They JUST HAD TO GLOAT for one more day
A Bradley HIGh was met today
Next Bradley is 9th, but that could mean a low on the 8th - employ report??
Spx did NOT lead the DOW lower
and the DOW almost never leads the way lower
Yes Reza, we rally should see a gap down tomrrow and non stop to lows on the 7th at 3:45pm
Have a good evening Jay appreciate all the info...
Jay & co.
Anew blog you might find useful. New video entry.
"simples" will like this one
Thanks MArk
Lambro link on main page
His S&P tech work is excellent
Sets the stage for parameters
McClellan closed @ 27.30 , a very small move of +2.56 suggesting a large non-directional move shortly
Posted on ticker forum
Somebody bought 50,000 shares of Faz at 17.76 AH at 4:20 PM.
MKT: 8.6 month turn is tommorow 1/6/10; then we have 1/11/10 where the SUN-Venus-Earth line up in a straight line; it's all GRAVITY :-)
Reza, rrman going short @ 10am?
added to shorts 1131.75 and 1131.50 think that pop should be it to the upside 5", 15" 1hr stoches are all at the top
SPX's upside gap/magnet at 1136.52 from the open got FILLED,
Good morning Jay hows your pulse this morning?
I am out of longs now.
if we hit 1132 again we will bounce because of the way they sold into it last time would be a good short if you have any ammo left i'm fully short right now this thing will drop without notice so i can give up a point or so to make sure i'm in ...
back in longs
EU not selling off, so will wait for shorts.
EU almost positive, so not a big sell off on the horizon
good call Reza for that lil pop
Weird Wollie Wednesday today + FOMC minutes at 2pm probably suggests that the best time for a short is around 2.05pm. FOMC tends to pop and drop into EOD.
U may be right on that
added some more shorts on margin 1133.25
Where is Simples
FTSE shorts look good around here also , but may go as high as 5650 depending on US markets.
the buy and holders don't have to get up early :-)
I think ES wants to touch 1140,
then reverse
Simples is getting ready to exit longs at 1220 +
Won't short till March as we may pop to 1300 ish.
No point being too early.
Think we will have a 2004 tight rangebound style correction March to October
Joe8888 posted this chart
maybe so I would think 1135 would be it i would figure 1140 they would save for friday but go figure....timewise Helge looks like 1230 eastern would be the drop
If u look at the chart from 2000-2009, we made double bottom last year. So as you said 1300+ is given.
Watch XOM.
This has a 5% weighting .
If it decides to fill that gap , markets will move up significantly.
Already MACD cross.
Jay, whats flash talking about on the 11th? can you translate?
MKT: 8.6 month turn is tommorow 1/6/10; then we have 1/11/10 where the SUN-Venus-Earth line up in a straight line; it's all GRAVITY :-)
out of longs
I'm out of longs as well
What does the rest of day look like.
Anyone here bought SPX puts already?
Waiting as Indigo mentioned
What Flash is NOT saying
If we dont get a substantial
sell off to at least 1100 or lower in the next 2days, then Monday has the power to take the spx to 1166, imo.
If they do sell off to 1100 or lower then Monday should top out at 1140
could be the high of the month
Bradley on the 9th= Saturday
could mean a low on FRIDAY
a HIGH on Monday
Natural bias is to the downside all day long, particularly 12:45.
This is not a level playing field. Da boys are at it.
Fed minutes next week, not today
lets drop it next week then
fdx and bk two of my signal leaders sure don't look good
shorted more at 1134 i'm done now until end of day
I think short at es 1140 looks good, then long again at the 1120-1125
Watch XOM.
Its going to fill that gap.
If it does the maekets will go up due to its massive index weighting.
my currency trader buds just flipped from long to short eur/usd thats my sign they are saying waterfall now..
Reza, FOMC minutes released at 2pm today:
QQQQ is negative, so waterfall can begin any time. But go long at 1120-1125 area
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