The insanity continues. The word we are hearing is that the Fed is going to be doing 100 billion dollars a month...for....ever basically. That led Singapore to tighten up their game, basically saying "if the dollar is going to keep going down, we have to protect ourselves".
This is going to continue around the globe. Then at some point, I don't know when.. it's going to "pop". When it does, this ought to be something amazing to witness.
If indeed the Fed is going to magically whip up 100 billion a month, we are on our way to hyperinflation. We are going to be the new Weimar economy.
my SHORT holdings (VXX/FAZ/BGZ) is down about $20,000. The question is, Should I could buy-in and AVG DOWN. The problem is, for how long this insanity continues???
I think Gold/Silver mining will reap hugh benefits.
I absolutely guarantee that the next "Lehmans" is already out there, trying to survive the foreclosure mess. Will Congress, who gets their real paychecks from the Bankers... push through legislation that stops the foreclosure moratorium? Obama said he wouldn't let it pass, but.. we'll see what the crooks has under their sleeves.
Jay - a crash to Wall St/Fed could be a 5% decline. IMO, with the FED doing $100 billion a month will prevent any real crash (~25%). Again that is my opinion.
But logic says the DOW should be at 4500 and SP at 300. But logic makes no sense anymore???
we are witnessing to the biggest Fraud in World History!!!
Abdullah i dont expect anything till next week, what ever the trigger is, might not be economic, unless the mkt decides something is TOO ugly to ignore
A failure to hold 1068 right now would be a moderate start
Tomrrow calls for an early boost at 26hrs at 10am, and IF they dont hold that, then thats also a good start
need to make waves 1 and 2 before 3 can take over.
Positive ENERGY still out there thru weekend, so expect stronger action Mon & Tuesday
I like to share my opinion(s), wether its good or bad, and your blog is certainly a place for it. Thanks for letting me post, although I could be ranting alot these days :-)
Good job jay, hope you bought the dip. Huge gap up tomorrow and will rally all day long. Another painful day for the bears, not sure they are still around though
Morning all....
The insanity continues. The word we are hearing is that the Fed is going to be doing 100 billion dollars a month...for....ever basically. That led Singapore to tighten up their game, basically saying "if the dollar is going to keep going down, we have to protect ourselves".
This is going to continue around the globe. Then at some point, I don't know when.. it's going to "pop". When it does, this ought to be something amazing to witness.
If indeed the Fed is going to magically whip up 100 billion a month, we are on our way to hyperinflation. We are going to be the new Weimar economy.
my SHORT holdings (VXX/FAZ/BGZ) is down about $20,000. The question is, Should I could buy-in and AVG DOWN. The problem is, for how long this insanity continues???
I think Gold/Silver mining will reap hugh benefits.
I absolutely guarantee that the next "Lehmans" is already out there, trying to survive the foreclosure mess. Will Congress, who gets their real paychecks from the Bankers... push through legislation that stops the foreclosure moratorium? Obama said he wouldn't let it pass, but.. we'll see what the crooks has under their sleeves.
I can remember times when a sharp sell-off in the dollar/yen would cause a sell-off in equities.
Mahendra looking for possible crash like wave between now & oct27th
whats a crash?
25% in a short time period??
BUT is that really a crash or just a very severe setback concentrated
in a very short time period
WALL ST likes to call that a crash- so be it
during HIGH energy time period
the mkt tends to OVERLOOK hidden or desire to hide or keep REAL facts on the back burner
the mkt is 80% emotion and until this wkend, it is STILL rose colored glasses
And its AT TIMES just like THIS when the MKT makes US DOUBT our short positions
THEY DONT WANT you to get any benefit from it
because thats their own little secret
Jay - a crash to Wall St/Fed could be a 5% decline. IMO, with the FED doing $100 billion a month will prevent any real crash (~25%). Again that is my opinion.
But logic says the DOW should be at 4500 and SP at 300. But logic makes no sense anymore???
we are witnessing to the biggest Fraud in World History!!!
The CPI is due tommorow. The CPI can move the markets up/down dramatically.
I think the CPI will be UP. which means INFLATION - due to commodities rise in SEP.
The CPI could be the trigger the market is looking for to set off a CRASH.
i dont expect anything till next week, what ever the trigger is, might not be economic, unless the mkt decides something is TOO ugly to ignore
A failure to hold 1068 right now would be a moderate start
Tomrrow calls for an early boost at 26hrs at 10am, and IF they dont hold that, then thats also a good start
need to make waves 1 and 2 before
3 can take over.
Positive ENERGY still out there thru weekend, so expect stronger action Mon & Tuesday
You & I are holding down the fort
WATCH what happens here when the EVENT actually occurs
Chatter has been MINIMUM, even at yahoo groups, and other blogs
I like to share my opinion(s), wether its good or bad, and your blog is certainly a place for it. Thanks for letting me post, although I could be ranting alot these days :-)
258bars closed early at 252 bars at 3pm
Good job jay, hope you bought the dip. Huge gap up tomorrow and will rally all day long. Another painful day for the bears, not sure they are still around though
Jay - just FYI - in the past when Mahendra has called a crash it has been a move of 3-5% ....
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