June8th Low to mid day June 9
June 9th drop off = wave 2
June 10th to 14 at 11am = wave 3
June 14th close = wave 4
NOW IN WAVE 5 SURGE to 1130, or more
ALL counts as an X wave against the main downtrend off May 25th low
HIGH STILL EXPECTED on JUNE17th at 10am to 11am
more later
Jay I think he messed up the 1b chart it doesnt match up with the rest and it changed when he updated the dow chart on top of it a bit ago..
Helge's DIRECTION is great, but Its hard for them PINPOINT exact times or even days as they produce those charts too far in advance.
There are Others who do that FAR in ADVANCE & I
also have a similar problem using their charts which are published
thats why I like the power index which is more current- 5 day view & EKG = NEXT day view
the high will come today OR tomorrow, then rest of the month DOWN. JULY will be a rally (counter). the meltdown will start late july/early AUGUST. does that fit yr readings, Jay?
DAMN close enuf for now
They are NOT backing off at NOON
but that might be the second hump on
the EKG
Which makes 3pm at 90bars more likely to offer a buy in low
dunno Jay, but last push that you expect might come premarket... on the SPX the push looks complete with a new high
Think they are still targeting 1103.5 ES bear stop
I think we made the high in the Euro at 1130 until friday at least
talk on another blog that the Swiss are intervening on the Euro they really pulled the stops out today the really want to move it up a point a day so far its worked but intervention when it stops caused a mess
BBY down more than 20% from top. Earnings 36c versus 50+ forecasted.
ES bear stops taken at 1103.50, now what?
What they are doing is bull & bear stops. Now bulls stops are at 1080 area, then 1060 area,
Best Buy profits down, housing stats fell of the cliff,
Dow jones Breaks out shown in hourchart. The hour should close above the horizontal line for bullishness to sustain
TZA & DRV looks very good
market didn't go down. Where is everybody?
the waves have all been delayed lately Ben
hello Jay I follow your great work from Italy, I'm your biggest fan, tell me your vision a bit long, because I'm confused, do you think is going to start one of three 3-Elliott and see that at least the end of June? What target price? Exclude new highs for the S & P? I use software that calculates the range of indices on different time frames, I like 1115 and 1066 as max min. monthly.
Thanks for your kind attention that yu may dedicate to me
HIGH on JUNE17th at 10am to 11am
Bought TZA July 7 calls into the close
Something to keep in mind for Opex ... I read this somewhere ... but it seems that lots of OI on SPX 1100 calls and SPY 108.5 ... so Fuji was predictin a touch of 1100 on Friday morning with close on Friday at 108.5 SPY ... this was 3-4 days ago ...
took out the bear stops and got them their margin calls today ...tomorrow we gap down and do the same for the bulls big bull trap...op ex games so now one will make money on options
I think so rrman
FWIW during up OPEX weeks there has been a strong tendency for a modest sell off developing late Thursday into a Friday bottom and then back up the following Monday.
Pretty well fits Jay's chart.
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