinking about holding off
buying until 11;13 @ the 62%/13 day pivot
On the exagerated graph, DG #2- that would be the second low
WE got so far last few days
low at 1044
high at 1080
in between 1060 low so far
so yes 1055-1052 is very possible
prior to the continuation of a rebound
sounds good jay,too many still watching for wave 3 down i feel.i have a low sometime between 11 and 12 so ill go with your time there.thanks.
IT looks lIKE that LATE DOWNTREND FROM YESTERDAY's graph is occurring this morning, and should end at the latest on the 62%/13 day pivot
A late sell off on the graph might refer to a gap down OPEN tomrrow
Its really hard to tell exactly WHEN
there waves will occur, but at least you can see how the waves will develop.
LIke yuo, I prefer to trade when we get a solid trend rather than mixed action like this
but we get what the mkt gives and
and try to make something on it or stay OUT
The BEST BET this month, IMO will be shorting the FEb16th HIGH/TURN
Flash has a high on 12th, which could easily, imo, be the 16th.
16th has intraday minor positive lunar aspects and Venus 0 Jupiter
leading to EXPANSION of Money
its now near 10am and we might have seen the 9:45 LOW at 30 bars
high at 10:20 on Moon 30 Neptune
Next is 62% at 11:13
i see ian has a cit here at 10:05 and later this afternoon.
SOO, Now we see a pivot low right after 11am, and the general direction is now Up
the HOURLY turn & 13 day segment hit at about the same time
after 8
I missed the 11am turn-
I think I will short the close
120bars tomrow @10;30 am
Mars 150 Pluto at 7am tomrow= power struggles.
Just as yesterday chart showed a late drop, most of it came this AM
My power index shows a GAP down tomrrow AM, then recovery
Dear Jay
Very good projection for the day. You were right on spot with your 11.13 13 day Pivot.
I see some rise before a bigger fall for a few weeks on daily.
What is your analysis for Fri and the next week. I am trying to read into the USD which seems to be catalyst of the market currently.
The new moon this time has Chinese new year week. As far as I think Chinese buy stocks heavily in this period when open. This may impact the markets.
Looks like a high on the 16th after a weaker open
high open on 17th then its primarily DOWN to the 25th
Jay I agree with you. Next week despite new moon we have options week, Chinese NY and perhaps some other good news on EU hopefully.
I agree with your projection of next week because Jupiter closes its door on Feb 19th for some time so rest of the month from 17/18th could be shaky.
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