Saturday, June 13, 2009

At the Precipice

I want to lay out next weeks potential, and thanks to all for great comments
& Ravi for the potential daily price levels

Natural energy first
Harmonic cluster of hard aspects culminating on the 17th

Sun 90 Uranus
Venus 45 Uranus

Readings are
Jupiter starts RX- does NOT usually have such an immediate impact, but
15th = setbacks - obstacles- run out of steam
16th = watch your safety - no new starts- commun disruptions
17th - repeat 16th + $ is unsettling- run for cover- watch what you download
18th - take care of biz early- look for bargains
Bradley is the 18th & MULTI Fibo convergence as posted b4


Power index - long term view
Monday - 400 @ open to 550 @ close
Tuesday - 550 start to 450 close
Wed - 500 to 400
Thurs - 500 to 400
Propens index has yet to confirm the above

Bar cycles
Im going to run 2 different cycles
BECAUSE there MAY HAVE BEEN a 329bar cycle low at 2;30pm Friday, yet to be confirmed

BOTH cycles started on Monday @ 258bars at 1pm, actual low as a little early at 12;45
258 bars was due Thursday at 3pm,
but may have ALSO occurred a little early @2;45pm

THEN 3:10 pm started a serious dive ending at 10 am the next day'
thus that low would have hit at 276 bars & would appear out of sync. with expected low points.
altho we had a 150 bar low at 2pm on WEd + 126b = 276- i'll have to watch that one.
we are expecting a 90 bars hit to get back into sync at the OPEN.
This does seem to correlate with the power index above starting at 400 at open

THE STRONG turn UP Friday at 2:30 did come right on A 329bar cycle low point ??
yet to be confirmed - BUT Monday's open should settle the matter if it opens sharply lower

IF NOT, then adding 329bars to Friday at 2;30 take us to EXACTLY 4pm on Thursday
If it has shifted which it does on RARE occasions, we will watch the bar low points on Monday
to try and confirm.

other wise the original cycle ends Thursday at 3;30 at 126 bars which could also become a low
typically ending the day at a low between 3;30 and 3;45pm.

Anyone of you who is following this is welcome to work the cycles and report on their correlations
more later


Jay Strauss said...

HI Velvet
thanks for registering and welcome

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

Thank you very much for the updates.

question: the power index doesn't seem to indicate a weak market?

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Jay.
Do you perchance follow Hurst cycles? A few Hurst cycle adherents I know have a target around July2/o9 as a ITorST low before making a significant top in July mid-month. Do you see this as a viable alternate possibility to your own work?

Thankyou very much for your time in advance of your reply.

P. Gibbons

Velvetunderground said...

Hi Jay!

Thankyou for the welcome

Looking forward to next weeks trading!


Anonymous said...

Although the market eeked out a gain on Friday, there were more declining issues than advancing issues:


Jay Strauss said...

A note about the power index
It starts out on Sunday NIGHT at 600, and shows a dramatic drop on Monday AM to 400
THE propens index NOW has SOME data for tomrrow, and it also starts out at 3002, but as of this Sunday morning is at the 2996 level which appears to be a confirmation.

on 9/1-/2001
moon 180 pluto
Moon 90 Sun
on 9/11/2001
Moon 180 mars

This week we have
at midnite tonight
moon 180 Saturn
moon II Uranus
Moon 90 Sun
moon # Uranus
Moon 0 Uranus
16th Mars 45 Uranus
Moon 90 Puto
Merc # Pluto
Sun 90 Uranus
Venus 45 uranus

back to the power index
a recovery to 550 late on Monday
should offer another shorting opp
as it then makes a steady decline to 400 by thursday

more later

PS: P. gibbons, thanks for your input about Hurst cycles
I have NO TOP in JULY, but more volatility is expected.
We DO have for example

July 2nd a high
3rd is closed for 4th holiday
6th low on the eclipse
22nd high on the eclipse
and a more important high on August4th

Jay Strauss said...

I did a little review of 2 past periods
Spt 27 to oct 10th
nov 13 to 20
both have the power index sliding lower into the lows

conclusion of that study shows

ITs the DIRECTION of the FLOW rather than the Amplitude of the actual number level.


Anonymous said...

Dear Members,
The trend in dollar came yesterday because of the auction of 30 year Bond. This trend will have a short life and US Dollar re-bound was it lost yesterday. Dollar has bottomed out last week and it will remain in bull market. Keep trust on the planetary movement because the planets are giving a great buying signal, AND these signals are the only reliable indicator in world financial market.

From the 15th of June Jupiter will retrograde and this reverse direction will last until the 12th of October 2009. This is very dangerous sign as this move can take all the stock markets and commodities toward new lows. We don't have any doubt on rise of dollar towards three digit by the end of the this year.

The most unique trend in the market is ready to develop so get ready.

Friday's trade:
Buy dollar

Sell metals - Gold and silver (metal stocks have come down sharply during this week and more weaker trend is pending). We still believe that gold won't be able to cross $964 and silver $15.57.

Grains are trading higher, we expect an upper trend on Thursday and Friday so one should start selling.

Buy Treasury bond from next week

Natural gas moved up sharply yesterday so one can hedge position buy buying gas and selling crude oil. Oil has topped yesterday around $72.30 and this is a great opportunity to selling.

Trading note: Don't fear when market moves aggressively for few hours because the powerful traders want you to get away from market when they are on top or bottom.

Thanks & God Bless
Mahendra Sharma

Anonymous said...

Careful...we have an atilla fade alert. He says: "Most of these miserable idiots have been calling for SPX 1000+ just a few days ago." He's also still calling for a big crash. He's been doing so every weekend since March and is emphasizing it more now. I think we break to the upside this week and hit 1000+ even if momentarily...possible blow off top.

Anonymous said...

For the first time since this rally began there is now evidence of NEGATIVE DIVERGENCE on the WEEKLY chart(s).

Just something to take note of.


Anonymous said...

Looks like 'Chartedge' doesn't agree with Jaywiz. Merlin shows M to W straight up and only a small pullback T & F. I'll just continue to be long and strong till I see weakness (1.5 to 2%)

Anonymous said...

who is this SIMON that Flash Fusion keeps referring to?

Anonymous said...

Chartsedge is hardly reliable anom. But I think you already know that.


lazarus100 said...

I tend to agree with Chart Eddge here. There will be some institutional buying here. Planning to buy early weakness with a tight stop.

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with the futures being down. Institutionals will be dumping here. Planning on selling into the gap down.


Anonymous said...

Well, My secret weapon indicator has already triggered a SELL. It fails rarely. I also agree futures are down and going down further by open. Longs beware. You are about to get your head handed to you.

Charlie Boy

Anonymous said...

I'm a straight man, so don't get this wrong. After looking at the future this morning I have to say one thing: I love you Jaywiz! :-)

A zillion thanks for sharing your forecasts, God bless you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Goodmorning Jay et al.

I'm short and loving it.


Reza said...


Is it trend day down, or sudden last hour bs

Anonymous said...

billy...good point thanks for mentioning it.

anon....SIMON is the name that FLASH has given to the system that he developed.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jay,

An update on the Power Index, Please. EOD recovery in the cards?
