Unless some miracle happens in the AM, we really should see a lower open, but as promised
the end of day does tick up, which leads me to look for the LOW of day at about 3:45pm
It also shows a MORE DEFINED LOWER CLOSE than the last 2 days,
which confirms my suspicions about tomrrow NOT being anything LIKE today or Wednesday
IMO< With 30 bars at open we really should NOT see a higher open,
60 bars is at noon
90bars at 2:30
Midnite LOW tide should coincide with low close also
The TAIL end of the graph is not complete, and if it shows anything other than a continuation
of the down swing, I will let you know, but even if it upticks, it may not effect tomrrow's close
except for the timing of a low prior to closing.
at 8:46 AM ,which should influence the futures is a minor lunar negative ~~ Moon 150 Sun
REVIEWING the days read for TODAY, IT called for Sudden positive changes
- which we certainly got
BUT TOMRROWS read = NO new starts- keep a LOW profile & expect complications
SO it should be a very different day.
More Later
Is the open on the far left by the green and if so what is the lt grey vertical line or is that the open?
Pardon the fundementals
One analyst/trader on forex TV is looking for a negative revision for 4th quarter GDP, which he says will be neg for stocks.
Ramsey Bilbiesi tues 2/23 4:43PM
This is consistant with an early pop (Pre 8:30am est) than a sell off in stocks.
thanks Ben
good to know such details
the GREEN line is the OPEN & CLOSE
of the day
vertical grey line = usually NOTHING
Bar cycle lows today
30 bars at open
60bars @ noon & could be the grey line on this graph
90bars at 2;30
Last dip on graph looks like 3;45pm from the picture
and would represent 106bars - which is NOT a pivot that has much meaning, there fore further declines should follow Monday on the Bradley date
IF we DO get a substantial sell off as shown, then 3;45 TYPICALLY and quite often marks the day's low, rather than 4pm
Its now 8:45am
Spoos now a little negative
Oil hovering unch
If there is any UPSIDE as the LOWER graph shows it should not make it past 10am
Jaywiz index = 29= sell pressure
Jay, I have the low of today
@ 8:36 ? can you advise, Thank you Luis
How can the lod be at 8;36 unless you mean futures??
where is rrman
Vertical lines and horizontal lines in the background mean nothing then?
rrman has gone looking for cementjak who thought we went up wed, thur and today
I still think today/monday would be THE HIGH
ok thanks Jay
Whenever we consider today to be a low or the high, personally I greatly appreciate Jay and his input here. And above all I DO AGREE that the next week is positive.
Conclusion: BUY-BUY-BUY
It seems to be holding up better than shown on the daily chart (again) so do we just ignore the daily chart (again) and pretend it didnt happen
what is next week showing for you at the moment jay
we can take the same or opposing view depending on how much we trust your judgement
Your daily charts don't seem to be of much use - what are Coys daily charts saying and are they any more accurate?
A drop from about 5 march would work well from an Elliott Wave and an Astro point of view.
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