as a 90 bar cycle pivot, and it lead to a 3:30 high, a little after the mentioned
3pm possible high, so over all, not perfect, but NOT bad either.
problems abound
SPX Futures indicate a lower open - off 5.80
Neg energy at noon
pos energy at 3pm
neg energy after hours
Activity index weak at 200 level all night
Flux a little quiet today
90bars at 2pm
Breaking support today would setup tomrrow's CALL FOR CHAOS
Pomo day helge says we reverse around now and go up into 1pm central then start the big down into 10am Wed morning
Thanks rrman
Neg energy at noon
Pos energy at 3pm -east time= 1pm central
10am Wed = 13 hours- just the start of something more
Well.. it's a mixed bag out there for sure. They liked the consumer confidence numbers because they rose a bit, but all they could do with it was get us green for a bit. so far it's a pretty trendless day.
rrman, looks like helge might be right. btw, what's 1pm central in ny time, is it 2pm?
yeah 2pm Jay is the Pos energy at 3pm eastern?
YEs, 3pm eastern
I always use eastern time over here
So far is looks like waves 1,2,3
at open
now wave 4, then 5 of 1 at 10am tomrrow
see how long wave 2 takes tomrrow
One commentator on CNBC says the SPX can gain 100 points AFTER elections if they dont give up MUCH ground till then
Would be nice to see 200 lost b4 elections, then I'll gladly let them have 100 back [ggg]
90 bar low hitting at 2pm exactly on schedule
see if it pivots back up to 3pm
There is ONE possible FUNDAMENTAL reason for a severe sell off
trade war or currency war
Astro background
Saturn & Neptune met on FEb 28th, 2007 and the mkt had a 400 pt dow sell off
Met again on June 28th,2010, but mkt made its low on JULY 2nd & 6th and was 210 pts off the Apr26th HIGh.
Now they meet again tomrow @ 6:25AM, effecting EUROPE, and our open
Saturn & Neptune REMAIN in CLOSE contact till the 28th during which time they ALSO conjunct POLLUX indicating LOSSES
as well as Sirus indicating death & destruction while SQUARING the MOON
Mars is ALSo at 29Degrees Scorpio
and does not change to Sagit until the 29th
If there is ANY inkling of a trade problem, it should occur now, unless something else is brewing.
No plunge tomorrow or Thursday means what
The /6e made a nice move down today but the rest of the market didn't and Helge shows today to be the bottom now rally up into december as much as I hate to say it the failure of the market to tank today is bad for bears i've taken down all my shorts and have went long /6e until midnight or so but helge shows a stairstep up now.....
Rrman. Weren't we supposed to tank into the 28th?
With end of month and more Pomo on the 28th it
Doesn't look like it.
Janeva I'm saying I don't see how we can now today was the test for me and since we didn't tank today i think the decline is off now....
RR. I agree. This Astros stuff is non sense
The DOW need to trade at 11200 before going LONG. It only takes couple of days to plunge 1000 points and wipe out all LONG profits. TRADE WITH CAUTION - GL
Rman - looks like Helge is inverted again this week - hence the selloff and whatever we are going to get will be tomorrow ... then rest of the week sideways ...
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