The larger hash marks represent 8am and 4pm for today & far right = 8am tomorrow.
I had been anticipating a higher morning till about 11am for today,
but that rebound might come after a lower open on 258bars which
is right on the cusp between Friday's close, and today's open
According to this graph, however, it looks like NON stop down till
at least
noon at 30 bars or
2:30 at 60bars
And the chart does show potential for lower open tomrrow which had been expected.
WED Jan 20 has
90bars @ 10:30am
38.2% /13 day cycle at 10:42am
more later
I think we'd follow jay's prev call of a 11am high then down till wed
out of longs at 1139 and now short also bought tza in ira at 8.86
Yes that does have merit
part of the graph I didnt show to the LEFT is a flat to slight rise prior to making that dip as shown
I didnt show it because its NOT withing the parameters of 8 am to 4pm
11am turn lower today to 10:30-11am turn higher tomrrow
added more shorts at 1140
MKT: bulls can accumulate down to 1123 SPX; if not comfortable, then 1132 is the pivot line again; SPX 1170 forms above 1140 on daily level
ptg is happy eh
Thanks Linton
Nice profit on longs so far.
I said 1145 cash, well they gave me 1146
You short now ptg?
just went short 1145.32
added more shorts 1141.50
Do u think 1145, then short
Reza sure looks like we're going to retest the high before we drop now...
guess flash was right on the 19th call....
MKT: next 3 leg turn up is 1/19, 1/22, 1/25 but there is a trading low in there between now & then so go find the day :-)
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